Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 598 All the way to the sun

Chang Zaiying stood alone in the tent, facing the several corpses on the ground, she thought of many things.

When I saw Ye Yiming for the first time, she was still very young, almost the same age as Qiao Lingxiang now.

At that time, the garrison had its own garrison university. She came out of the garrison university, which was of a precipitating nature, and was going to enter the garrison novice camp in Z city in the south.

Then, just advance all the way there, facing the sun, and growing upwards.

Before entering the novice garrison, the executive officer of the Z city novice camp had visited her home and reported to her father about the quality of this batch of novice garrison.

The executive officer of the novice camp sat in front of Chang Jiaxing cautiously, and deliberately singled out Ye Yiming to speak.

How should I say it? There are mixed reviews. It is said that Ye Yiming is indeed a good seed for the garrison, but he will violate all kinds of morals on weekdays. It is common to have disheveled clothes. Smoking, drinking and fighting are not uncommon at all. Dry.

The reason why I joined the novice camp was that I owed some debts outside, and the debtors were chased everywhere, and there was really no place to hide. I happened to see the garrison novice camp recruiting for garrison, so I hid in the novice camp.

In fact, the purpose of the novice battalion executive coming to Chang Jiaxing today is to remove Ye Yiming from the garrison team.

More than ten years ago, Chang Jiaxing's body wasn't that bad, but he was at the end of a hero and was getting old.

Hearing the evaluation of Ye Yiming from the Z City Novice Camp, he took Ye Yiming's information, looked at his files, and found that there were many criminal records in the security inspection records, and he couldn't help laughing:

He's a ruthless person. He has fought a lot since he was a child, but what?

Chang Jiaxing didn't finish talking, turned around and saw Chang Zaying standing outside the living room listening, so Chang Jiaxing smiled and asked Chang Zaying,

Xiaoying, this person is in the same period as you, what do you think?

Suddenly being pulled into this topic by her father, Chang Zaiying frowned, stood up straight, and replied solemnly:

Compared with studying whether we should remove such bad people from our team, we should find out why we recruit such people into the novice camp.

This is the crux of the problem. If no one recruits Ye Yiming, it is impossible for someone like him to pass the trial. First of all, the file review will not pass.

Don't think that the garrison is just a garbage collection station. Any cat or dog can be garrisoned. The current garrison inspection is very strict. Ye Yiming's files are densely written by the security inspection system, and all of them are fights.

Therefore, Chang Zaiying believes that it is better to find Ye Yiming's problems than to see the more serious problems inside the garrison. The person in charge of reviewing the files is the first to bear the brunt and bear the full responsibility.

Her words made the two men in the living room nod repeatedly, the executive officer of the novice camp smiled and said to Chang Jiaxing:

Xiaoying's temperament is suitable for being a discipline in the future. We need such a discipline to find out the moths in the system.

Chang Jiaxing laughed, and pointed Chang Zaiying with his finger, as if he had no choice but to do nothing to her, he leaned on the sofa and said:

You, you.

Changing the subject again, she said to Chang Zaiying:

In our system, it is precisely because there are too many rules that are not humane, so for many years, I have seen countless good seedlings, just like this. Find a way to get a position that suits you, and play more important light and heat, alas~”

He said, as if regretting, with a melancholy look on his face.

Yes, he is proud of being a garrison, and all garrisons should be proud of their identity, because they are noble, and they can not only touch others, but also themselves.

Because they have iron-like discipline and an unshakable will, this kind of discipline and will allow them to use their flesh and blood to form the last line of defense for mankind.

But it is precisely because of this discipline and will that each garrison is required to be the same, with the same physique, the same strength, the same dress, the same sitting posture, the same conversation, and the same behavior.

Even, the same clean resume is required.

What does this mean? It means that if it is a good seedling, before entering the garrison system, it cannot make a little mistake. Any security check record, a light stroke, will doom the future of a good seedling.

It must not grow into a towering tree.

Therefore, in these years, Chang Jiaxing has seen too many seedlings like this.

Ye Yiming reluctantly stayed in the garrison, but in the end, he was just going around in the junior garrison, and he made amazing achievements, because he had a lot of criminal records on his file, and at most he was given one star.

In the end, he will serve as a garrison for a few years, get some money, retire and go home, marry a wife and have children. This is nothing more than such a life.

This kind of Miao Miao is common among Chang Jiaxing.

The executive officer of the novice battalion sitting opposite Chang Jiaxing lowered his head silently.

Chang Jiaxing felt that there were quite a few people like Ye Yiming. In fact, the executives of the novice camp were more likely to see such people.

The person who is responsible for recruiting newbies to the garrison system is his servant, Ye Yiming, there will be one or two in almost every issue, who obviously have a powerful, invisible force that can shine brightly in the garrison system Good seedling.

He was blocked from the garrisoned novice camp by a piece of paper and his eclectic and unrestrained style.

It's a pity, but it's not a pity for the executive officer of the novice camp, because there are many such people, so he doesn't care about Ye Yiming.

Chang Jiaxing is different, he is old, and in this year, he clearly felt that his road to promotion from the garrison had come to an end.

If he was made ten years younger, he would still be able to make a few outstanding military exploits and advance one or two levels up.

But he is old, and when he was young, he spent too much time in the primary garrison stage. When he was ambitious and wanted to go to the next level, his age no longer allowed him.

I saw him sitting on the sofa, pondering for a moment, then suddenly made a decision and said:

Stay here.

Then she turned her head to Chang Zaiying with a smile and said:

Here, Dad is assigning you a secret mission now. You go to assess Ye Yiming, and I'll hand him over to you for assessment, but your task is not to make his file more beautiful, but to make his future safe from being punished by discipline. If you are tired, go, let him shine, let him go all the way to the sun, and walk to his place.

The purpose of assessing him is not to restrict him, but to prevent him from being assessed by other discipline officials and then being burdened by discipline.

Let him shine, let him shine all the way.

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