Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 726 Feeling Too Powerful

According to Qiao Lingxiang's rank, she is the executive officer of Xiangcheng Beiying, which is actually higher than Ajiu's garrison rank.

The garrison has a principle of landing a team, that is, when the garrison encounters a major attack and the entire team has been beaten to pieces.

If different teams and garrisons from different camps meet together, they will report their own level and form a team automatically.

In this team, the garrison with the highest level is the captain, so even though this folk team belongs to Ajiu, Qiao Lingxiang and Ajiu go out to do missions, and her level is higher than Ajiu's, so she became this team. Captain of the team.

Upon hearing what the bearded man said, Qiao Lingxiang laughed. She was very shy, smiled at the man, and said:

Actually, I didn't do anything, it's just some small things, you don't have to keep them in mind.

She takes a person's death very lightly, because for Qiao Lingxiang, life and death are an extremely simple matter, but in her eyes, things that are light and unworthy of mentioning are, for others, It is a great favor.

Qiao Lingxiang didn't think about using this kind of favor to let these sincere folk teams do something for her, so she said that the captain is not the captain. Since she became the camp executive, she has never taken care of Xiangcheng North at all. camp thing.

Cen Yi was in charge of the northern camp for her, and Qiao Lingxiang, as the soul mentor of all the medical garrisons of the Southern Alliance, and a town-level figure, Yu Zheng handed over all the medical garrisons of supernatural beings to Qiao Lingxiang.

In fact, Qiao Lingxiang never cared about anything, it was Ban Yue who was worrying about her.

How can she, who can be said to be quite lazy, squeeze Ajiu away and be the captain of a folk team?

Ajiu, who was standing beside her, said quite generously:

It's okay, they want you to be the captain, so you should be the captain. We don't need to have any pressure on this mission, you just treat it as if you have worked hard for so many years, Brother Cen will give you a vacation, and follow us to go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers Once there, we will support justice on the way, and if the road is injustice, we will draw our swords and kill some small thieves.

Qiao Lingxiang stayed in the garrison system for too long. They were still in Xiangcheng Hospital. When they were kidnapped by Ye Yiming, Qiao Lingxiang had been in the garrison system, so she didn't quite understand the randomness and looseness of the civilian team.

In fact, just look at Ajiu. Over the years, as a fake ordinary person, he has been hanging out with the private team.

However, when Cen Yi needed him, he could leave the civilian team and return to the garrison team.

So all in all, the private team can do whatever they want according to their own mood, as long as they are strong enough, they can turn Dongcheng upside down.

Qiao Mingxiang nodded clearly, and followed Ajiu, listening to Ajiu talking about the difference between the civilian team and the garrison, and listening very seriously. If someone made a joke, Qiao Lingxiang would laugh along with it.

She seemed to be very easy-going, and everyone wanted to do more for such an easy-going person. Someone took the initiative and took Qiao Lingxiang to visit the foothold of their folk team.

Qiao Lingxiang took a look around and found that this folk team had quite a fortune, and there were many refitted chariots alone.

The heavy firepower in this team is even much stronger than the firepower equipped by a garrisoned brigade.

Looking at an armored vehicle ahead, Qiao Lingxiang turned her head full of amazement, and said to Ajiu who was following behind him:

Brother Jiu, you are really good. Your private team can be compared to a regular garrison.

There was a very humble expression on Ajiu's face, he said with a smile:

Where is there, am I always idle? You are working hard in the regular garrison, and I am looking for supplies in the back, fighting mutant monsters, and I am just busy.

Compared with Xiaobai getting stronger and stronger, Ajiu's physique is now worse than that of the last supernatural user.

But the strange thing is that when others want to hit him, they can't hurt him at all.

That's because Xiaobai took nearly 99% of the damage for him.

Therefore, Ajiu became more and more unable to get close to that increasingly dangerous front line.

As he spoke, he took Qiao Lingxiang to the side of an armored vehicle, patted the armored vehicle, and said to Qiao Lingxiang quite proudly:

I asked Brother Cen to help me refit this car. Look, it's sturdy. So far, there are no weapons that can break through the shell of this car.

It is said that the civilian teams that are doing well now basically have a garrison as a backer. It is for this reason that the civilian team can follow the garrison to fight monsters, and can also use some garrison resources.

The bearded man following behind Qiao Lingxiang also said triumphantly:

Mr. Qiao, are we awesome? In the entire Southern League, Boss Cen is said to be the No. 2 gold-type ability. I guess no one dares to be the No. 1. But we, Master Jiu, are awesome. If we can get the armored vehicle made by Boss Cen himself, I guess There is no second among the civilian teams of the Confederacy.

Qiao Lingxiang nodded again and again, she also felt the same way, the metal made by Cen Yi, apart from Lu Zhengqing's fire, which could melt his metal, there was nothing else in this world that could break his metal.

And Ajiu's civilian team, driving the armored vehicle made by Cen Yi, walked around the entire Southern Alliance, and it was impossible to encounter a fire-type supernatural being who was more powerful than Lu Zhengqing.

Therefore, their equipment is pulled out, which is considered to be the best equipment in the entire Southern League civilian team.

Think about it from the perspective of the civilian team, if there is no civilian team with energy stone weapons, Ajiu's civilian team will be the most invincible in the Southern League.

And Ajiu's non-governmental team is not large in number, about 20 people in total. Although there are few people, they are very sophisticated.

He has traveled all over the southern region for these years, and Qiao Lingxiang basically never heard him talk about any problems he encountered that he couldn't deal with. It can be seen that this non-governmental team is quite powerful.

Qiao Lingxiang, feeling like she was on vacation, got into the car with these 20 or so people and headed all the way to Dongcheng.

In recent years, due to the steady progress of sand control work. The cities of the original 15-city alliance have all become green again.

After the formation of the Southern Alliance, in fact, the entire sand control process has been advanced to all the cities of the Southern Alliance. It is only because those cities that joined the alliance later started the sand control work relatively late, and their own cities were more or less affected. Because of the impact of untimely control of sand monsters.

So the southern region, which was originally beautiful and beautiful, has developed to the present. Except for the original 15-city alliance with green land, the rest of the land area is seriously desertified. In this case, the southern alliance is still working hard to control sand.

While controlling sand, fighting wits and courage with the civilian team, and dealing with those mutant monsters and zombies, the Southern Alliance's garrison is really too busy.

And on the way from Z City to Dongcheng, Qiao Lingxiang watched helplessly as the green ground gradually became barren.

Along the way, she didn't see those civilians who couldn't survive. When she asked about Ajiu, Ajiu said:

City Z has been completely controlled by the Southern Alliance. The Southern Alliance has a rescue agency. If there are civilians who need help finding the security checkpoints along the way, that's fine.

After a pause, Ajiu said again:

There are some civilians living in misery in the east city. City Z is stationed here and is working hard to save them.

While talking, Ajiu took out a map from the pocket of the front car seat, and he spread out the map, on which a small town was circled with a red pen.

He showed the map to Qiao Lingxiang, pointed to the circled town, and said to Qiao Lingxiang:

When we were active on the outskirts of City Z, we found a market town. Look, at this location, this market town sells a large number of energy stone weapons.

Since the energy stone weapons can be brought to the market town for sale, it proves that there are too many weapons in this market town.

As long as someone comes to this market town to buy weapons with relics and crystal cores, those stall owners who sell energy stone weapons will sell them to them without even looking at the identity of the other party to give money.

Ajiu's team has entered and exited this market town many times, and they are no strangers to this market town.

With Qiao Lingxiang's finger, she clicked on the market town circled by the red brush marks, and then looked at this town. There was a place called Youyou Town near the east city, and asked Ajiu,

Have you ever been to this leisurely town? It's so close to this weapons market town?

Ajiu shook his head, and said to Qiao Lingxiang:

That's why I haven't been here before. I heard that this leisurely town is currently in a fully closed state. It should have been bought by a rich man.

There will never be a shortage of such rich and rich people in the southern region. Before the apocalypse, or just at the beginning of the apocalypse, they bought an entire town in various ways, and then used their hard work for several years to Build these towns into your ideal private towns.

Just like Lu Lecheng back then, he spent a lot of money resolutely and went to Jieshan Village to make Jieshan Village into a fully closed state.

Because Lu Lecheng was hooked up with Ye Yiming, and he himself was very good at management, he used Jieshan Village as his base, and gradually formed a southern alliance city management system.

If Lu Lecheng hadn't met Ye Yiming, his Jieshan Village was actually the same as the private villages of most rich people.

The current development of Jieshan Village is actually a closed village, so for this kind of private villages of rich people, as long as these private villages do not come out to do evil and do things that are unreasonable, basically the security inspection system will not take care of these private villages. home village.

Qiao Lingxiang thought about it, and said to Ajiu:

Or, after we go to this market town where weapons are sold, let's take a look around this leisurely town.

Ajiu looked at the one that Qiao Lingxiang was pointing at, the Youyou Town behind the energy stone weapon market, he looked carefully, then nodded to Qiao Lingxiang, and said:

Okay, anyway, if you're bored, go and have a look, maybe you can find something of value there.

Talking all the way like this, their convoy soon came to the market town that sells energy stone weapons, because this town has been selling very cheap energy stone weapons, so there are many folk teams traveling from south to north, they will deliberately Detour to this town to buy weapons.

Ajiu's folk team, except for the equipment that is better than any other team, the rest are good. Other folk teams don't have so many doubts. Seeing them driving the cool armored vehicles all the way, those folk teams The people, one by one, looked like turtles, looking at the equipment of Ajiu's team in surprise.

Too mighty feeling.

The convoy stopped in an open space outside the market town, because there was a mixed bag of fish and dragons there, and there was no security check in this market town. It can be said that the force of security check here is quite weak.

So, Ajiu left 15 people to guard the equipment, and brought another 5 people, and decided to go to the market town to have a look.

Qiao Ayaka was dressed in top-level metal equipment that looked like casual sportswear, and walked around the market behind Akina's group. She found that the energy stone weapons in this market were not only cheap, but also had a variety of special types.

After walking for a while, looking at the large pile of energy stone bombs that looked like iron-gray mice on the small stall in front, Qiao Ayaka pulled Ajiu's clothes and said in a low voice:

Brother Jiu, I know this bomb, it seems that the bomb that hit me was like this.

On the bustling street, there were stalls selling energy stone weapons on both sides. Ajiu looked in the direction indicated by Qiao Ayaka. Sure enough, he saw a large pile of energy stone bombs in front of him, exactly the same as the bomb that attacked Qiao Ayaka.

The stall owner who sold mouse-shaped energy stone bombs saw Ajiu, Qiao Lingxiang, and the other 5 sturdy men looking at his stall, and the stall owner immediately excitedly said:

Come on, come on, this is the newly released energy stone weapon this month, it looks like a mouse, the best bomb for sneak attack, come on, come on and buy it, it's cheap, buy 1 get 3 free.

Still buy 1 get 3 free? ! How cheap can this energy stone weapon be?

Qiao Lingxiang and the others felt their tongues twitching, and seeing Qiao Lingxiang walking in front of the stall owner selling energy stone bombs, she asked:

You energy stone bomb, the newest model that just came out this month, why did you get it?

Isn't it? I have a special supply channel. As long as the Shang family releases the latest energy stone weapon, I guarantee that my stall will be the first to be put on the shelves.

The owner of the energy stone stall had a smug face, as if to get the latest model of energy stone weapons, it was a matter of face for him.

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