Although this was not the first time he saw a battleship "take action", Hou Zhuang was still speechless when looking at this messy scene, feeling like he was in a dream.

But he didn't forget what he had to do now.

They are going to kill the awakened one.

Xia Bai walked in front, while Hou Zhuang was behind and alerted the surroundings. Many zombies were attracted by the loud noise here. In the world of zombies, there are no territorial laws, even around extreme mutants. There would often be a large number of zombies, so Hou Zhuang would fire sporadically. His marksmanship was not very accurate, but he could still stop the wandering zombies.

But at this moment, Xia Bai in front suddenly stopped.

Hou Zhuang thought something was wrong, so he immediately turned his gun and looked forward, and saw a group of people approaching in the shadows in front.

It's not quite right to call a group of people, it was just four people.

Hou Zhuang's tactical flashlights clearly illuminated the figures of these people.

To be exact, that was five people.

The person in the lead was wearing a crisp suit and leather shoes, dragging a motionless person in his hand. Behind him, there were three people with live ammunition, dressed in the same military style that Hou Zhuang had seen before. The personnel are all different, and I don’t know if they are from the military.

Hou Zhuang became slightly vigilant. He stood beside Xia Bai, waiting to take action at any time.

But until the distance between the people on both sides was reduced to five or six meters away, no conflict really broke out.

The man in the suit who was leading him dropped the person he was dragging on the ground in front of Xia Bai. It was the awakened person who had lost his arm just now. He seemed to be breathing, his eyelids were trembling slightly, and his lips were opening and closing. You know whether you are breathing hard or trying to call for help.

This kind of dying without dying is the most painful thing.

Xia Bai glanced at it, then raised his head, looked at the suit in front of him, smiled, and said, "Long time no see, Ye Qizhi."

At this moment, standing in front of him was Ye Qizhi, the security chief of the Xihuang Group who had offered an olive branch to Xia Bai at the gas station on the highway out of the city.

Xia Bai didn't expect to meet this person here and at this moment. Although he was a little strange, he didn't show it.

Hou Zhuang seemed a little surprised. He didn't seem to expect Xia Bai to meet an acquaintance here. When they were at the gas station, Xia Bai and Ye Qizhi talked at the car wall outside. Neither Hou Zhuang nor the others had seen this person before. .

Ye Qizhi also smiled: "It's not that we haven't seen you for a long time, it's only been more than a month. However, this is an awakened person. He can stand up and run even if he breaks an arm or falls."

Xia Bai smiled. The awakened person's vitality was indeed tenacious, but even if the other party ran away, it would be impossible for him to escape from his hands today. However, he still said: "Thank you for your help."

When he said this, he changed the topic slightly and said, "Why are you here?"

In the previous life, Xia Bai did not remember that Zhuhe City was so lively.

"Ha." Ye Qizhi laughed, took out a pack of cigarettes from his waist, slowly pulled out one, lit it, took a sip, and then said slowly, "There is a scientific research base behind Shizui Mountain over there. Our group and relevant government departments are jointly developing anti-zombie viruses there."

Ye Qizhi said it very happily, which surprised Xia Bai.

However, Xia Bai was even more surprised that he didn't know that he actually had a scientific research base here. There were only a few months between when he arrived here in his last life, but the pattern in this city seemed to have changed. A sea change.

Instead, Xia Bai felt vaguely uneasy.

Seeing that Xia Bai didn't speak, Ye Qizhi blew out a puff of smoke, glanced at the RV over there, and said, "What an incredible thing - didn't you get this from the military? Originally we didn't want to show up, the research institute is a secret Yes, we are not military personnel. For safety reasons, we have been monitoring the movements of zombies and survivors in the city. We have limited manpower and have no intention of intervening. But you have been too vocal in the past two days. This The stuff is too strong, and we are acquaintances, so I just came out to say hello to you."

Xia Bai said: "Then I'm quite flattered."

Ye Qizhi said: "I don't mean that. I just want to ask if you are interested in joining our Xihuang Group now? Ha, this time I am sincere."

Xia Bai glanced at the soldiers behind Ye Qizhi who were firing at the surrounding zombies, and said, "I don't want to take the military's 'car' for the time being."

Ye Qizhi was stunned for a moment, looked at the RV over there, and seemed to understand something. He smiled and said: "Then I won't force it, but before, my place was still under military control - we survived in Bingcheng Prison They came out when the survivor base was completed. They had been taken care of there, but now, the Bingcheng Prison survivor base is gone. They are driven around by zombies everywhere. It is said that they are going to Changbai Mountain. Our survivors The research will continue, and once they leave, unless there is any new situation or new instructions, we will probably have to stay here."

Xia Bai had an impression of this matter. In the previous life, around the first or second year of the apocalypse, a large number of survivor bases in the three eastern provinces began to undergo a "Great Migration" due to the pressure of the overly large zombie tide outside the base. movement, at that time several groups of survivors and military forces gathered in the Changbai Mountain area, where they built the most famous "Changbai Mountain Survivor Base" in the entire Northeast. It was the largest survivor base in the entire Northeast at that time, gathering A large number of military armaments and high-end weapons, coupled with the natural geographical location of Changbai Mountain, apart from the harsh local environment, it is almost impossible for zombies to pose a threat to the survivors there. The most famous "Thirteen Kings" among ordinary survivors at that time "Also among them.

But at that time, Xia Bai was far away from Changbai Mountain. When he wanted to go there, intelligent zombies had begun to appear. There were so many zombies outside the warning circle of the Changbai Mountain Survivor Base that he could only retreat to the direction of Liao Province. , and later, around the fourth year of the end, the Changbai Mountain survivor base completely collapsed.

It is said that the "Thirteen Kings", composed of thirteen super-powerful awakened people, launched an internal rebellion and wanted to squeeze out the government. The mixed forces of several parties became more and more intense, and finally caused a great chaos and gave the intelligent zombies a chance. , causing the entire survivor base to collapse, and if the Changbai Mountain survivor base had not collapsed, the Shengjing survivor base would not have grown in strength, let alone become the next target of the zombies from the three eastern provinces.

Of course, at this moment, these are things that have not happened yet.

Thinking about it now, even Xia Bai felt like she was in another world.

At this time, Ye Qizhi over there said: "There are many people who want to join our Xihuang Group, but there are not many people who refuse us... and refuse us twice, ha, but it doesn't matter, I still have a free I’m going to provide you with information, do you want it?”

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