Why can't I tell? Because I brought up your heartbreak?

Chang Zhaoling went crazy and used words as a weapon to poke her sister's heart.

As if she wanted to stir up the hatred in Chang Zaiying's mind on purpose, Chang Zhaoling said again:

Because mentioning Nan Fengqin will keep reminding you, you failed, you lost to an abandoned woman, didn't you? You lost to a broken shoe, didn't you?

That's enough, stop talking!

Chang Zaiying couldn't bear it anymore, she jumped up from the sofa, her whole body was tense, and she said to Chang Zhaoling:

I'm a loser, yes, I lost to an abandoned woman, and that's true, but let me tell you again, the mistakes we made with the garrison, and my personal feelings, are two different things, don't you Mix those two things together.

At this time, Chang Zaiying's voice was also very sharp, she was like an irritated hedgehog, the thorns all over her body stood up.

Every thorn is aimed at oneself, the closest relative.

Originally, Chang Zaiying thought that Chang Zhaoling had said so much, deliberately provoked her anger, and wanted to have a big fight with her at home.

But seeing Chang Zhaoling suddenly quiet down, the lunatic woman lowered her head, lowered her eyelids, and asked in a deep voice:

Chang Zaiying, let me ask you again, do you still care about this matter? Do you want to ask those uncles in the Z city garrison how much they want?

Using three to the end in a row, Chang Zaiying, who was standing in front of her sister, sneered, and answered two words firmly,


After saying these two words, Chang Zaiying turned around and was about to go back to her room to sleep. She took two steps forward and stopped, tilted her head slightly, and said to her sister behind her:

Sister, my life is about to end here. Although I still have a lot of unwillingness to reconcile, but I am the disciplinary officer of the garrison. I made an unforgivable mistake. I will bear this mistake.

She said she was not reconciled because she was defeated by Nan Fengqin, this woman gave her too much frustration.

However, as Chang Zaiying herself said, her feelings and the mistakes she made are two different things. People who make mistakes must be brave enough to take responsibility, right?

Now, Chang Zaiying feels that Chang Zhaoling lacks the courage to take responsibility, because to this day, Chang Zhaoling refuses to pay for her son's mistakes.

She always felt that everyone in the world was sorry for her son, but she never thought that her son had committed such a crime and deserved to die.

Chang Zhaoling does not understand this truth, but Chang Zaiying does.

But Chang Zaiying couldn't change Chang Zhaoling's character, let alone Chang Zaying now had no choice but no effort to change anything.

She walked forward slowly, and was about to go up the stairs, when suddenly she heard Chang Zhaoling who became very quiet behind her whisper:

Since you have decided to die, let me give you a ride.

As soon as she finished speaking, Chang Zaiying suddenly felt something was wrong, neither her sister's tone nor the current atmosphere was right.

So Chang Zaiying hurriedly turned her head and saw that her own sister was holding a gun in her hand. The gun didn't look like an ordinary bullet gun. The muzzle of the gun was like a circle of a bubble maker, and there were no bullets in the magazine. , but with a power stone.

What is this thing?

Before Chang Zaiying could say anything, her sister pulled the trigger of the energy gun, and a laser shot out, hitting Chang Zaiying's chest.

A light blue peripheral light flooded Chang Zaiying's body, she opened her eyes wide and looked at her own sister, in disbelief.

Her sister killed her?

In the next second, Chang Zaiying fell to the ground, her eyes still staring, with a look of regret.

She died very quickly, without any wounds on her body, as if she was suddenly knocked down by some supernatural power, she died without even feeling the pain.

The lunatic Chang Zhaoling had tears in her eyes. She put away the energy gun in her hand, looked at her sister who had just been killed by herself, and said in a choked voice:

Anyway, you have already decided to die, so you might as well do my sister a favor. Don't worry, Xiaoying, my sister will not let you die in vain.

She said, turned around and wiped the tears off her face, hurried out of the house, and said to the Chang family servant and the driver of the Shang family waiting outside:

Hurry up and send a telegram to Jincheng, saying that Ye Yiming killed Xiaoying.

The servants of the Chang family did not expect that Chang Zaiying, who was alive just now, was suddenly killed by Ye Yiming?

He opened his mouth to express his doubts, but Chang Zhaoling winked at the driver of the Shang family.

The driver of the Shang family immediately understood, thinking that he is also a ruthless character, otherwise he would not be able to become Chang Zhaoling's driver in this world. The driver walked up to the servant of the Chang family, raised the knife in his hand, and took Chang Zhaoling's hand. The servant had his throat cut.

In such a large Chang family, of course there will not be only one servant to take care of such a large house.

After cutting the throat of the servant of the Chang family who was guarding the door, the driver of the Shang family entered the house of the Chang family to search for the rest of the servants of the Chang family.

Now that she has decided to make such a plan, after Chang Zhaoling killed her own sister, she must maximize the value of her life.

There are four or five servants in the Chang family, all of whom have worked in the Chang family for many years, and even two of them are older, they still watched Chang Zhaoling grow up.

But these people must die, if they don't. How to explain that Ye Yiming was able to enter Chang's house and kill Chang Zaiying without disturbing anyone?

It was already very late at night, and there were screams and screams from the servant's dormitory at the other end of Chang's garden. Because it was a little far away from Chang Zhaoling, the screams were not that loud, only faint, in the silence ringing in the night.

It echoed with the loudspeaker in the distance, saying that the city Z garrison system had taken refuge in Ye Yiming.

What an irony!

The night wind blew, and Chang Zhaoling calmed down a little. Her knees gave way, and she fell down on the steps in front of Chang's house.

She looked at the open space in front of her, and slowly remembered when she was a child, holding Chang Jincheng and Chang Zaiying's hands, drawing hopscotch on the open space in front of her.

A child's cry came from the other side of the garden. It was indistinct and indistinct. It might be the child of a servant in Chang's family. The cry reached Chang Zhaoling's ears and became empty again. On the ground, the laughter of the three siblings.

Chang Jincheng, Chang Zhaoling and Chang Zaiying, the three of them are still small, happily jumping, laughing, holding hands in front of Chang Zhaoling's eyes, turning, turning, turning

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