Mi Ranyi next to him saw it, and suddenly felt a little surprised. He turned around, leaned his body against the car door, and asked Qiao Lingxiang,

Xiangxiang, what kind of energy is life energy? I've always heard you talk about life energy, life energy, can this stuff water plants?

Why not?

Qiao Lingxiang stretched out her hand out of the car window again, sucked out a handful of life energy from the water flow outside the window, tilted her head, glanced at Mi Ranyi, and sprinkled the handful of life energy on Mi Ranyi out of common sense. body.

What does it feel like? Mi Ranyi squinted his eyes, and felt the dots of white fluorescent light falling on his face, which seemed to be light and light as if there was nothing, but it was like warm mist spraying on his face.

It was so comfortable that he felt that the pores of his facial skin had been opened.

The pores opened up one by one, screaming and wanting Qiao Lingxiang to sprinkle him more.

I heard Qiao Lingxiang say again:

Life energy and supernatural energy are different. They are completely different energy systems. Just like the game played by Cen Yige, supernatural energy supplements the basket, and life energy replenishes blood volume and physical strength.

Then, she pointed to the fairy grass in the flowerpot, and said:

As long as it is life, it can use life energy. Immortal grass is a mutant plant, but in the final analysis, it is also a living plant, and its attributes are relatively mild.

Pointing to the piece of piranha rhizome in the trunk again, said:

This is how I think about it. The piranha's attributes are very aggressive, so what it needs is not life energy, but supernatural energy. Therefore, piranhas cannot be planted in sand monsters. They are planted in sand monsters. Here, the energy attributes are asymmetrical, but it will be decomposed by the sand monsters and gradually become deserted.

Is there such a distinction?

Ban Yue felt that the energy system in the last days was too complicated, so she exaggeratedly said:

I used to find it very strange that some people can absorb energy stones, some people can only absorb relics, and a small number of people can absorb crystal nuclei, while some people, such as Xiangxiang, can't absorb anything , can only absorb life, looking at it now, not only people have choices, but plants also have choices.

Yes, why not?

Qiao Lingxiang leaned slightly against the wall of the car, curled her legs, and said to Ban Yue:

It's just because when these mutated plants were grown in Tiantian Village, they were conceived in the radiation-radiated land, and Director Ye was beside them, so the difference is not big, but if there is no Director Ye, the leaves will not be planted on the radiation-radiated land. , the planting skills of fairy grass are very important.

What can prickly pear be used for? At present, the biggest effect is to control sand. In addition, it can also be used for food.

So this plant may flood in the future.

While Qiao Lingxiang was talking, she sucked in a few handfuls of life energy from the car window, and sprinkled them in the flower pots, growing fairy grass like spring onions.

Then Ban Yue came over curiously and asked Mi Ranyi,

Xiaomi, how do you feel after being watered by life energy? Has your blood recovered a little?

Mi Ranyi felt it, and said confusedly:

I don't know the amount of blood, because I'm not injured right now. Wait until I get an injury and see how fast my body recovers. However, the life energy scattered on my face is quite comfortable.

Hearing what he said, Qiao Lingxiang grabbed a few handfuls of life energy and sprinkled them on the faces of Ban Yue and Mi Ranyi. It was the first time she used this skill, and she was in the research and experiment stage, so she sprinkled some more for Mi Ranyi. Ran Yi and Ban Yue.

Looking forward to their feedback, I asked:

How does it feel exactly?

Ban Yue felt it and said:

It's similar to doing a steam beauty treatment. It's so comfortable. Xiangxiang, give me a little more.

Seeing Ban Yue touching her face and feeling that her skin looked good, Qiao Lingxiang simply stepped up the action of extracting the life energy of the mutated sand monster.

With claws in her hands, she continuously sucked out two streams of white life energy from the water outside. There was no place to put these life energy, so she randomly threw them into the car.

Originally, life is very light. People say that death is lighter than a feather and heavier than Mount Tai. At this time, this sentence is particularly appropriate here. The life energy of the sand monster is too light, floating in the car in bits and pieces , converging into one point, one big point, one mass.

When there is more life energy, that little bit of life gathers together, illuminating the whole car as if it were daytime.

Whether it was Mi Ranyi, Ban Yue, Xiao Li and Lao Li, or even Qiao Lingxiang herself, they all felt a feeling of being bathed in the holy light. They seemed to be wandering in the long river of life. Back to the safety of my mother's palace.

It seems that all the pain and suffering, worry and sorrow in this world are far away from me. The scars that were once carved in my heart are gradually healed at this moment. Because of the inner restlessness, the burst of extreme emotions, It was also gradually gathered back.

Everyone is good, the world is also good, and the things you encounter in the future are also good. Don't be afraid, because at this moment, they who have received spiritual healing have nothing to fear.

Mi Ranyi opened his eyes abruptly, lost his mind, and shouted:

Xiangxiang, hurry up, the sand monster is coming into the car.

He forgot, I'm sorry he forgot, just now he slackened himself for a moment and forgot to control the water flow, and the sand monster broke down his water flow, and now there are countless sand monsters rushing into the car outside the car.

Mi Ranyi frantically tried to make amends, everyone was woken up by his shout, and Lao Li was crying loudly, he had just entered heaven, but let him return to hell on earth.

Xiao Li shouted,

Dad, stop crying, Dad, now is not the time to cry, Dad.

The car suddenly bumped forward, as if hitting some metal plate, and fell into a whirling vortex along with the quicksand.

Mi Ranyi re-wrapped the outside of the car with a layer of water, and everyone felt the car was falling rapidly. Ban Yue hugged Qiao Lingxiang and shouted:

Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang~!

At this time, Qiao Lingxiang knew that she had caused trouble. Originally, Mi Ranyi had been trying her best to maintain the output of abilities, constantly producing clean water, and resisting the invasion of those sand monsters.

As a result, she didn't know what she did just now, and she bewitched Mi Ranyi's mind, causing him to completely forget that he had to continue to output powers.

As a result, the fairy grass was not planted, and they seemed to have smashed into some kind of hole, and the whole car kept falling with the quicksand.

But fortunately, Mi Ranyi organized his abilities again, melting all the sand monsters in the car into the water.

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