Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1113 Transforming zombies?


Kaizi was stunned, took the shovel and looked at Li Yichen with a confused expression, "What do you mean by digging out Guo Qing?"

He was just buried yesterday, what are you going to dig up today?

Although Kaizi and Guo Qing are not very familiar with each other, they still feel a little bad. After all, what matters is burial. You buried yesterday and dug it up today. And what are you doing digging up a body?

"Remember the lobster and the mantis yesterday?"

Seeing Kaizi's stunned expression, Li Yichen suddenly asked.

"Remember! Isn't it just..."

Kaizi answered casually, but immediately his body shook violently, and he looked at Li Yichen with his mouth wide open:

"You...you...you mean...Guo Qingye...can also...be resurrected like a lobster?"

Because his thoughts were too horrifying, Kaizi couldn't even speak coherently, and it took all his strength to say the last two words "Resurrection".

"Both lobster and mantis can do it, why can't Guo Qing?"

Li Yichen nodded. In fact, if it were just lobsters and mantises, Li Yichen would not be so sure. After all, these two things are insects with relatively simple body structures. Moreover, Li Yichen had seen insect nests producing large numbers of insectoids, so he felt that this kind of life form Actually it shouldn't be complicated.

But Li Yichen had seen the resurrected sheep before. They had skinned it, dug out the internal organs, and roasted the charred sheep to appear alive again. Sheep are animals, mammals like humans. They are all If he can be resurrected, then... Guo Qing should also have great hope.

However, Li Yichen did not explain in detail to Kaizi, but since he knew that he wanted to dig out Guo Qing to see if he could be resurrected, Kaizi of course had no objection, so he immediately followed Li Yichen to the beach and carefully removed Guo Qing. Qing's body was exhumed.

At this time, Guo Qing's body seemed to have changed slightly. It was not as dry and hard as when it was buried before. Maybe it was because it absorbed the sand of life?

Li Yichen and Kaizi didn't think carefully and placed Guo Qing's body at the entrance of the cave where he died. It could avoid the sun and the temperature was suitable!

After doing all this, Li Yichen and Kaizi began to wait. In fact, Geer or those praying mantises could have delivered Guo Qing's body, but the claws of these insect tribes were very sharp, so Li Yichen felt that it was better for him It would be safer to do this with Kaizi himself.

What if these mantises used too much force to damage Guo Qing's body while transporting it, and the resurrection failed as a result? It would be troublesome. Anyway, the animals had a few minutes to drink water, plus the time they spent running back and forth. This was enough time for them to move Guo Qing's body from the cave to the jungle.

Because they got up early in the morning and went down to dig out Guo Qing's body without even eating breakfast, it was still early. While waiting in the cave, Li Yichen also looked at other stone eggs and found nothing unusual. Moreover, Geer is also with him now, in the cave.

Li Yichen was afraid of an accident, so he called Geer over. If the animals sensed that there was someone here and rushed over directly, they would not be defenseless!

Finally, Li Yichen saw the animals running out. When all the animals rushed past them and ran towards the beach, Li Yichen suddenly said:

"Now, let's go!"


Kaizi was stunned, but when he saw that Li Yichen had picked up Guo Qing's body and rushed out, he quickly picked up a small cushion on the ground and followed!

They had agreed before that they would wait until the last wave of large creatures came out before sending Guo Qing there, because the white mist formed by life energy became thicker as it went back, but I don't know why Li Yichen suddenly changed his mind!

Carrying Guo Qing's body to the front of the jungle, Li Yichen had already remembered the area that would be covered with white mist, so he found a spot closest to the jungle and put Guo Qing's body up there, while Kaizi also placed himself The cushion in his hand covered Guo Qing's body.

This mat was just made by them to protect Guo Qing. The four corners under the mat were raised, and then fixed with boards in the mat, which was equivalent to adding a layer on top of Guo Qing. The protective cover, of course, may not be that strong, but it will at least serve a purpose!

After putting them away, Li Yichen and Kaizi immediately left the jungle and hid in the mountain again. However, this time they did not enter the cave. Instead, they found a hiding place where they had just gone up the mountain. They both lay on the ground. The distance was close. If any problem arises, they can respond quickly.

Moreover, Li Yichen also prepared his bow, ready to stand up and shoot at any time! Because Geer is too big, and its body is now colorful and difficult to hide, it is still in the cave. However, with Geer's speed, if an accident really happens, it will definitely be able to survive better than Li Yichen and the others. Arrive at Guo Qing's location early.

As for Kaizi, if something really happened, he would have only one mission - to get Guo Qing's body back, so he didn't bring any weapons, not even a machete. Anyway, he was facing so many large animals. It doesn't matter whether he carries a knife or not!

Not long after they hid, the animals ran back all the way. When he saw them forming a circle and starting to spit out white mist of life energy, Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Guo Qing was not stepped on by these animals. , although they have taken precautions, they are not sure. If that animal happened to step on Guo Qing's head, Guo Qing would probably be choked up!

However, this is an adventure in itself, and if it can really be resurrected, it is estimated that even if Guo Qing's head is crushed, he can still survive, as long as he doesn't get stepped on again!

"Boss, why are you sending it here now?"

Seeing the animals starting to spit out white mist, Kaizi couldn't help but ask.

"Guo Qing is a human being. If he wants to be resurrected, he may need a lot of life energy. I'm worried what if it's just the last time and the life energy is not enough to resurrect him?

So let’s put it up now. The white mist this time is not enough, so there will be two more in the future! "

Li Yichen replied:

"The only flaw is that we only know that big beetles will not attack people. We don't know if those animals will. But I have asked Geer to be on standby, and those mantises are also waiting. Once we see Guo Qing resurrected, if those animals Attack him, and we'll rush up to him. You can snatch Guo Qing back and run up the mountain. As long as you go up the mountain, you won't be afraid of anything!"

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Kaizi suddenly realized that Li Yichen was trying to be more secure and ensure that Guo Qing could be resurrected today, so he suddenly realized, then nodded and said:

"Don't worry, leave Guo Qing to me, no problem!"

Soon, the white mist dissipated, and the second wave of animals finally appeared. Because Li Yichen placed Guo Qing on the side close to the jungle, he was blocked by those animals and could not be seen for the time being. Li Yichen had no choice but to do this, because these After animals appear, they will go straight to the beach. If Guo Qing is placed here, it is basically certain that he will be stepped on by the animals! Even after being resurrected, he would only survive for a few seconds before being trampled to death, and he would suffer even more!

"Boss! Is Guo Qing alive?"

At this time, Kaizi became very nervous, and his breathing was a little rapid. This was really bringing the dead back to life! He was about to witness it with his own eyes. Although he had seen a lot of new things along the way, he had never seen a dead person standing up alive and not being a zombie.

Moreover, once this method is confirmed to work, the value of this island... is immeasurable. After all, he is originally from this world, so Kaizi thinks more than Li Yichen. Li Yichen is just thinking about resurrecting Guo Qing. Because Guo Qing died on this island and was just buried yesterday, Li Yichen naturally thought of him when he saw the sheep resurrected.

And Kaizi thought well, if Guo Qing can be resurrected, what about those zombies?

Guo Qing's current state is similar to that of a zombie, and his body is even shriveled up than a zombie. Even he can be resurrected. So after killing those zombies and throwing them in, will the people before him be able to come back to life?

If so, then maybe this island is an opportunity to eliminate the doomsday in their world! And it’s not just about killing all the zombies, it’s about turning the zombies back into humans and making the world return to the way it was before! How tempting would this be for Kaizi?


Hearing Kaizi's words, Li Yichen heard his nervousness, so he turned to look at him. He wanted to pat his shoulder to calm him down, but now that Li Yichen had a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, he gave up and replied in a low voice. :

"The animals blocked it and I couldn't see it, but these animals didn't look back, so no matter whether Guo Qing is resurrected or not, at least he is not in danger. Let's continue to watch! Don't be nervous, we are too close to those animals now , if you are exposed and draw them here, it will disrupt our plan!"

"Yeah! I know!"

Kaizi nodded, then took a deep breath, trying to calm down his mood. He knew that Li Yichen was right. If he was exposed and lured those animals over, even though Geer was there, he could help block them for a while. Then the mantises above will come to support them, and they may not be in any danger and just need to escape back to the cave or the top of the mountain.

But in this way, Guo Qing's resurrection was probably interrupted. If he hadn't come back to life now, he would have to wait until tomorrow, so Kaizi retreated slightly and hid himself more secretly.

The white mist finally completely dissipated, and the second wave of animals also completely condensed, and then they began to run towards the beach. At this moment, an animal's cry suddenly sounded, located at the very back of the group of animals. Hearing this cry, originally, The group of animals that had already started to rush towards the beach suddenly stopped, and then all turned to face behind them...

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