Seeing this, Xia Bai took a deep breath, turned around and rushed into the building. At this moment, he was still more than ten meters away from the zombie at the front. But just as he turned into the building, the zombie at the front was there. Already rushed to the door.

Xia Bai ran all the way to the second floor, and then went to the rooftop. He pulled the things he had prepared prematurely to block the entrance to the rooftop, and fired randomly into the sky.

But at this moment, the zombies below had actually surged up. The huge number of them opened up most of Xia Bai's blockage at the entrance to the rooftop in just a moment, and stretched out their bloody arms, as if they were in hell. Scenes.

——In just a short while, the second floor was almost filled with zombies crowding in from outside. And outside, there were hundreds of zombies still going crazy following the sound of gunshots and the smell of living people. are pouring into this building.

Xia Bai knew that he couldn't stay here any longer. He took a deep breath, walked to the edge of the rooftop, shot a few zombies blocking his RV, and used the ropes he had prepared here to kill him in one breath Slided down from above.

As soon as he landed, a zombie jumped out from the corner, opened its big mouth and bit directly at Xia Bai. Xia Bai was slightly startled and shook his hands several times, but he missed the zombie. It was critical, but the impact of the bullet knocked the zombie to the ground. Xia Bai broke out in a cold sweat, opened the door and got in the car, then without hesitation turned the front of the car and rushed away.

What surprised him was that the girl he picked up by the roadside stopped screaming now and sat there blankly, as if she had lost her soul.

But Xia Bai couldn't care about this girl at the moment. He turned around and rushed out. After about two hundred meters, he took out the remote control of his remote-controlled bomb and pressed the red button hard. , and then...


Behind him, a ball of fire first appeared in the corner of the "dangerous building", and then, the continuous explosions began. Finally, the entire building even turned into a blazing ball of fire. The explosion The sound was earth-shaking, and correspondingly, Xia Bai's energy points soared upwards like a rocket.

Xia Bai drove his car and circled around the building with the powerful power of the battleship, collecting as many energy points as possible. Of course, the battleship would also be affected to a certain extent by an explosion of this scale.

[Dear Captain, the exterior of your battleship was impacted, and the current damage level of your battleship is: 5%]

The scale of the explosion was almost as large as that of a missile. Xia Bai estimated that if he hadn't been in the battleship, he would have lost half his life.

When Xia Bai left completely, his energy points had increased by more than 300. In addition to those who were killed on the spot, those who were later burned also provided Xia Bai with a lot of energy points.

Collecting energy points in this way is much faster than Xia Bai holding a gun and hunting for positions.

Five percent of the damage, within Xia Bai's estimation and tolerance, can be repaired with a dozen energy points. Coupled with the previous five energy points of the remote-controlled bomb, Xia Bai's sum is absolutely It was about making money with blood. In fact, he had this idea when he was in Bingcheng before. But at that time, the defense coefficient of the second-level battleship was too low. If he did this, he might be blown up. The situation in Bingcheng was also different from that of Zhuhe. Different cities, it is difficult to effectively hunt zombies and obtain profits in this way.

As for Xia Bai's explosion today, he has been preparing for it all morning, whether it is the control of attracting zombies, the layout and retreat plan here, the detonation plan, or even the distance to the villa area and whether there are other people around. Xia Bai had considered whether combustibles would cause fires throughout the city, etc., and this led to the current scene. However, although the plan was thorough, in Xia Bai's opinion, it was a bit too thrilling.

Of course, this is Xia Bai's first attempt to determine the feasibility. In fact, next time, he plans to use a drone made from a battleship. Now Xia Bai's battleship is the most high-end model that can be built. The drone has special bulletproof outer armor, can fly at a maximum height of five thousand meters, and has aerial photography and sound functions. However, due to the level of the warship, Xia Bai cannot yet produce military models with weapons and other functions.

The reason why it was not used this time was because Xia Bai had made a bunch of high-priced goods, and now his energy points were seriously insufficient. The cost of that drone was as high as 280 energy points. He now collected this wave of zombies before he could use it. Have manufacturing capital.

It takes more than twenty hours to build this thing.

But next time with this thing, Xia Bai doesn't have to take risks by himself, and the usefulness of this thing is not just that, it may be useful in many ways in the future, so Xia Bai even gave up on getting one first The plan to come up with solar cells is to build this thing first.

Next time he takes action, Xia Bai will be able to enjoy the blessings of technology.

With more than 300 energy points at a time, leaving aside the preparation time and rest time required for choosing a location, making arrangements and considering other situations, I can do it at least two to three times a week, which is nearly a thousand energy points a week. In a month...

When Xia Bai thought about this, he felt like his mouth was watering and he laughed out loud.

Getting rich and reaching the pinnacle of life is just around the corner!

Of course, if a month goes by like this, the distribution of zombies in the entire city will have undergone huge changes. The situation may also change by then. Such an explosion may also cause many unexpected consequences. It is unknown. In the apocalypse The most common accident, the situation may not be as optimistic as Xia Bai thought.

As Xia Bai, who has been struggling in the apocalypse for five years, he himself is very aware of the suddenness and frequency of unexpected situations in the apocalypse, and he will be prepared for this in advance.

However, even so, Xia Bai felt a little selfless and excited.

The zombie gathering pattern in Zhuhe City gave Xia Bai a huge advantage.

At this time, he turned his head slightly, but happened to catch the eyes of the screaming girl next to him.

The girl looked at the grinning Xia Bai with a look of horror on her face.

The two stared at each other silently for a moment, and then the girl with glasses screamed loudly again.

Xia Bai: "..."

At this time, Xia Bai's walkie-talkie also rang, and Hou Zhuang's nervous voice came from inside: "What's wrong, I just heard a big explosion..."

At this time, the female high school student with glasses suddenly stopped shouting and looked dumb.

Xia Bai glanced at her and said very calmly: "It's okay, I did it."

For some reason, Hou Zhuang felt relieved when he heard Xia Bai's "I did it", as if in his heart, as long as Xia Bai did it himself, it was not a dangerous thing.

On the other hand, the female high school student with glasses didn't know why. After listening for a long time, she opened her mouth again and screamed at a high decibel.

On Hou Zhuang's side, there was a sound of snatching, and then Bai Lan's slightly nervous voice sounded: "What's wrong? Who is screaming?"

Obviously, this awakened girl has misunderstood something.

Xia Bai didn't think much, and was in a hurry to leave here, so he blurted out: "It's nothing, I did this too, accident, accident..."

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