The man kneeling on the ground shook his head blankly. He didn't understand or understand these things at all.

He only knows that his sister-in-law's monthly sales task is very heavy, and only after completing the monthly sales task can he get a generous relic and crystal core salary in a month, and his sister-in-law can let his family live. Have a good day.

And the price of weapons given by his sister-in-law is already quite low. If these middlemen add a little bit more, what they earn is only a little profit from the middle price difference, which is not very rich.

The sum of these intermediate price differences every month is only enough for their own family to make ends meet.

But this is the end of the world. Qiao Lingxiang looked coldly at this middleman with an innocent expression on his face. In the end of the world, it is enough to have enough food and clothing. Can you ask for so much?

If the world can be more peaceful, let alone supporting the family, it is no problem to make a fortune.

However, these people who sell weapons don't care about so much at all. They want to support their families and make a fortune, so buying and selling energy stone weapons is just a business for them.

And the more they passed through their hands, the more energy stone weapons they sold caused turmoil in the southern region. Want to make a fortune? No, even making a living has become difficult.

Ajiu, who was sitting next to Qiao Lingxiang, looked at the middleman, and he was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with these people, so he just asked:

Okay, we won't make things difficult for you, where does your sister-in-law live?

The middleman froze for a moment, looked at Ajiu with a perplexed expression, and said:

Brother, brother, please let me live, my sister-in-law, she doesn't have much money...

You are quite protective of your sister-in-law. Am I asking your sister-in-law for money? I think Ren is short of money?

There was a bit of sarcasm in Ajiu's tone. He looked at the man, squeezed his fist, and said to the middleman:

Choose yourself, do you want us to beat you to death here, or take us to find your sister-in-law? I'll let you choose, but I can tell you very clearly, first, we will not touch your sister-in-law Second, we have plenty of money, so we won’t rob your sister-in-law’s money.”

Qiao Ayaka nodded, and said to the man seriously:

I can also guarantee that, we are not very interested in bullying.

Although the middleman had already been beaten up twice by Ajiu's team, Qiao Lingxiang still made her promise without changing her face. Therefore, the middleman kneeling on the ground was really helpless, so she could only bow her head and bow her head. Back, told everyone an address.

And this address happened to be on the edge of Youyou Town.

Qiao Lingxiang spread out the map on the table, looked at the location mentioned by the middleman, and asked strangely:

Your sister-in-law lives next to Yoyo Town, what's in Yoyo Town?

Because what the middleman said, the sister-in-law who works in the Shang family's internal weapons sales office, her residence is really too close to Youyou Town, almost living next to Youyou Town.

So Qiao Lingxiang felt very strange. Generally speaking, if Youyou Town is a private village for rich people, those rich people don't like the surroundings of their private village very much. Who lives there?

Especially people who live in this kind of place and are linked to the Shang family's arms sales.

So either this private village. It is related to the Shang family's arms sales. Or in this leisurely town. It is not a private village. But a well-guarded secret base?

Now Qiao Lingxiang and Ajiu have the same opinion. All the problems are in the small town of Youyou, so they can go directly to the small town of Youyou.

So without wasting any time, everyone tied the weapon middleman into a rice dumpling, and took him away from the weapon market to the direction of Youyou Town. On the way, Ajiu specially ordered the people in the team , Go to the security check in City Z and ask the security check to send someone to knock down this weapons market.

Those who buy and sell weapons must always understand that sometimes civilians have no self-control. Although holding a sharp weapon can prevent them from being bullied, if everyone holds a sharp weapon, the world will not become more and more beautiful. It's going to get worse.

On the way of the convoy to Youyou Town, Beard Brother rode a scooter and walked at the front of the convoy.

He wandered around the vicinity of Youyou Town, and it was almost evening when Brother Beard came back on his scooter.

With a heavy face, he said to Ajiu and Qiao Ayaka:

Youyou town, I think there may be a big problem. I rode around on a motorcycle, but I was stopped by someone. The other party's way is evil. It doesn't look like a rich man's private village. A few words He shot at me if he didn't answer the words, and it was hard for me to save my life.

Speaking of which, where is the private village of rich people like this? Those wealthy people who are entrenched in private villages are usually afraid that they will offend someone and attract others to siege their villages, so they all act in a low-key manner.

If there are folk teams passing by, the kind that don't look easy to mess with, those wealthy people in private villages will be very considerate and entertain these folk teams in person.

And in a situation like the bearded man's, if he didn't respond with a few words, the other party would shoot someone, which only shows that this is not a private village for rich people at all.

Because in the Southern League, apart from the super private village Jieshan Village that Lu Lecheng made, there is no village that acts so arrogantly, although this is not a village, but a small town.

But this leisurely town exists on the map of City Z anyway. After hearing what the bearded man said, Qiao Lingxiang pondered slightly. She thought for a while, and said to Ajiu:

They are guarding so tightly. The geographical location where Brother Beard was expelled is already very far away from Youyou Town. And the middleman's sister-in-law lives very close to Youyou Town. This is not an ordinary town. I think we Gotta get ready for a fight.

Brother Beard is the bearded man, but what is Brother Beard's real name? It doesn't matter anymore, in Ajiu's team, everyone calls him Beard Brother.

So Qiao Lingxiang also went to do as the Romans did, and followed everyone in calling this bearded man Brother Beard.

Ajiu nodded. He felt that it should be the case, so he said to Brother Beard:

Then let's stop and observe for a few days to see what kind of people are coming in and out, and then make plans.

A group of people made a decision, drove armored vehicles, and various large weapon vehicles, and slowly approached the direction of Youyou Town. Gradually, there were more trailers along the way. Qiao Lingxiang discussed with Ajiu, and Ajiu He took a small group of people and sneaked up to stop a trailer.

They first forced the trailer to stop, the bearded brother got into the car, and directly knocked the driver unconscious, then drove the trailer to a secluded wilderness, opened the rear compartment of the trailer in the sand, and saw , which is full of beautiful things, all of which are energy stone weapons.

The bearded brother stared at the energy stone weapon that was full of a trailer, and exclaimed:

Hey, did we touch the lair inside some important group?

Looking at these energy stone weapons, Qiao Lingxiang was also covered with cold sweat. She said to Ajiu:

We are really lucky. If they find us, they shoot us directly. With so many energy stone weapons, I guess we may not be able to handle them.

This trailer weapon is packed to the brim, and this type of large trailer actually has a lot of people going in and out of the leisurely town.

If every trailer is filled with so many energy stone weapons, then this leisurely town may be a factory for manufacturing energy stone weapons.

Ajiu's face was a little dignified, he looked up at the sky on the sand, and said to Qiao Lingxiang and Brother Huzi:

If this Youyou town is a factory of energy stone weapons, then with the strength of our civilian team, we may not be able to get rid of it. I think it will be troublesome for Brother Cen to come.

If the energy stone weapon is released, it can attack people very quickly, especially Cen Yi's garrison team. Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang have become so famous over the years, and it is impossible for their faces not to enter the electronic system.

Even if the appearance of Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang hadn't been collected by interested people and included in the electronic system, with so many garrisons in Cen Yi's team, these garrisons would always be entered into the garrison identification system.

And if this leisurely town is so important, then the internal and external defenses of this place must not be low. There was no way for Cen Yi's garrison to get close.

On the contrary, Ajiu's civilian team can approach, but with their firepower, once discovered by the opponent, they will be wiped out instantly.

However, since such a place has been discovered, it must not be missed when passing by. It seems that I am sorry for this great discovery if I don't ruin this leisurely town.

Qiao Lingxiang considered it carefully, and she said to Ajiu:

Now that we've discovered this place, why don't we go like this, they have so many trailers transporting weapons in and out, why don't we rob them all, so that we don't have to spend money to buy weapons from weapon sellers.

This business, Qiao Lingxiang is cost-effective no matter what. She buys the goods directly from the source, eliminating the need for a middleman to make a difference. Although the price difference is not much, but the large quantities of energy stone weapons add up, and the middleman increases the price. The sum of money is also a lot.

Qiao Lingxiang, who is careful and careful, speaks clearly and logically. Let Ajiu and Brother Huzi think about it, and they think it is very right. Since they came here, they simply snatched these energy stone weapons and sold them to Cen Yi at the wholesale price. They are empty-handed wolves, and Cen Yi can also buy energy stone weapons at a lower price.

Huzi brother laughed haha ​​and said:

Mr. Qiao, you are really good at managing your family. We also made money, and Boss Cen also saved a lot of money.

Having said all this, Qiao Lingxiang felt very embarrassed, her face blushed slightly, she smiled very shyly, and pointed to the trailer full of energy stone weapons, and said to the bearded brother :

Then trouble Brother Beard, drive this car to the center camp.

These people in Ajiu's civilian team are actually quite familiar with the garrison system, and they are all familiar with dealing with the center camp.

I saw Brother Beard salute Qiao Lingxiang, Got it!

Then, Brother Beard ran to the front of the trailer and jumped on the trailer. They didn't unload the energy stone weapons, so they directly put the energy stone weapons in this trailer into the center camp in Z City.

As soon as the trailer driven by Brother Huzi left, Ajiu summoned Qiao Lingxiang and other people in the team, and they waited in place. With that, the people in his team ran forward and stopped the big trailer with their hands.

Qiao Lingxiang looked at the supernatural beings in Ajiu's team. Their supernatural power levels were between the second and third levels, which was considered quite powerful in a non-governmental team.

Because most of the supernatural beings on the first level are in Cen Yi's first echelon team, and most of the supernatural beings on the second level are also in the second echelon.

If there is a third-tier supernatural person in the folk team, he is already considered a master.

And in Ajiu's team, everyone is from the second to the early stage of the third step.

For a person with this level of ability, it is a breeze to stop a large trailer. .

After deciding to stop the car, Qiao Lingxiang and Ajiu realized that there were quite a lot of large trailers full of weapons going out of Youyou Town.

So they divided into two teams, one team to stop the trailers entering the Youyou Town, and the other team to stop the trailers coming out of the Youyou Town.

The trailers entering Yoyou Town, without exception, are all filled with energy stones, and the trailers leaving Yoyou Town, without exception, are all energy stone weapons.

By torturing the drivers who drove the trailer, Qiao Lingxiang and Ajiu got a lot of private information about the purchase of energy stone weapons by the civilian team.

Some energy stone weapons are sent to the energy stone weapon market town, while others are sent directly to the settlements of the civilian teams.

These drivers know the precise location of the civilian teams that purchased the energy stone weapons, and as long as they find this precise location, they can wipe out the civilian teams that purchased the energy stone weapons.

This time, the Shang family can play big games, because all the civilian teams that are currently fighting against Cen Yi have ordered weapons from the Shang family.

The Shang family's weapon production factory is actually located in the small town of Youyou.

This also means that the precise location of all the non-government teams that are doing things today has been exposed in this way.

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