Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 722 The Death of Chang Jiaxing

Are you still talking about the 15-city league?

Chang Jincheng looked at Shang Lingjie with sharp eyes and said:

Everyone is called the Southern League now. It's no longer the scale of the 15 cities before. Looking at the southern region, almost all the city's garrisons have joined the Southern League. There were still many The southern cities support me, right? Those people are silent now, where are they going?

Then Chang Jincheng said:

This is also the second thing I brought you here. Apart from your Shang family's wasting power stone energy, can you tell me how many civilian teams you have supported? Now the southern region is in such a mess, everywhere They are civilians who fled, and those civilians who fled to areas outside the south will not sue you.

From this, one can imagine what the proliferation of energy stone weapons in the southern region will look like.

What Chang Jincheng said was quite earnest, and he only hoped that the father and son of the Shang family could understand that the civilian team was different from the regular garrison, and no matter how rough the formal garrison was, they still had restraint.

They can control the flames of war within a certain range and will not harm innocent civilians, but the civilian team will not think so much. If the civilian team without formal training has lethal weapons in their hands, the consequences will be very serious. serious.

Chang Jincheng hoped that the two fathers and sons of the Shang family would give more consideration to the civilians in the southern region, at least not to let energy stone weapons be so rampant.

Shang Zhengxin has a very good attitude. He has never understood why the energy stone weapon, which is still in the research and development stage, has suddenly flooded the southern region.

So when Chang Jincheng was talking, Shang Zhengxin kept nodding his head, expressing that he would investigate carefully when he went back, what was going on.

So after coming out of Chang Jincheng, Shang Zhengxin was very serious, called Shang Lingjie to the study, and asked:

What exactly is your uncle talking about? I remember that you gave us a plan a few years ago, saying that you wanted to build a studio for researching energy stone weapons. Now the power stone weapons that are flooding in the southern region, Is it related to you?

Shang Lingjie, who was only in his thirties, sat in front of his father, with a hint of gloom in his originally well-behaved eyes.

He tilted his head and said to his father:

Father, I've told you several times before, it seems that you didn't take this matter to heart at all, so it goes without saying.

He didn't want to talk about it anymore. Shang Lingjie had already explained his ambitions to many people, including his parents, his brother, and his grandfather.

He said that people with supernatural powers will dominate human society in the future, and life for ordinary people will be very difficult. He hopes that there will be a team of ordinary people in the southern region, and everyone in this team must be equipped with energy stone weapons.

Best of all, the power stone weapon can be used by ordinary people to better fight against supernatural beings.

At the beginning, Shang Lingjie told his grandfather about this idea, hoping that his grandfather could help ordinary people in the future to gain an equal status with those with supernatural powers, or even gain a higher status than those with supernatural powers.

He hoped that his grandfather could suppress the garrison of supernatural beings in some way, and not let the garrison of supernatural beings develop too vigorously.

What this means is that Shang Lingjie hopes that the supernatural beings will be garrisoned. In the garrison system, it is good to be a junior garrison who obeys the command. At most, let them become a small team leader.

He told his grandfather about his worries and hatred for supernatural beings, but his grandfather laughed at him for being so old and still unable to see reality clearly.

Chang Jiaxing said that the reason why the garrison of supernatural beings exists must be to meet the needs of the times, because in this world, mutants and zombies that are difficult for ordinary people to deal with have appeared, so supernatural beings also appeared in this world.

He said that Shang Lingjie only blindly emphasized that the fate of ordinary people in the future will be suppressed by supernatural beings, but he never thought that if Shang Lingjie continued to suppress supernatural beings from now on, then what would happen to supernatural beings? Is it a kind of injustice?

Fighting monsters depends on the supernatural beings, and all the dirty work is done by the supernatural beings. After the completion, the supernatural beings can't get an upgrade in status, and they can't get any glory of their own after exhausting themselves.

No matter how good the ability user is, in the garrison system, if they are top-notch, they can only be the team leader. Ordinary people use energy guns, and instead of mutant monsters, just go to the ability user?

According to Shang Lingjie's thinking, can the garrison maintain a strong combat effectiveness? Not to mention what the supernatural beings will think about the garrison in the future, first of all, Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang, the first echelon supernatural beings who are stationed in the garrison, will be forced away by this kind of suppression.

But Shang Lingjie felt that her grandfather was trying to curry favor with those with supernatural powers. There would not be only one Cen Yi in this world. Of course, Qiao Lingxiang's supernatural powers are very valuable, but as long as she researches how to copy Qiao Lingxiang's supernatural powers, she will not The only one in the last days.

And the fighting power of the entire ordinary people group has improved, in fact, there is no need for supernatural beings at all. At that time, the whole society will feel that becoming a supernatural person is a shame, a shame for the family, and supernatural persons can have a job to earn a living. , it is already very difficult, how could there be such a thing as being forced to leave?

As a result, Chang Jiaxing and Monk Lingjie, just like this, the talk collapsed

So ever since he talked with Chang Jiaxing about his collapse, Shang Lingjie understood that even the grandfather who he thought was the closest to his own ideals couldn't understand his ambitions, let alone those who couldn't understand them at all. His worldly man.

Of course, now Shang Lingjie took advantage of his mother's eagerness to avenge his younger brother, so Shang Lingjie and his mother temporarily reached an agreement on ideals and ambitions.

But in the face of his father and his uncle's doubts, Shang Lingjie didn't want to explain anymore. He was tired. No matter how he explained, these people would not understand him just like his grandfather.

No one will ever understand his fear of the future as an ordinary person.

. In the quiet, huge study room, Shang Zhengxin looked at the eldest son sitting in front of him, feeling a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.


Because this elder son is too well-behaved and too smart, compared to the younger son who always loves to cause trouble, Shang Zhengxin puts more of his future expectations on the elder son.

And Shang Lingjie has never failed to live up to expectations. Since childhood, Shang Lingjie has been excellent in character and learning. As the only future successor of the Shang family, Shang Lingjie has never made a wrong step.

Now Shang Lingjie has always been very well-behaved, Shang Zhengxin asked Shang Lingjie to do, Shang Lingjie has never refused, and everything has been done very well.

But it is such a son, Shang Zhengxin now finds that maybe he does not let the parents and elders at home feel at ease.

Seeing Shang Lingjie on the opposite side keeping his eyes down, lowering his head and making a look of resigning himself to beating and scolding, Shang Zhengxin had no choice but to ask suddenly:

Where were you the night your grandfather died??

He wasn't doubting anything, he just wanted to know. Shang Lingjie had been very close to his grandfather since he was a child, and Shang Lingjie would only talk to his grandfather about anything.

It seems that the parents have never walked into Shang Lingjie's heart, and there is something that Shang Lingjie can't see on the surface. No matter whether he is happy or sad, this child has always been very well-behaved in front of his parents since he was a child. look.

Sometimes Fashion Lingjie encounters something that bothers him. Both Shang Zhengxin and Chang Zhaoling only learned about it from Chang Jiaxing.

So Shang Zhengxin asked his eldest son about the proliferation of energy stone weapons in the south, and when Shang Lingjie didn't answer a word, Shang Zhengxin became anxious.

He naturally thought of Chang Jiaxing, but it was because of Shang Zhengxin's words that the expression on Shang Lingjie's face, which was very well-behaved on the surface, changed slightly.

From the looks of it, Shang Lingjie looked like a clay puppet with a crack in his facial expression.

In the dimly lit study room, behind Shang Lingjie, there is a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. Books are arranged in neat rows, from the ceiling to the floor.

He raised his head slowly, looking at his father with a pair of eyes, and painful emotions were revealed from those eyes.

Shang Zhengxin finally felt that something was wrong, something was wrong, he looked at his son in surprise, and asked:

Lingjie, what's wrong with you? Lingjie?

In Shang Lingjie's painful eyes, strong anger suddenly appeared again. He almost gritted his teeth and asked his father tremblingly,

Dad, what did you find??

What did he find? Shang Zhengxin was in doubt for a while, but looking at his eldest son's expression, Shang Zhengxin suddenly realized something.

Why did he just ask Shang Lingjie where he went the night Chang Jiaxing died? Is Shang Lingjie's whole state not right?

There was a faint guess in Shang Zhengxin's heart, he stood up suddenly, pointed at the eldest son sitting in front of him, and shouted loudly:

How did your grandfather die? Do you know how your grandfather died??

Chang Jiaxing's death has always been a question in the hearts of everyone in the southern region, because before Chang Jiaxing's death, although his illness was a bit serious, it was not to the point of sudden sudden death. At that time, people in the southern region The garrison is waiting, waiting to find an opportunity for Qiao Lingxiang to give Chang's family Xing Zhizhi.

All the guards felt that Chang Jiaxing could afford to wait.

But he just died suddenly.

No one has found out the cause of his death. However, now that I think about it carefully, Chang Jiaxing's death is a bit like the state of death after being hit by a power stone weapon.

Because at that time, everyone didn't know much about energy stone weapons, and Shang Zhengxin didn't even have such a concept. What is energy stone weapons?

Therefore, after Chang Jiaxing died, many doctors conducted intensive tests on his body. It was not poisoned, nor was he attacked by external forces. Except that the body was gradually hardening, it could not be kept for a long time, and it had to be cremated immediately. It's just weird to die.

How did he die, so this question has remained unsolved until now.

Shang Lingjie lowered his head slightly, and stood up slowly. His figure was like a demon. He was dormant in front of everyone, wearing a cute sheepskin coat, but now his true face was seen through.

So Shang Lingjie didn't seem to intend to pretend anymore, he just stood in front of his father like this, Shang Zhengxin took a step back in fright.

Shang Zhengxin asked:

What do you want to do? What do you want to do, boy?

I didn't want to do anything, father, but you asked, you already guessed, you already knew, you knew everything.

Shang Lingjie looked at his father with a pair of very paranoid eyes. He walked around the desk in front of him and walked towards his father step by step.

At the same time, what contradicts it is that Shang Lingjie's expression is quite painful, he even said to Shang Zhengxin with a weeping sound:

Grandpa didn't understand me, he rejected me, I kept telling him, tell him not to reuse Ye Yiming, let him take those supernatural beings under Ye Yiming's hands, whether it's Cen Yi or Lu Zhengqing, Break them up and don't let Ye Yiming promote them.

He cried, with tears in his eyes, and said angrily:

I kept telling my grandfather to let him find a way to give Qiao Lingxiang to me, and I will study her, but my grandfather rejected me again...

As he said this, he had already walked in front of Shang Zhengxin, and suddenly said to Shang Zhengxin with eyes full of anger:

I didn't do it on purpose, Dad, Grandpa rejected me. I told him that we must not encourage the arrogance of the supernatural beings, and we must not reuse the supernatural beings. If the garrison in the southern region lacks strong power, energy stone weapons can be used. , Qiao Lingxiang's ability is very precious, we can take her to the laboratory, carefully dissect her skills, dismember her from head to toe, and figure out how to copy her skills.

He said, his ideal, his ambition, his blueprint for the future, he said it all, but no matter how earnestly Shang Lingjie tried to reason with his grandfather, he wanted his grandfather to follow his ideal blueprint do things.

Chang Jiaxing rejected him mercilessly.

Seeing Shang Lingjie shaking his head non-stop, full of pain and excitement, he yelled at his father:

I didn't mean it, but I was too angry. No matter what I said, he wouldn't listen. No matter what I suggested, he always confronted me. Grandpa always reused some dangerous elements. Dad, tell me, the power stone What’s wrong with weapons, why do you all object, is it wrong to equip ordinary garrisons in the southern region with energy stone weapons so that they can suppress the garrison of supernatural beings?”

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