For Changlu Energy Group, before the end of the world, it was the family business of the Shang family. Just because it wanted to become bigger and stronger, the Shang family absorbed a group of shareholders from all aspects and through various channels, but the shares in the hands of these shareholders were very small. At least, the Shang family has the decision-making power over Changlu Energy Group.

The largest share gifted by the Shang family was when the Shang family wanted to marry the Chang family, and they voluntarily gave Chang Jiaxing a part of the shares of Changlu Energy Group, and this part of the shares had a fixed heir, when the Shang family gave it away , it is stated in the share gift contract that this part of the shares can be held indefinitely during Chang Jiaxing's lifetime.

But after Chang Jiaxing's death, the shares of Changlu Energy in his hands will be inherited by Chang Zhaoling's first Shang family child.

Now that Chang Jiaxing is dead, except for some small shareholders with small holdings, the largest shareholder of Changlu Energy Group is still the Shang family.

To put it bluntly, Chang Zhaoling explained to those shareholders to give them face and not to explain anything. The Shang family made their own decisions, and no one had the right to say anything.

Therefore, Chang Zhaoling decided to exploit energy stone veins extensively, and she only had to say hello to her husband and her eldest son.

During this process, the energy stone weapon production line in Youyou Town has increased its horsepower to produce weapons. At the same time, there are suddenly many civilian teams in Youyou Town.

Liao Minsheng's explanation to Chang Zhaoling was that several cities near City Z have been beaten helplessly by the 15-city alliance, and the garrisons of many cities have almost been wiped out, and those garrisons will be sent to Qiao Lingxiang There to resurrect.

But after many garrisons are revived, they will join the 15-city alliance, either as captives, to plant mutant crops in places where mutant monsters and zombies are rampant, or simply join the 15-city alliance, carrying weapons to torture mutations Monsters and Zombies.

They don't want to fight with their former brother city garrison. Now they just want to simply accumulate their combat experience in the process of killing zombies and mutant monsters.

Therefore, in this case, if you want to regain the current disadvantage, you can only rely on the private team.

Chang Zhaoling accepted Liao Minsheng's rhetoric. She was crazy about revenge, and directly sent those energy stone weapons to the civilian team, and asked them to go to other cities to attack the garrison of the 15-city alliance.

And the effect of such indiscriminate use of energy stone weapons is also immediate. Soon, those cities that were originally at a disadvantage and were tortured by the 15-city alliance suddenly had a lot of civilian teams with energy stone weapons. The number of casualties decreased, and the death rate of the 15 city garrisons suddenly rose to a new height.

Just as Wei Xingping was worried at the beginning, when the opponent was recklessly using energy stone weapons to kill people, the 15-city alliance's combat effectiveness was greatly reduced because of the slow resurrection speed.

It is with the spirit and patience of a craftsman that after resuscitating people, each of them will be like Zhao Long. After resurrection, their power level will collapse by two or three steps.

Moreover, the further back the ability ladder is, the more exaggerated the collapsed ladder will be. Zhao Long on the first step, after his resurrection, has his ability pushed back to the third step. After condensing the energy of the power stone, and then being resurrected, the power level can be regressed to the seventh step.

Not to mention the level of the ability ladder that is further back, some people can be directly repelled into ordinary people.

And the first echelon, known as the number one combat force in the last days, has no time to go out to fight monsters now. They have directly changed from combat garrison to medical garrison. I was very anxious, knowing that the speed of saving people like this was too slow.

But everyone couldn't help it, including Qiao Ayaka.

In the center camp of Z City full of corpses, Qiao Lingxiang looked outside the camp, there was a long line of refrigerated trucks, and then glanced at the open space in front of her, covered with gray and white corpses. Z came out of the city and was directing the people in the camp to retreat.

In this situation, there is no way not to retreat. The entire 15-city alliance has to retreat. Although the bluish-white corpses can be resurrected, but the combat power has been knocked down, how will we deal with mutants and zombies in the future?

With the wishes of the Shang family and the Changjincheng faction, the fighting power of the 15-city alliance has been weakened, and they no longer make them scream. The Shang family and the Changjincheng faction can celebrate with champagne.

In an orderly tension, everyone was busy, some were packing their luggage, some were dismantling tents, and some were stationed, carrying those gray-white, stiff corpses.

Ban Yue hurried through the mess, ran to Qiao Lingxiang, and said in shock:

Xiangxiang, it's not good, a large number of civilians have been sent over, and they all turned into energy stones.


Qiao Lingxiang widened her eyes, looked at Ban Yue, and asked again:

How could there be civilian casualties?

Beside her, Cen Yi frowned, and hurriedly said to Ban Yue:

Take me to see.

So, Qiao Lingxiang and Cen Yi followed Ban Yue to the outside of the center camp. When they left the gate of the center camp, there was an endless line of refrigerated trucks, each of which was filled with the corpses of the 15-city alliance.

Of course, there are also other cities in the southern region. That’s because before that, the entire southern region was in a relatively stable state. 15 cities attacked the surrounding cities. After entering the surrounding cities, they will still collect the garrison corpses in the other city and send them to the center camp outside Z city to be revived.

Later, other cities in the south were garrisoned less and less. Originally, the 15-city alliance was already in sight of victory, but after the garrison of the 15-city alliance was hit by the concentrated energy stone, the combat effectiveness could no longer be a virtuous cycle, and more and more corpses were accumulated. As soon as the civilian team came up, the 15-city alliance had to take care of those innocent civilians, and it had little power to parry at present.

Cen Yi let the refrigerated trucks loaded with corpses not have to unload the brothers, and drove directly to Xiangcheng, the hinterland of the 15-city alliance, where Lu Lecheng had already arranged a place to park the corpses. Slowly extract the power stone energy in their bodies.

When Ban Yue arrived at a refrigerated truck from Dongcheng with Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang, it was Niu Gaoda who was stationed in charge of transporting the corpses. He cried and saluted Cen Yi.

To be honest, if he hadn't transported a load of civilians, Niu Gaoda wouldn't have cried like this.

Cen Yi glanced at Niu Gaoda and reprimanded:

Why are you crying? Don't cry, how long have you been stationed, and you are still crying like this, what happened, please explain clearly.

From the safe area of ​​NA city, to the west city, and then to the east city, in the past few years, Niu Gaoda has been thoroughly tempered from a frizzy young man to a tough man.

He has been moving around on the second line, and now he is a team leader in charge of escorting refrigerated vehicles, responsible for escorting frozen corpses in southwest cities.

Niu Gaoda looked at a small Xiangcheng, arrived at the 15th city, and watched the 15th city alliance go all the way. Those cities in the southern region were beaten by the 15th city alliance, and now the 15th city alliance is about to retreat. The body was sent to Xiangcheng.

This is not the point, the point is that no matter how much Cen Yi emphasizes and controls, civilians still have accidents.

Ban Yue opened the rear door of the refrigerated truck. Qiao Lingxiang stood outside the door and looked inside. The people in the truck were all dressed in civilian clothes. The elderly, children, and pregnant women were all neatly arranged like stone sculptures. Store in a refrigerated cart.

He also heard Niu Gaoda squatting on the ground, touching his head with one hand, and crying:

What about him? We've never been so aggrieved. The people of the Shang family are simply messing around. They haven't received formal training at all, and they don't have discipline to restrain them. They can do whatever they want.

Because they were too hard pressed by the 15-city alliance before, those civilian teams got the energy stone weapon, and like revenge, they all attacked the 15-city alliance, and then attacked.

Of course, this is nothing. Although the 15-city alliance was beaten and retreated across the board, they were all stationed, and there was also Qiao Lingxiang, who was living and dying, and no one took it seriously.

But those non-disciplined folk teams who have lived for half their lives, after suddenly gaining a strong combat effectiveness, seem to be a little bit alive.

In their world, as long as they have strong combat power, what are supernatural beings? Not only did they not pay attention to the garrison security check, they did whatever they wanted, they just accidentally killed a few civilians, this knife and gun had no eyes, and they were born in troubled times, how could they not kill a few innocent people.

Therefore, with this mentality of being alive, the non-governmental team, which has never received formal training and has no binding force at all, has no three views, and aimed its energy stone weapon at the civilians in 15 cities.

Cen Yi finished listening to Niu Gaoda's narration in silence, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger that had never been seen before.

It happened that a garrison was moving things, and when he passed by Cen Yi, a shelf he was carrying fell directly from a pile of sundries.

Qiao Lingxiang and Ban Yue turned their heads and wanted to help pick up the shelf. Cen Yifei kicked the shelf to the sky. He cursed and shouted at Niu Gaoda:

Don't cry, get up, don't evacuate, quickly drag the body to Xiangcheng, I won't evacuate.

If this is just the garrison system in the south, if you want to teach the 15th city a lesson, Cen Yitui will be done. They are proud of them, and Cen Yi will lose face and rub his face against the wall. That's all.

But now this incident has involved the civilians of 15 cities. Cen Yi led the 15 city alliance. After fighting for so long, he never beat the civilians of the Changjincheng faction. As a result, when the Changjincheng faction came up, they took 15 The city civilians have established their prestige, how can they retreat?

After Cen Yi finished speaking, he turned around, walked quickly to the center camp, and sent a telegram to the top garrison commanders of the cities of the 15-city alliance, demanding that the 15-city alliance not retreat.

You can't retreat even if you die.

Qiao Lingxiang and Ban Yue were left standing in front of a carload of civilian corpses, and the two were quite speechless about the actions of the Dongcheng civilian team.

Ban Yue turned her head, looked at Qiao Lingxiang, and asked:

Xiangxiang, what should we do now?

Now, those messy civilian teams are rushing around with energy stone weapons, and more and more civilians will die next. The number of civilians is much higher than that of the garrison. The speed of the gray-white corpse spinning was already very slow.

If there are still a large number of civilians to be saved, it is estimated that the speed will be even slower.

Qiao Lingxiang looked at the corpses in the truck, thought for a while, walked up to Niu Gaoda, and said to Niu Gaoda:

Don't cry, the task of your brigade will be heavier next time, those civilian teams have no rules at all, who can guarantee that they will not intercept your refrigerated trucks along the way while attacking civilians, Gundam, you want Let’s face it, there are still many difficulties ahead.”

Now that Cen Yi has decided not to retreat, the 15-city alliance will encounter an unprecedented dilemma. In the past, cities in the southern region did not stop the refrigerated trucks of the 15-city alliance.

Not only did they not stop them, but they also secretly escorted them along the way, because the 15-city alliance rescued brothers from their own cities.

So Niu Gaoda, the captain, has almost no pressure.

But it's hard to say now, can those folk teams be expected to have any righteousness? From the fact that they attacked the civilians, they knew that they should not expect anything from the civilian teams who have mastered the energy stone weapon.

Niu Gaoda gradually stopped crying. He raised his dirty face, squatted on the ground, and looked up at Qiao Lingxiang.

Qiao Lingxiang turned her head and said to Ban Yue:

It's too slow for the first echelon to save people like this. Although the medical garrison in the center camp is learning to use energy stone energy, the speed of saving people is far behind the speed of resurrection.

After a pause, Qiao Lingxiang said to Ban Yue:

All those who spin silk should learn to smoke two corpses at the same time, not just two people, but several people at the same time, dozens of people, so that the efficiency can be improved.

When Ban Yue heard this, she looked at Qiao Lingxiang exaggeratedly, and asked:

Will this be too difficult?

Now all the medical garrisons in the center camp are still in the stage of absorbing the energy of the energy stone. There are not many people who can really spin the energy of the energy stone, and there are many people in the first echelon who can spin the energy. Yes, but if they were asked to spin two corpses at the same time, no one would be able to do it.

Qiao Lingxiang nodded solemnly, and said:

In my opinion, not only the garrisons of the first echelon have to deal with multiple people at the same time, but also all the medical garrisons of the 15-city alliance. We will never know how much potential is contained in our body.

She said, raised her hand and patted Ban Yue's shoulder, and said:

Go, send a telegram to all the garrisons of the 15-city alliance, and tell them directly that I can't handle it, and I need the help of all the medical garrisons.

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