Inside the hotel, Qiao Lingxiang and Ajiu were thinking, they have brought a team of thousands of people, they can't live up to the ardent hopes of the sponsors behind them, they still want to engage in a scuffle, and let those big bosses of the folk team know that their People are not given to people like Ajiu and Brother Beard for nothing, so they still have to make a fuss, and they will die if they don't work.

After all, didn't those folk team bosses in Dongcheng just want to see this situation?

Giving hundreds of people out is to expand their own territory and influence, and weaken the covetous civilian team next door.

So in the first battle, Ajiu took 500 people to surround Brother Beard's residence.

Ever since Brother Beard betrayed Ajiu, the leader of the private team he had taken refuge in arranged a rather luxurious residence for Brother Beard.

From the point of view before the end of the world, the area where Brother Beard lives can be regarded as a residential area for wealthy people in Dongcheng. In this residential area for rich people, there are also many management members in the private team that Brother Beard has joined.

Ajiu led people to rush over suddenly, of course he didn't catch Brother Beard, Brother Beard received the wind in advance, and just happened to take his team of 300 people out of Dongcheng, ready to go outside Dongcheng to rob houses and get some supplies .

So Ajiu would rather hit the sun than choose another day. Anyway, he has already come to this residential area, and just happened to find out that the place where the bearded brother lives has many managements.

So Ajiu made a mess of the high-level executives of the private team that Brother Beard had taken refuge in.

Because Ajiu shot very suddenly, no one expected him to clean up the house, and he was the first to clean up the bearded brother, and no one thought that Ajiu would encounter a dead mouse. He came to clean up the house, but found the beard Brother's residence is surrounded by the upper echelons of the team.

So Ajiu seemed to be on the hook. With his eyes closed, he knew which high-rises lived in this residential complex. When Ajiu rushed into this community with 500 people, he just looked for the villas where the high-rises lived.

They rushed in and beat up those administrators. If they were beaten to death, they were beaten to death. Those who were not killed were tied up and thrown into the hotel where Qiao Lingxiang lived.

Anyone who wants to save others, as long as he is not afraid of death, then just come.

As a result, before the private team that Beard Brother had joined, the management team was paralyzed by Ajiu before it had time to make preparations.

For a while, the members of the folk team that Brother Huzi joined were in a panic. After all, the management team was gone, and no one cared what they should do. So the boys of the folk team, who had no organization and discipline, scattered and ran away. This group of mobs gathered quickly and dispersed quickly.

Within two days, there was another news from outside the East City, saying that Brother Beard decided to avenge the boss and management of the new team outside the East City, intending to recruit members of the original team. You can get 50 catties of rice and 50 relics per month

As soon as this word spread into Dongcheng, it immediately caused a sensation among the people of Dongcheng. What is the most lacking thing in Dongcheng now? Everyone is screaming for energy stone weapons. In fact, their ultimate goal is to use energy stone weapons to obtain more. materials to survive.

So not only the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in Brother Beard's new team were tempted, but even the members of many other teams in Dongcheng were also tempted.

For a while, the wind blew the grass, and there were quite a lot of people falling to Brother Beard. Brother Beard was outside the East City, and he easily received thousands of people, becoming a tyrant outside the East City.

In Dongcheng, Ajiu continued to clean up the house. After doing the same thing and arresting several civilian management in Dongcheng, Sang Enqiang learned what Ajiu had done, and sat in his home, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Sure enough, he was right about Ajiu. Sang Enqiang didn't know how proud he was when Ajiu got rid of several of his confidantes.

Hearing that Ajiu sent people, he told him that he wanted 500 more people to hunt down Brother Huzi, and by the way, clean up the other traitors. Sang Enqiang immediately agreed, and directly sent another 500 people to Ajiu, and sent him Some of the energy stone weapons in the team's inventory were also given to Ajiu.

The purpose is to support Ajiu to continue to clean up the house.

In this way, Ajiu took the 1,000 new teammates kidnapped from Sang Enqiang and left Dongcheng to take revenge on Brother Huzi.

Even when Ajiu was leaving the city, there were still quite a few people from Dongcheng who sneaked out of Dongcheng with their bags on their backs to seek refuge with Brother Beard.

After leaving the city, Ajiu divided the 1,000 people in his hands into 10 teams.

He first sent three small teams in three directions to find out where the thousands of Beard Brothers were, leaving the other 700 people standing still, waiting for the pathfinders in front to come back.

Then I waited for a whole day, from morning to night, not only the thousands of people from Beard Brother did not come back, but also the 300 people sent by Ajiu.

In the evening, only two people in Ajiu's team ran back in a hurry and looked embarrassed, and reported their experience to Ajiu.

Speaking of which, they didn't even meet Brother Beard's influence. These 300 people went all the way to find Brother Beard's camp of thousands of people, but they ran into the security check in City Z next door after walking a few kilometers.

Because Brother Huzi's team of thousands of people was stationed in a clever location, right at the junction of Dongcheng and Z City, so it's normal to have security checks in Z City.

But for some unknown reason, the security check in City Z next door seemed to know that they would pass by this road, and started chasing and intercepting them.

As a result, most of the 300 people sent out by Ajiu surrendered. That’s right, they surrendered just like that. Everyone just wanted to make a living. The firepower and equipment of Z City’s security check are many times stronger than theirs. , Do you fight recklessly if you don't surrender?

So the hundreds of people who surrendered were caught by the security check and taken to the Confederacy. Only a small number fled in a hurry, and they didn't know where they fled, and only two people came back in the end.

Just like that, they haven't figured out where Brother Beard's team is stationed. Going forward is the territory of Z City. Could it be that Brother Beard has brought those thousands of people into the Southern Alliance to do missions and farms? ? ?

Just like that, Ajiu brought out a team of 1,000 people in Dongcheng, and lost 300 people in this way. For this incident, Ajiu also apologized to Sang Enqiang, because the number of people lost was not many, and there was a reason for the incident, and no one could do it. Unexpectedly, the thousands of Dongcheng people that Brother Beard led to join him went to Z City to become good citizens of the Southern League.

So Sang Enqiang could understand Ajiu quite well, he didn't think it was a big deal, and comforted Ajiu in turn.

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