Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1117 Everyone is gone

Although Li Yichen is still an ordinary person, after all, he has reached the level of a controller, so Kaizi still feels the terrifying aura under the full explosion. Kaizi even feels that Li Yichen is more powerful than the spider at this time. Geer was even more frightened because he had no idea of ​​resisting in front of him.

"The real strong man, is this the real strong man?"

Kaizi looked at Li Yichen and murmured.

"That's right! Kaizi, if you want to become a strong man and lead mankind to rebuild this world, then you must not have fear in your heart. Only in this way can you truly face any enemies that will appear in front of you in the future and sweep them away. !”

Li Yichen stared at Kaizi and said.

Kaizi took a deep breath, carefully put all the notebooks and recorders in his hands into the waterproof compartment of the backpack, then put the bag on his back, looked at Li Yichen and said:

"I understand, boss! Then...I'll leave! Take care of yourself!!"

"Leave now?"

Li Yichen was stunned. It was already afternoon and it would get dark soon. It might not be a good time to leave at this time.

"It's getting dark now. Why don't you wait until early tomorrow morning before setting off?"

Li Yichen asked, pointing to the sky.

"Haha! Boss, you just told me not to have any fear. If I am even afraid of darkness, how can I face other enemies? In the future, maybe this guy Geer will become my enemy, so I just want to leave now !”

Kaizi laughed!

"Okay! I'll give it to you!"

Li Yichen patted Kaizi on the shoulder, and then the two of them went down the mountain together to the beach, swam directly to the boat, and started to move the things on the boat down. There were many things on the boat that Kaizi planned to use on the island. If he went out to sea, Basically, these things were used a lot, so Kaizi only left food and water, and everything else was left on the island.

Seeing Kaizi driving the boat away gradually, Li Yichen couldn't help but take a deep breath and left. All the people who came to this island in the first place were finally gone, and now, only he and Geer were left... …

Looking back at Geer who was still following him, Li Yichen suddenly smiled and patted its head:

"It's not bad. I finally don't have to kill you. Instead of letting other creatures be the master of this nest, I might as well let you be the master!"

Because Li Yichen was speaking, Geer didn't understand what Li Yichen said, but at least he could feel that Li Yichen was happy, so he nuzzled Li Yichen with his head.

"Alas! You are a Zerg, Guo Qing is an undead, Kaizi is a human, and Huang Dahu is Li Fangzhou. We are almost all here. I don't know what you will do to this world after I leave. , I really want to see what it will be like when you get together again!"

Li Yichen turned to look at the sea, touched Geer's head and whispered softly, and then Li Yichen finally said to Geer in his heart:

"Go! Geer, go and devour the beast king's eggs in that beast's nest. Let me see what kind of nest this island will be after it is completely integrated!"

Suddenly receiving this order from Li Yichen, Geer seemed a little surprised, and then he was overjoyed. He immediately turned around and rushed towards the beast's nest. He had wanted to do this for a long time, but Li Yichen kept suppressing him and refused to let him go. Now he got it If you get the order, why don’t you hurry up?

At this time, Li Yichen finally understood the problem he was thinking about before. He had been thinking about why there would be an insect nest if he killed Geer. Now it seems that he has no way to avoid it. It is either an insect nest or an insect nest. The beast's nest, in short, this nest will definitely be integrated eventually.

Because he thought that the insect nests would merge, Li Yichen did not go back to the top of the mountain. Instead, he sat down on the beach, sitting in the tomb he had dug for Guo Qing. The sand pit he had dug to dig out Guo Qing was here. A lot of it had been automatically filled in, leaving only a small shallow pit. Li Yichen stood in the pit, sat on the edge of the pit, and looked down at his feet.

"Actually, no matter what kind of strong man he is, he cannot live forever. I'm afraid his final destination is just such a small pit, right?"

Li Yichen suddenly felt emotional in his heart, because he thought that these people now might be able to achieve great things in the future. Except for Kaizi, who didn't know much about it, Guo Qing's undead, Geer's Zerg, and the ones left by Li Fangzhou It can be said that I have encountered that organization in the future.

But at that time, I am afraid that even Guo Qing, the undead who claims to have eternal life, has long since disappeared in the long river of history, let alone Huang Dahu and Kaizi. As for Geer, Li Yichen doesn't know if he can survive. In his own era, after all, the Grand Chancellor had said that there were many insect nests, and no one knew which brood nest Geer was in, and whether the brood king at that time was still Geer.

However, even if it is Geer, Li Yichen feels that he has little chance to meet him, because his current goal is the Tiandao Tower, and after completing this ultimate trial, he still has time to break into the thunder and lightning Tiandao Tower. , but... listening to the meaning of the Great Speaker, it seems that after a kind of heaven and earth rules are truly completed, it seems to be promoted to another realm, and this is the ultimate trial. After completion, after returning to the Tiandao Tower, Will he be the first human being to enter that realm?

In addition, Li Yichen now vaguely felt that something was wrong. According to the information he had received before, the undead were created by humans from the source world. But now that the first undead had appeared, why would they use people from the source world to create it?


Thinking of this question, Li Yichen suddenly remembered another thing, that is, when he returned to the Tiandao Tower during a puzzle, there was not even a stone tablet in the Tiandao Tower. Everything was as if the Tiandao Tower was still in its initial state. It seems that he activated the Tiandao Tower and the stone tablet himself.

And now here, he helped the undead and Zerg truly come to this world. Could it be that he was the initiator of everything he experienced?


Thinking of this possibility, Li Yichen couldn't help but swallow his saliva. This was a bit too much. Don't wait until the end and find out that the final BOSS is him. Then...

Just when he thought of this, Li Yichen suddenly felt the island begin to shake. Because he was sitting on the beach, his body began to sink as the sand sank. Li Yichen quickly stood up and rushed towards the sea in a few steps. , swam directly outside for a while, and then turned around.

That was the pit where Guo Qing was buried. Once Guo Qing was buried, he and Kaizi had to dig out. If Li Yichen was buried in it now, no one would be able to dig him out!

Constantly treading water in the sea, Li Yichen looked at the island and found that the island was indeed shaking violently. It seemed that the guy Geer had succeeded. He didn't expect it to swallow the Beast King egg so quickly. But thinking about it carefully, the Beast King It hasn't hatched yet. Isn't it easy to swallow a little guy who hasn't hatched out of the egg yet?

That guy didn't even have the ability to resist!

At this time, the nesting beetles and mantises on the top of the mountain all took off. The nesting beetles were still holding the unfinished Insect King's Nest in their mouths. Only when he saw the Insect King's Nest did Li Yichen remember that Geer had originally said that he would build it again. He would catch a big beetle and then devour the King Beast egg. Now he must have devoured the King Beast egg. This insect nest... seems to have to be studied slowly.

But Li Yichen immediately shook his head. The nesting beetle created in the Beast King's Nest also used the life energy brought by Sha Xue. When the insect nest is completely integrated, won't the next Sha Xue belong to Geer? By then, It's not easy to build a nesting beetle. Besides, Geer is a Zerg, so he must be better at making nesting beetles than the Orcs!

At this time, Li Yichen discovered that the jungle over there had actually begun to wither, and it was in patches. These jungles were used by the beast's nest to collect the life energy in the sand and snow. The insect nest did not need this. Therefore, of course they must be destroyed, but I don’t know whether this was destroyed by Geer on his own initiative, or whether destroying them is a necessary step to integrate the insect nest.

Now that the jungle has begun to disappear, then... the mountains should start to be replenished, right?

Li Yichen looked at the mountains again, and sure enough, the surrounding mountains began to change. At first, it was the color outside. It originally looked like Black Rock Mountain, but now, the color of the mountains began to change, and finally became the insect that Li Yichen was familiar with. The shell of the nest!

Moreover, at the same time as the color changed, the mountain wall facing the inside began to gradually disappear, while the mountain wall outside began to grow upward. Originally, this was because the inner circle was a jungle and belonged to the territory of the beast's nest, so The insect nest forms the shape of a mountain range to protect the small insect nest inside.

But now, the beast's nest has been completely destroyed, and all the space inside belongs to the insect nest, so of course the inner wall layer is not needed. What the insect nest needs to do now is to cap the top, and only the upper part is closed. This insect nest That's when it's truly finished.

The outer wall of the insect nest continued to grow, but after it grew a lot taller, it began to slow down and finally stopped completely. It seemed that the life energy was insufficient! There is still a big hole on the top that has not been repaired! However, it is almost evening now. As long as there is a sandy snowfall in the evening, the life energy required by the insect nest will probably be almost the same!

The key point now is whether the sand and snow will fall again. After all, the sand and snow are used to replenish the life energy of the warring parties and only ensure that their sources of soldiers will not be exhausted. Now the war seems to be over, the nests have begun to merge, and the sand and snow have begun to fall. If he didn't come, Nagel would probably still be busy...

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