Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1111 The burnt sheep ran away

Seeing Geer's actions, Li Yichen became even more uncomfortable, so he sighed again and turned around to leave. But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something and immediately stopped and looked at Geer. He didn't know what Li Yichen wanted to do, so he stood there in a daze with the tree covering his back.

"That's not right, Geer! You are the first Insect King. If I kill you, then there will be no Insects born in this world. If this is the case, where did the Insects in the Trial Land come from?

Where did the Zerg race come from that turned the humans in the Source World into shrinking turtles? "

Li Yichen stared at Geer and asked, while Geer looked at Li Yichen in confusion and listened to his constant yelling.

"No, it should be that I didn't kill Geer, but why didn't I kill it?

Did it resist, escape or kill me, or did I change my mind? "

Li Yichen didn't intend to let Geer answer. He just thought in his heart. At the same time, he waved his hand and started to lead Geer back to the top of the mountain. It was almost noon and the animals were about to come out, so it wasn't safe here, anyway. Just go back to the top of the mountain and think about these messy things.

So, Li Yichen thought all the way back to the top of the mountain, and then directed Geer to cut the tree he brought back into firewood of suitable size, lit a bonfire, and asked Geer to line up two mantises to get some fish back!

There is still some leftover food from yesterday, but it either fell into the fire and became charred, or it was not roasted yet, so it was left aside and dried out by the sun, making it impossible to eat!

If Li Yichen went by himself, he was afraid that he would be too late and be blocked by animals that came out to absorb the sea sand, so he simply let the mantises go. Anyway, they can fly and can go down directly from the cliff. It is said that the sea is full of rocks. Li Yichen and the others have never been there. There should be a lot of large seafood hidden in the cracks in the rocks!

He described the appearance of some seafood to Geer and found it a bit difficult, so he simply told him to let the mantises go down and catch some living creatures and bring them up. Anyway, you can eat whatever you catch, as long as those mantises are not all holding stones. Just come up!

The mantises understood quickly, and their two scythes were very suitable for hunting in the sea. After a while, the mantis brought back a lot of prey for Li Yichen, including even a large crab with a diameter of almost two meters. And a giant lobster with a body length of more than three meters!

Um! Just these two things are enough to eat!

Li Yichen nodded with satisfaction, and then left the largest crab and the largest lobster, as well as a few conchs and sea cucumbers. Of course, these things also looked different, but Li Yichen just looked at them and called them whatever he thought. What's the matter? As long as you can eat it!

As for the remaining ones, Li Yichen directly returned them to Geer. These creatures also contained life energy. Geer and the others could use them. However, Geer and the others seemed to despise this thing. After taking it, they threw it directly off the cliff and actually released it?

Although Li Yichen felt strange, he didn't ask any more questions. He went over and kicked Kaizi who was placed on the recliner, and shouted:

"Wake up, get up and make breakfast, and then get ready to watch the show!"


Kaizi opened his eyes drowsily, looked around and asked:

"What show are you watching?"

"Isn't there something to watch later?

Do you still need me to remind you? "

Li Yichen said, while his mind was still spinning, thinking about what he did later to cause the Zerg to appear, but Huang Dahu did not specifically mention himself as the "father of the Zerg!"

Kaizi climbed up directly and washed his face with the sea water that had been stored on one side. Then he felt a little more energetic. Then he saw the giant crab and giant lobster on the side, and he was immediately startled:

"I'll go! Boss, you went down to catch me?"

"Do you think it's possible?

Whether it's a crab or a lobster, one pair of pincers is enough to pinch me in two. Do I dare to go into the water to catch them? "

Li Yichen rolled his eyes, then pointed to the eight mantises still guarding the crabs and lobsters and said:

"What they flew down to catch is in the sea under the cliff!"

"I'll go! If I had known they could catch them, why would we go to all this trouble?"

Kaizi said a little depressed, then looked at the crabs and lobsters that were still running around, the corner of his mouth twitched and asked:

"Boss, how do you do this?

I'm so afraid of them drying out when I bake them! How about you let your spider kill them?

Its claws are very sharp! "

"Ger's claws may be poisonous. Are you sure you want to kill him?"

Li Yichen curled his lips and said, then threw a bundle of rope over:

"I'll ask them to help. You tie up the crabs and lobsters, or you just chop off their pliers. Wouldn't that work?"

After giving the solution, Li Yichen ignored Kaizi. Anyway, with Geer and the mantises watching, nothing would happen to him. Now those animals were about to appear again, and he had to watch carefully. After all, he was wandering around the beast's nest yesterday. After a while, who knows if they will change today?

Sure enough, it didn't take long for those animals to appear again, but they still seemed to be the same as yesterday. After appearing, they went straight to the beach. At this time, the things that had been unloaded from the boat on the beach had been brought to the top of the mountain with the help of Geer. , and the other ship that has not unloaded cargo is docked far away, so it should be safe.

As before, the animals entered the sea without any pause, constantly swallowing the sand, and then returned to the front of the jungle. However, Li Yichen discovered that the place where they enclosed actually included the place where they roasted the sheep yesterday. The sheep, which had been roasted into black coals, were also surrounded by them.

However, Li Yichen didn't care, and just watched the animals spit out white mist. Then, when the white mist dissipated, what appeared was the second wave of larger animals.

"Fortunately! It seems that these guys haven't changed much!"

Li Yichen was secretly glad because he had not yet made a real decision in his heart. If there were any changes, he might be forced to decide as soon as possible whether to kill Geer or let Geer swallow the Beast King egg.

However, just after Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly opened his eyes because among the second wave of animals, he actually found a one-horned sheep...

Li Yichen immediately looked at the place where they had barbecued and found that the sheep that had been burned to black charcoal had magically disappeared.

"Could it be...that this is the sheep?"

Li Yichen was shocked. A sheep whose internal organs had been cleaned, its skin had been peeled off, and its body had even been roasted to a crisp, actually came back to life?

Is this really possible?

However, if the sheep was not resurrected, how could we explain the situation before us?

In particular, although the size of the second wave of animals has not yet reached a huge level, it is more than ten times or even dozens of times larger than the sheep. As the only small animal in the entire group, the sheep appears to be quite large. Eye-catching.

Li Yichen kept staring at the sheep, watching it run all the way into the sea, start to swallow the sand, and then follow the animals that were much larger than it, preparing to run back. At this time, Li Yichen's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately called Geer asked it to call a praying mantis over, and then ordered it to kill the praying mantis in its mind.

Geer didn't quite understand what Li Yichen meant, but he killed the mantis without any hesitation and sent the body to Li Yichen. Kaizi was very excited when he saw it, and he quickly came over and asked:

"Roasted mantis?

I like to eat this! "

"Go aside! I want to do an experiment!"

Li Yichen frowned and said, then thought about it and felt uneasy, so he asked Geer to stab the lobster to death too! Seeing Geer's actions, even Kaizi didn't understand what Li Yichen wanted to do and looked at him with confusion!

When the lobster carcass was also placed next to the mantis carcass, Li Yichen asked Geer to send a few mantises to carry the two bodies to the foot of the mountain and wait there. Geer still did as he was told. After that, Li Yichen Start observing quietly from above.

The second wave of animals quickly ran back to the jungle and began to spit out white mist formed by life energy again. The mantises waiting below seemed to feel the life energy in the white mist and seemed a little restless, but they still did not pass. Waiting for the order honestly.

After the third wave of animals appeared and ran to the seaside, Li Yichen immediately asked Geer to place the two corpses in the area where the animals were spitting out white mist, and placed them on the far sides, not close to the center.

Kaizi was confused and looked at Li Yichen, only to find that Li Yichen was staring at the third wave of animals below with a solemn expression, so he didn't speak and he was also observing carefully.

Soon, the third wave of animals also completed devouring the sand of life and began to return, and then continued to spit out white mist. According to convention, what appeared again this time would be a huge nesting beetle, that is, At this time, Li Yichen received a message from Geer, asking if he could capture this big beetle!

Now that Geer has completed the inheritance of the Insect King, he is no longer a simple intelligent Zerg. Of course, his authority has also been maximized. After all, he is the first Insect King. Among the Zerg, his status is supreme, even if there are others later. Some other insect nests appear, and the insect king of each insect nest will also make Geer's subordinates unconditionally obey Geer's orders!

Therefore, if he wants to conquer this beetle again today, Geer does not need to consume it first, he can take it back directly!

However, Li Yichen hesitated and stopped Geer, telling him that if he wanted to control it, he would let it control him tomorrow. As for today, he would let it go because Li Yichen had something very important to verify...

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