Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 2 Do you know garbage classification?

The young man had already discovered the two lickers climbing down from the top of the building, but because of the angle, the people inside didn't notice until then. They immediately became panicked, and hurriedly pulled a shelf over and blocked it. Broken glass windows.

"If you can kill one, it's okay to kill two more, right?"

The strong man looked at the young man with a ferocious smile:

"So I'll leave these two to you!"

The young man looked back at the two lickers who were slowly approaching, with a smile on his face:

"I don't plan to kill them, I'll leave it to you to solve it yourself!"

"Hahahaha! Are you starting to have a fever now? You are outside. If you don't kill them, you won't even have the last few hours of your life. You can only watch yourself being torn apart by them."

The strong man's face was distorted by a smile:

"Do you think someone from us will go out to help you? Boy, for the sake of your own life, you should fight hard! After dealing with these two lickers, we will help you collect the corpses. Moreover, when we are free in the future, we Maybe I’ll still think of you!”

"No! They won't tear me apart."

The young man shook his head, pointed at his nose and said:

"You told me, I'm infected! Zombies never attack the same kind. From this point of view, they are much better than us humans!"

Then, the young man bent down and picked up the half of the tongue that the thin man had just thrown on the ground, squeezed out a little blood with his hands, smeared it on his face and neck, and waved to the strong man:

"So...goodbye! I hope you can all survive, although I also think it's a bit hypocritical to say this."

After saying that, the young man turned around, swung the half of his tongue with his hand, and walked towards the two lickers.

Under the surprised gazes of the strong man and others, the young man actually walked through the two lickers, but the two lickers didn't even look at him and still crawled towards them slowly.

"Smell! He covered his scent with the blood of his lickers!"

The thin man suddenly woke up and rushed to the window. His arm stretched out from the gap in the cabinet, grabbed the young man's direction, and shouted:

"Give me back! Give me back that tongue! That's mine! Mine! You bastard! Robber!!"

The young man continued to move forward as if he didn't hear anything, but the blood that flowed out from the skinny man's hand because it was pierced by the glass stimulated the two lickers. They roared at the same time and rushed towards the arm stretched out. .

"Ah! Help!"

"Cut this tongue off quickly, it's got me!"

"Damn it, hold up the shelves and block them!"

"He squeezed in! Cut him!"

"Help! Come back quickly! I was wrong, help me! I don't want to die!"

"Yes, yes! Come back and kill them. Good people will be rewarded! You...ah~~!"

Desperate screams, shrill screams, and urgent cries for help were intertwined with the sounds of overturned shelves and debris falling to the ground. Occasionally, the excited roars of the lickers could be heard.

The young man seemed not to have heard anything and continued to stroll forward with a faint smile on his face. However, in the depths of Tianya's eyes, there was a trace of sadness hidden...

"You stubborn bastard, you will definitely go to hell!"

The sounds from behind gradually disappeared, and finally only this vicious curse reached the young man's ears. The young man suddenly stopped. He looked at the tongue swinging in his hand and threw it aside with a look of disgust. He looked up at the gloomy sky and murmured:

"Go to hell? Haha! I have been in this damn hell for more than a year..."

The end of this world seems to have happened more than twenty years ago, but this young man has only experienced it here for a little more than a year, because - he is not from this world.

His name is Li Yichen, and he is a native of Earth. He came here because of an accident. When he first arrived here, he really thought he had gone to hell.

Unlike other time travellers, he came to this world with his own body and did not gain the memory of anyone else. And the most important thing is that other time travelers all traveled with the system, but He didn't.

When he first arrived, he searched all over his body and couldn't find any golden finger similar to the system, the old man's soul, the ring with space and beauty, which is said to be necessary for time travellers.

So Li Yichen felt that the reason why he came to this zombie-infested apocalypse was because he watched too many action movies in his previous life, so he suffered retribution. Therefore, he felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known that the consequences of watching action movies would be so serious, he would I should watch less of them...

However, Li Yichen was quite lucky. Relying on his own abilities, he finally managed to survive in this world. Although it was only just over a year, he already found it quite difficult.

Especially when he first came here, he knew nothing about this world. When he saw zombies, he thought they were filming a movie. He was not directly caught by the "partner". This was already possessed by Teacher Cang's aura.

This city is his current residence, but now, he must move. Enhanced zombies will never appear alone, because enhanced zombies cannot be born among scattered zombies in the wild, only large zombies can. It gave birth to enhanced zombies such as lickers and tyrants, so these lickers must be followed by a large zombie tide.

After returning to his residence, he packed up all his belongings and threw them in the modified RV. After taking one last look at his "home", Li Yichen made sure that nothing was left behind, then turned and walked out.

"Ding! I finally found you, host! The garbage classification system has returned to the team, requesting binding!"

Just as he stepped out of the door, an electronic sound sounded in Li Yichen's ears. Li Yichen stiffened, stopped, turned his head and looked around, but found nothing, so he asked:

"Who is speaking?"

"Me! Garbage sorting system!"

The electronic voice replied.

"Garbage classification system? What function do you have?"

Li Yichen looked confused. What other time-travelers get are the rich system, the invincible pet system, etc. What the hell is your...garbage classification system?

"Function? I can sort the garbage!"

Electronic Sound was extremely proud and gave an answer that almost made Li Yichen vomit blood.

"Then...in addition to garbage sorting, do you have other functions?"

Li Yichen asked with a hint of hope in his heart.

"No! I know how to sort garbage! Do you know what garbage sorting is?"

The system's answer was very pleasant, and it seemed that it wanted to impart basic knowledge to Li Yichen.

"Of course I know how to sort garbage!"

Li Yichen gritted his teeth. Before the time travel, the city he was in happened to be promoting this, so he really understood it very well, but... this is the end of the world, does garbage classification need to be carried out?

He looked at the ruins covered with vines around him, and felt like crying in his heart: So, I want to build this place into... a beautiful paradise with clean environment, fresh air, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and zombies running rampant?

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