Let's not talk about Ye Yiming's real affection for Nan Fengqin, but on the open space where the iron box was slowed down, Ye Yiming gestured, and when he raised his hand, a layer of green grass was laid in front of him.

Numerous crops emerged from the ground, and the grass continued to spread, until it reached the front of the water curtain.

Then I couldn't walk anymore, because Ye Yiming gave birth to a piece of grass, and that grass was swallowed by a tiny water-absorbing monster.

The grass entered the stomach of the water-absorbing monster, and then turned into yellow dry feces and was pulled out.

The excrement was so dry that it didn't have any moisture. As soon as it came out of the water-absorbing monster's tail, it shattered into fine sand. The fine sand was captured by the ubiquitous sand monsters and became a new sand monster.

The new sand monster is swallowed into the body of the water-absorbing monster, and continues to absorb the water in the sand monster's body

Qiao Lingxiang hurriedly ran over, and as soon as she moved, countless white life energy flew out of the water curtain, and the water splashed down, and was controlled by Mi Ranyi, otherwise it would all fall on the frontline guards .

If the water falls, the destructive power will be no less than that of a tsunami.

The white life energy fell on the first echelon garrisons, and enhanced versions of fairy grass grew under their feet, and these enhanced versions of fairy grass, no matter how good they grew, their volume was not comparable to that of a Mutated crops that have been magnified several times.

Part of the water is temporarily stored by the plants, and will no longer flow around, being swallowed up by those tiny water-absorbing monsters.

Cen Yi held a telescope in his hand, observed the battle situation beside the water curtain, and then shouted,

Xiaomi, push the water to the west city.

They originally retreated to the south of City B from the junction of West City and City B. Now that the battle situation has seen a little light, those who can push to the West City will naturally push to the West City.

When Mi Ranyi heard this, his hands were wrapped in a ball of water-like supernatural energy, and he hit the water curtain in front of him hard, and two water jets rushed towards the opposite water curtain. As he moved forward, the towering water curtain With such a crash, she was pushed forward by him.

The fairy grass on the ground is growing, and behind the garrison of the first step, the huge crops gradually grow into a fruitful forest.

Cen Yi directly melted into an iron boat and rushed towards the water curtain. Countless huge iron gates fell and sank into the bottom of the water, becoming a dam, a huge dam.

Cen Yi stood on the boat and raised his voice and shouted:

Get moving, brothers, it's time to fight back..

Many of the garrisons on the first tier, who had been retreating all the time, felt bored these days. After hearing what Cen Yi said, all of them suddenly screamed like chicken blood, each showing their magical powers. Jump on board.

Ye Yiming and Qiao Lingxiang looked at the wriggling ocean in front of them, and the dams as tall as a dam. The giant ship that was going away was rampaging in the ocean, and suddenly a huge, transparent water-absorbing insect popped out in front of it, opening its huge mouthparts. , to crush the giant ship.

On the giant ship, various abilities impacted on the water-absorbing insect's body, opened the water-absorbing insect's body skin, and the transparent water would splash down as if the water bladder had been punctured.

This wave from Xicheng, the civilian team hired by Chang Zaiying, caused troubles for the front echelon, and it has sucked up a lot of water in Xicheng.

Cen Yi led the frontline echelon to retreat all the way, so these water-absorbing monsters, in the process of advancing, could barely grow.

Any plants, sand monsters, humans, mutant monsters, and zombies are their food. Things that seem to have no water can be squeezed out of water through their devouring, and then turned into fine sand.

So when they arrived here, they had accumulated quite a lot of water, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a vast ocean.

Qiao Lingxiang and Ye Yiming looked at Cen Yi driving the huge boat, as if he was at sea, leading his crew to fight against giant beasts. Hydra.

Ye Yiming didn't waste time, and went back to find the telegraph technology stationed in the huge forest of crops, and asked them to send a telegram to Thirteen City in his name, saying that the frontline echelon of the garrison summoned all wood-type abilities, Come to the front line of City B to plant trees.

At this time, of course, Cen Yi should lead the first echelon of the garrison and rush to the front. People with supernatural powers like Qiao Lingxiang and Ye Yiming, who can quickly spawn plants, will be behind, and then the second echelon, and finally the ordinary people. Commoners grow common mutated crops.

Seeing that Ye Yiming was busy sending a telegram, Qiao Lingxiang walked along the coast with shallow water waves. The places she passed were filled with white life energy. growing.

For these enhanced versions of mutant fairy grass, people from the second echelon will come forward and be responsible for harvesting. Qiao Lingxiang only cares about planting, not selling.

She vaguely heard people say that whether it is the enhanced version of the mutated fairy grass planted by her or the crops planted by Ye Yiming, after spending time with Song Bai, who is stationed in charge of cooking, the unused will be sold to Lu Lecheng .

Lu Lecheng will process and sell these things, deduct the cost, and share the profits with Ye Yiming and Qiao Lingxiang.

Because she hasn't been to the trading house for a long time, Qiao Lingxiang doesn't know how much money she has in her current account, it should be quite a lot.

It was stationed at the front line, and after finding an effective means to fight against the water-absorbing monsters, when the counterattack was vigorously launched, Zuo Chenghao in City B had already taken the entire city of B, except for the west part occupied by Cen Yi. Checked again.

However, the demand for supplies from Xiying has become much more frequent. Zuo Chenghao has no choice. In City B, all the monsters that should be killed have been killed. They can only sneak around and prepare to send the two camps to garrison , Go to NA City to find the strange killer.

The two camps were the South Camp and the North Camp, one above Cen Yi and the other below Cen Yi. Before the two camps could be stationed, they sneaked into Na City to earn crystal cores and relics. Countless water-absorbing monsters came towards them.

Following the water-absorbing monster, there were several letters from Cen Yi about the skills and techniques for dealing with the water-absorbing monster. He did not ask the South and North Camps of City B to cooperate with him in killing the water-absorbing monster.

But the sand monster strategy has been sent to the South Camp and the North Camp, and the water-absorbing monsters are also coming like a tide. What about the South Camp and the North Camp?

Anyway, it's all about earning crystal cores and relics to support the Xiying brothers, so let's roll up our sleeves and do it now.

The whole city B, inexplicably, began to cooperate with Cen Yi to resist, attack, and attack the water-absorbing monster!

In the process of resisting and attacking, it must be indispensable, and it is also necessary to cooperate with the front echelon, so that this battle can achieve the best results.

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