Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 586: The Author's Wisdom

Qiao Ayaka, hello, I have received the letter, and I will arrange everything on the front line according to the information you provided, please rest assured

Lu Zhengqing was standing behind Cen Yi, and Cen Yi was lying on the front of a jeep, writing a letter seriously, while Lu Zhengqing was reading while he was writing.

Write a word, Lu Zhengqing reads a word.

When Cen Yi was thinking hard, biting the tip of his pen, and thinking about what to write next, Lu Zhengqing said:

Brother Cen, it's too silly for you to write like this. Is Xiangxiang still your girlfriend?

Cen Yi glanced at him, and hummed:

It's not mine, could it be yours?

So the letter between you two really doesn't mean anything at all. Please, you are in first love or passionate love. What are you thinking?

Lu Zhengqing looked at Cen Yi's stationery on the front of the car with disgust, and guided Cen Yi as if he had come here.

Speaking of this scumbag, Cen Yi was usually a person who didn't even bother to write homework when he was studying, but now it is too difficult for him to write a decent letter to his girlfriend.

It would be great if I could send text messages. I usually keep in touch, and the concern and joy between the lines are revealed in each text message.

Now it is really difficult for him to write a letter seriously.

I heard Lu Zhengqing say again:

You are writing a love letter now Brother Cen, look at what you wrote, there is not even a sentence I love you and I miss you, any girlfriend will be upset when reading it, this is too formal, worse than a stranger, People who don't know think you two are colleagues, if I were Xiangxiang, I would definitely break up with you after receiving this letter.

Cen Yi, who was lying on the front of the car, heard, break up? This can't be done, the girlfriend he finally mustered up the courage to chase after, can't break up, so he humbly asked:

Then how do you write it?

Lu Zhengqing, who is like a master in the field of love, was stunned by the question for a moment. He has never written a love letter to anyone. After thinking about it, he turned around and found a romance novel, flipped through it, found a paragraph, and said:

Write it like this, let's change it, every time the moon rises, I imagine that my big hand will follow the curve of your body

Upon hearing this, Cen Yi thought for a while following Lu Zhengqing's train of thought, and immediately blushed, jumped up violently, grabbed the book in Lu Zhengqing's hand, and roared in a low voice:

What book are you reading?

Looking at the cover of XXX Love, there is a big letter H on the back.

Lu Zhengqing also blushed a little, and then he straightened his expression, leaned over, and said:

Hey, it's nothing. It's all the wisdom of those authors. Let's extract a paragraph and modify it to be normal. Don't expose your desires so early.

The voice was about to fall, Cen Yi kicked over and kicked Lu Zhengqing aside.

Then rub it, and throw away the book that Lu Zhengqing found out from somewhere.

He still wrote to Qiao Lingxiang according to his own wishes, and listened to Lu Zhengqing's promise that he would have no wife.

After finishing writing the letter, he put it in an uncommon envelope and gave it to Diao Mingzhu to take to Qiao Lingxiang. Then Cen Yicai cheered up, stretched himself, and shouted to the surrounding garrisons:

Okay, get up, I've rested long enough, tidy up, let's go west.

Under the metal wall, the garrisons who had rested for two days immediately got up energetically, and on the battlefield of corpses all over the place, according to the specifications of the brigade, the squads lined up neatly one by one.

From front to back, each finds its own brigade, and each queues into its own small team.

The scattered garrisons gradually formed a straight human chain with no end in sight.

There must be more than one brigade here. If you count all the way back from where Cen Yi is, there must be at least tens of thousands of people. Although everyone calls Cen Yi Captain Cen, in fact, he is a big The size of the team led by the captain can at least compare with that of a city.

Before the end of the world, the size of a city's garrison was only about 50,000 people.

But now Ye Yiming is the supreme commander of the joint garrison of the three cities. This is unprecedented power, so correspondingly, the team led by Cen Yi on the front line is also unprecedentedly large-scale.

So others called him Captain Cen, and he was the only four-star captain in the three cities, and the rest of the captains were only three-star, and that was the only difference.

But this is very messy, because Cen Yi is just a team leader, according to Ye Yiming's urinating nature of sending out stars, if Cen Yi leads the team and makes a few great contributions, he should be awarded five stars.

That's more stars than the executive officer. At that time, Cen Yi will become the first garrison in history who has five stars like the supreme commander of the city garrison system, but is only a captain.

The southern garrison system saw this chaos, and wanted to rectify this matter several times, but they were all perfunctory by the chaotic current situation and Ye Yiming, and they would take care of it later, but Cen Yi stopped the fire. Now I am too busy to take care of myself, and I don't have the energy to worry about such trivial matters.

So, Cen Yi, as a four-star captain, led tens of thousands of garrisons, and marched westward.

The journey wasn't just a matter of hurrying along. Similarly, several first-tier supernatural beings were still fighting monsters, and they were even more brutal than before.

Because Qiao Lingxiang's ability was temporarily cleaned, Cen Yi paid great attention to the casualty rate of the garrison. He reorganized the garrison into echelons according to the level of the ability, and based on the attack power, he clearly divided a level of ability. The higher the garrison, the stronger the attack power.

The garrison of the first echelon has the strongest attack power. They rushed to the front and did not rush down an area. Cen Yi would erect a wall in this open space. Fish, shrimp, and even fish that slip through the net will be killed.

This also greatly reduced the casualties of the garrison.

But also because of Cen Yi's prudence and care, it is impossible to eradicate the mutant monsters in Na City just by controlling the mutant monsters in Na City within a range where they will not spread.

The pressure on East-West City and Z City doubled, and the three cities panicked for a while, and the city management system kept sending people to Ye Yiming.

Compared with the original city management system of Xiangcheng, the urban management systems of these cities still cherish their respective garrisons a lot.

After all, this is the end of the world. If you can't properly strengthen your city defense, then the destruction of the city is not far away.

It's just because I cherish it too much, so it's a bit of a separatist regime.

That's right, the commander-in-chief of Dongxi City and Z City meant that Cen would use them to kill monsters to reduce the pressure on Dongxi City and Z City.

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