Apocalyptic black technology battleship system

Chapter 33 Battleship Authority Agreement (please collect it!)

Chapter 33 Battleship Authority Agreement

The warship authority agreement mainly contains the relevant contents and terms for the captain to allocate warship authority.

Although Xia Bai's current second-level battleship is still small in scale, if he can successfully continue to upgrade it, this battleship will eventually become a behemoth, and it is not impossible to even completely rise into the sky.

Although the warship will have an autonomous operating system in the future, with the upgrade and the increase of various built-in modules in the warship, autonomous operation will eventually have its limitations, and it is impossible for Xia Bai to control it alone.

In other words, this battleship needs crew after all.

If Xia Bai wants others to help him operate the battleship more completely, the captain must delegate the use rights of various functions so that others can operate certain modules in the battleship.

As for the issuance of permissions, Xia Bai, as the captain, can set the usage time and cancellation conditions of the permissions.

For example, once the authority holder launches an attack on the captain or other crew members or even performs unfavorable operations on the battleship, his or her authority will be automatically revoked. As a captain, Xia Bai can also use this authority anytime, anywhere, unconditionally. of recovery.

In addition, this battleship system also has a "crew recruitment" function, but it can only be opened after the battleship reaches level seven.

Xia Bai carefully browsed through the agreement on the battleship's authority and found that although the captain could delegate authority, the captain's control over the battleship was still at the supremacy level. Even if others had obtained higher authority, they wanted to use this to shake Xia Bai. Bai's position as captain is impossible.

After all, Xia Bai is the owner of the battleship and the owner of the system, just like the boss of a five-star hotel. The crew members recruited are just part-time workers, and those who are only given authority by Xia Bai are temporary workers. .

In other words, in this system, apart from the boss, there are only two types of work: wage earners and temporary workers. Given these two types of work, it is impossible to overthrow the boss and annex the hotel.

When Xia Bai thought about this, he always felt like he was like a wealthy landlord who wanted to start a "great life path" that squeezed the labor force?

However, all of this is in vain until the battleship level increases.

Now Xia Bai's battleship only has level two, and it only has eight or nine people aboard. What kind of battleship do you want?

At this point, Xia Bai no longer thought about it, but exhaled and shook his head.

If there is a book, it will be long; if there is no book, it will be short.

As time passed, the battleship was quickly repaired, but from the outside, the battleship still looked shabby, like an old car that had been used for more than ten years.

Sixty-seven energy points were spent to repair the battleship, and Xia Bai still had a full 310 energy points left.

There was no one around in the underground garage, and there were no zombies. Xia Bai proudly spent three energy points to get six kilograms of beef, set up his old rice cooker, and started cooking meat.

Hou Zhuang was shocked when he saw the six pounds of bloody raw beef that Xia Bai brought out: "Boss, where did you get this? It can't be human flesh, right?"

Xia Bai was speechless for a while and said: "Gungungun, don't eat human flesh!"

Hou Zhuang rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "It's not okay if I don't eat."

Xia Bai directly set up the pot and started cooking the meat. However, the girls dug out a bunch of condiments that Xia Bai didn't even notice and put them in the pot. Suddenly, the meat cooked in clear water immediately started to taste.

Xia Bai also twitched his index finger, but now he had a dark face and said, "Who brought condiments that are useless and take up space? Bringing a bunch of condiments is worse than getting a few salted duck eggs ah!"

Everyone looked at each other, no one dared to say a word.

Xia Bai could only silently take out a box of kefir and look at the beef in the pot.

He hadn't eaten beef for who knows how long.

In the five years of the apocalypse, things like beef were only available to the bosses or high-ranking officials in the survivor base. For people like Xia Bai who were struggling in the apocalypse, it was good to have food to eat, let alone beef.

At the beginning of his rebirth, Xia Bai spent all his time making preparations and did not look for a place to have a big meal. Now, this was the first time he had eaten beef in the past few years. Although there was no expression on his face, But he was also very excited in his heart.

With the battleship manufacturing facilities, Xia Bai believed that the day of eating meat every day was not far away.

This is Xia Bai's small goal in life that he has no pursuit of.

However, while they were eating meat here, Xia Bai did not let it sit idle on the other side of the battleship.

Three hundred and ten energy points, this can be said to be the most energy points Xia Bai has had since his last days.

However, upgrading from a second-level battleship to a third-level battleship requires a full thousand energy points for modification and upgrade.

After the battle at the gas station, Xia Bai's strategic supplies were almost exhausted. There were a lot of pistol bullets left, but other items were much consumed.

The freezing bombs were directly used, and there were only a dozen rounds of 30mm caliber machine gun bullets left, all of which needed to be replenished.

Xia Bai directly ordered the construction of three freezing bombs and two hundred and fifty rounds of cannon bullets.

This cost Xia Bai eighty energy points, and after that, he spent another thirty energy points to use the battleship to build the first rifle M4A1 and one hundred rounds of 5.56 mm caliber bullets. Then, he He got another Type 92 pistol, so he had three pistols in his hand.

Xia Bai planned to keep one pistol for himself and give the remaining two to Hou Zhuang and the others.

Although firearms are very unfamiliar to college students, if you want to survive in the apocalypse, this is something you must learn to master sooner or later.

In the end, Xia Bai left a hundred energy points as "deposits" and backup.

In addition to those things, Xia Bai also created an "extreme virus inhibitor".

It was an injection filled with blue translucent liquid, which looked like a dream.

This thing can temporarily suppress the impact of the alien zombie virus on humans, but as soon as the effect of the drug wears off, unless another injection of this drug is injected, they will still be infected and turn into zombies. To create a tube of extreme virus inhibitor But it requires a full fifty energy points. Xia Bai worked hard all the way and only got so many energy points.

But Xia Bai still built this thing. At least it was prepared. If something happened and he was bitten, he could still use this thing to survive for a while.

Of course, if Xia Bai is really bitten by then, but there is no follow-up extreme virus inhibitor to keep up, it will be no different from waiting to die. It will just change from "mutating immediately" to "waiting to die".

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