Apocalyptic black technology battleship system

Chapter 81 Xia Bai who is obsessed with grabbing food (please collect it!)

The extreme mutants came to kill, and Xu Yiman's expression changed horribly.

A security guard in black beside her stepped back unconsciously, panicking.

Xu Yiman's reaction was truly frightened. He held the gun tightly in his hand but didn't know how to lift it up.

In fact, this extreme mutant was at the end of its strength. Most of its body was blown away. It could originally be five meters high in one jump, but now it is only more than one meter high. The huge mouth it opened even collapsed, and a large amount of it poured out. of blood.

However, at this moment, heavy gunfire sounded from one side.

The bullets seemed to be connected in a string in mid-air, accurately penetrating into the head of this extreme mutant that was already at the end of its crossbow. The heavy force carried by the dense bullets forcefully hit the head. The monster's head missed and hit the car door on the other side.

Xu Yiman seemed to have truly come to his senses at this moment. He turned around in shock and saw Xia Bai walking towards him step by step with a gun in hand and a heavy gaze.

Xia Bai shot a full twenty rounds of 5.5-caliber rifle bullets into the extreme mutant's head. When the monster stopped moving, he stopped firing, stared at the thing, and then exhaled. The tone comes.

Xu Yiman on the other side never expected that at the critical moment, Xia Bai, who had been having some fun before, would save her, but she really broke out in a cold sweat. She also didn't expect that at the critical moment, she would actually look like She stayed where she was like a fool. The person she hired with a "heavy sum of money" even abandoned her. Instead, she was saved by Xia Bai, a troubled person. This contrast made Xu Yiman stunned for a moment. , finally this woman bit her red lips, leaned forward slightly, and wanted to say thank you: "Thank you..."


Xia Bai didn't seem to see her at all. After confirming that the extreme mutant had been killed, he turned around and walked away.

The second half of Xu Yiman's voice was stupefied, and she stared blankly at Xia Bai's back - was she so ignored?

However, she actually blamed Xia Bai wrongly.

Xia Bai really didn't ignore this big star, it was because he didn't notice at all. When Li Jingyang and the others launched rockets, Xia Bai noticed that Sun Zhongwu was about to seal the granary full of zombies, and Shuangfeng Town The zombies over there were also roaring towards them, and Xia Bai couldn't help but feel a little anxious - he had to quickly solve the situation here and go grab food!

Therefore, after confirming that the extreme mutant was dead, Xia Bai hurriedly turned around and headed towards the granary. As for the fact that he seemed to have saved someone just now...whatever, it was chaos. Killing the extreme mutant quickly was victory. , as for the other things...what stuff is materially important? That's a granary. If you take a cart away, you won't have to worry about it for two months!

Of course, Xu Yiman could only stand here blankly like this. This feeling of being ignored was inexplicably more uncomfortable for her than being bitten to death by that monster.

At this moment, due to the gunfire erupting here, zombies in the direction of Shuangfeng Town are also surging towards this direction in large numbers.

When Xia Bai came over, Sun Zhongwu had already opened the door of the second granary. There was no surprise this time. It was full of yellow grain, but it was just a little damp.

Sun Zhongwu and Xia Bai looked at each other and started moving in unison.

Lin Yongan shouted from behind, asking other survivors to come and move food. If it had been before, this situation would undoubtedly have been something Sun Zhongwu would never allow. He might have asked Lin Yongan and the others to take away two carts of food, but It was impossible for the survivors to come over and plunder, but now the zombies were coming, and there were still two warehouses of food. Sun Zhongwu asked himself that he couldn't move away. Although he was not a good person, he was not the kind of person who said, "I can't take it from others." Don’t even think about it”, so I let it go for now.

Zombies are swarming here. Everyone is grabbing the two open granaries as if their buttocks are on fire. They use everything they can to hold food to load food. Many people have even put down their clothes. They all took off their clothes and filled the bags with food.

Some people didn't come to grab food at all. When some survivors went in to grab food, they got into their cars and drove away. The scene became quite chaotic for a while, and some people even wanted to grab Xia Bai. Their RVs all shrank back in front of Chen Tiancheng's dark guns.

On the other hand, the big star Xu Yiman and the others are still staying where they are, with no intention of transporting food.

Although Xia Bai came out with only two people, Bai Lan, he was more powerful than the dozen or so people on Sun Zhongwu's side.

This is of course because of the existence of Bai Lan, the awakened one. This girl can be called a strange woman with extremely powerful power. Sun Zhongwu and the others are not as good as Bai Lan alone.

Sun Zhongwu was stunned when he saw it, and said in shock: "Girl, are you the awakened one?!"

Xia Bai didn't have a big appetite, so he just had to fill half of the truck that Hou Zhuang was guarding. He covered it with the cloth he had prepared earlier. He raised his head and saw that the first batch of zombies had already appeared at the granary. Fang's men were firing indiscriminately, the sound of bullets tearing through the air and making sharp howls.

Some people fled with their lives, some were helpless, and some were frantically grabbing food. The military was firing randomly, but zombies were gradually approaching like a wave. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Xia Bai was the first one to evacuate. Sun Zhongwu and the others had no intention of leaving yet. Xia Bai loaded a cart of grain with him, so he set the RV and the warship in motion, leading the way out of the granary. Xia Bai and Hou Zhuang were together. In the back half, Xia Bai drove, while Hou Zhuang was responsible for the zombies that were outflanking them from both sides.

It was a good tradition to shoot and run, especially when the Xia Bai battleship was completely exposed once again. He didn't want to deal with those people who were constantly interested in his battleship.

As soon as their car started to move, Xia Bai heard someone calling him from behind.

He was a little surprised, turned his head and took a look, and found that the person turned out to be Xu Yiman.

The big star stood behind and shouted: "Xia Bai, are you interested in joining Xu's Pharmaceuticals? I can give you the best development space."

The big star stood in the strong wind, with his black hair swaying slightly in the space, as if it were a scene from a movie, with an indescribable and stunning beauty in the apocalypse.

But unfortunately, Xia Bai didn't give her any response.

In the previous life, Xia Bai would have never dreamed of receiving an invitation from either Xu's Pharmaceuticals or Xihuang Group. With his ability, it would be difficult for him to be a security or defense personnel in a place like this. But in this life, in terms of room for development, of course Xia Bai's own battleship has the greatest room for development.

The level of battleships has increased, the scale of facilities has increased, and aliens can be attacked when they come. Can the Xu Group and the Xihuang Group be able to?

Xia Bai drove the car and drove away without looking back. However, within a moment, he noticed a slightly scorching gaze coming from beside him. He turned his head and saw Hou Zhuang staring at him scorchingly. As if there were flowers on Xia Bai's face, Xia Bai was a little strange: "What's wrong?"

"Hero saves beauty, my heart secretly promises!"

"What the hell, some kind of hero saving a beauty? Damn it, zombies are coming from your side - be careful!"

Please collect it! Please collect it! For those of you who like this book, I hope you can add it to your collection. It’s really important. Thank you!

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