Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

544 Chapter 544 is getting more and more stupid

Who can be blamed?

Deng Meifang kept asking herself this question in her heart, if she wanted to blame, she could only blame Liu Ye.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she was sore and angry.

A child nearby handed Deng Meifang a tissue and ran away, and the rest of the children also ran away, jumping and playing their own games in the open space.

Only Qiao Lingxiang and Nan Fengqin were left to accompany Deng Meifang.

Deng Meifang wiped away the tears on her face with a tissue, sniffed her nose again, pulled herself together, and said to Qiao Lingxiang:

Well, the purpose of my coming here is not to kill you. I know that you are not responsible for this matter. The person I want to kill is not you. What I want to kill is the culprit.

Qiao Lingxiang, who was standing beside her, raised her eyebrows and asked:

You want to kill Sixth Master?

Obviously, since Deng Meifang didn't want to kill her, she was still standing here listening to them talking so much, to kill the culprit? Isn't that the sixth master?

Deng Meifang nodded, with a calm expression on her face, only the hatred in her eyes revealed a little of her heart.

The sixth master must be responsible for this blood debt, he must.

Qiao Ayaka then asked:

How are you going to kill? You have nothing, how do you want to kill?

If Deng Meifang wants to instigate Qiao Lingxiang to kill, then I'm really sorry, Qiao Lingxiang is too busy, even though she has fewer people to treat now, but she is busy killing monsters, and she has no time to go back to Xiangcheng to kill Six masters.

Moreover, no one knew what was going on ahead. If Cen Yi and Lu Zhengqing couldn't keep up, there would still be a steady stream of deaths and injuries.

Qiao Ayaka is just on standby right now.

I heard Deng Meifang say again:

I can exchange resources with you first.

As she spoke, she stretched out her palm, and a wisp of fine sand emerged from her palm. Deng Meifang's palm covered with fine lines turned over, with the palm facing down, the fine sand fell to the ground.

Qiao Lingxiang and Nan Fengqin stared at Deng Meifang's palm with wide eyes. The fine sand in her hand seemed to be continuous, strand by strand, but never stopped.

Qiao Ayaka then asked:

You will become sand?

Well, both me and my son will.

Deng Meifang's face was a little pale, she closed her palms slightly, and she cut off the fine sand that was continuously falling from her palms, she breathed unevenly, and said:

I discovered it a long time ago, but I didn't tell about it, even Yushun didn't know about it.

Why don't you tell me?

Qiao Lingxiang was very surprised. If Deng Meifang is also a supernatural being who can control the sand, how powerful is this family? Isn't this the treasure Liu Ye is looking for?

If Deng Meifang and Cheng Yushun were both supernatural beings, Deng Meifang would still receive some courtesy in Liu Ye's village.

Who knows, Deng Meifang sneered and said:

Why do you say it? Say it, and continue to be Liu Ye's dog? No, I won't say it. I want to leave all the resources to Yushun. I have been looking forward to it. He can do something and be promising, but Even if he has no future, as long as he can straighten his back and live with confidence.

This is the main reason why Deng Meifang didn't tell her that she is also a supernatural person.

It's not without reason that Liu Ye is a good man, because he can fool even Deng Meifang when he is acting.

Back then when their mother and son fled and were taken in by the sixth master, the old man behaved so respectfully and respectfully, it made Deng Meifang and Cheng Yushun feel like he attached great importance to their mother and son.

He paid attention to the feeling that even if he lost everything Liu Ye had, he had to keep Cheng Yushun by his side and cultivate it well.

Who doesn't want to have a stable living environment in this troubled world? Who wouldn't want to be an upright person in this chaotic world?

Deng Meifang and Cheng Yushun thought that they had found such a place where they could stay in Liu Ye's village and build their own home properly.

The results of it? There are some details that cannot be seen or expressed, but can only be felt through feeling, in the days when the water flows slowly.

That is, no matter how hard they try, it is impossible for Cheng Yushun and Deng Meifang to become real members of this village.

It was also on a sudden day that all the little details piled up, making Deng Meifang feel a little disappointed in the village.

But at that time, the outside world had undergone earth-shaking changes. The sixth master was providing relics to Cheng Yushun every day, and only this place could guarantee absolute safety. Get some relics and supply them to Cheng Yushun to improve himself ability.

In order for her son to have enough relics, Deng Meifang carefully concealed the fact that she also became a supernatural person.

She didn't want Master Liu to know that she was a supernatural being, because she began to lose expectations of Master Liu and his village.

But she was unwilling to take away her son's relic, so even though she became a supernatural person, her supernatural ability has been stagnant and has not been improved.

She thought, when Cheng Yushun was strong enough, she would subtly tell him that this place was not a place to stay forever, and she had to find another place to settle down.

But before the words were spoken, Liu Ye sent Cheng Yushun to Shandao County.

Then. . . . . . And then everything after that happened.

After Qiao Lingxiang heard Deng Meifang's words, she exchanged a glance with Nan Fengqin, and then looked at the table, where a pile of relics were randomly piled up like a hill. To be honest, both for her and for the garrison Said, or the security check, or Chen Wei's civilian team.

In fact, there are too many relics to overflow.

Even crystal nuclei, there are many now.

The truly precious thing is the fruit on Ye Yiming's head.

The effect of this fruit is really great, take a bite, the damage buff seems to be fully activated, making everyone a killer in the world.

And the precious thing about this fruit is that the yield is too small.

Ye Yiming can control the rapid growth of crops on the land irradiated by nuclear radiation, and there is no way to make the fruits on his head grow faster.

So everyone can only eat sparingly, except for Cen Yi and Lu Zhengqing, it is best not to eat the rest of the people who have not done enough damage.

Obviously outside of this battlefield, those forces that don't participate in fighting monsters actually regard the relics as treasures. For a few hard-won relics, Deng Meifang has been hiding her abilities.

It's just that he doesn't want to seize his son's relic.

Qiao Lingxiang sighed, and asked Deng Meifang,

Then how do you want to exchange resources with us?

Deng Meifang said:

I need relics, I want to be strong, and then go back and kill Liu Ye.

She has a big plan, but she has no way to tell Qiao Lingxiang in detail now, and it would be embarrassing if she can't do it, so she doesn't say it, she has to do it.

Qiao Lingxiang thought for a second, nodded, and said:

Okay, then you take this pile of relics.

She pointed to the relics that were randomly placed on the table, which the group of children could not use up, piled up Deng Meifang and said:

If you still need something, you can just tell me and I'll give it to you.

She also didn't ask carefully, it doesn't matter which step Deng Meifang is a supernatural being, for a person who is willing to make progress and can endure humiliation, it doesn't matter which step she is on.

This is an era in which as long as you dare to die, you have a great chance to live well.

And Qiao Lingxiang also wanted Liu Ye to die. This person is like a stone in a latrine, stinky, hard and disgusting, placed in the boundary of Xiangcheng, if Liu Ye is not killed, Liu Ye will keep sending The flies came to harass Joe Ayaka.

So just like that, Deng Meifang successfully obtained the first relic in her life without disturbing anyone.

No one knew about this except Qiao Lingxiang and Nan Fengqin. Nan Fengqin used a very ordinary backpack to pack the pile of relics like a hill for Deng Meifang, and then mixed some cooking materials to make it Deng Meifang took it back.

Qiao Yuelan was still in the tent cursing and complaining for a while, Deng Meifang listened outside the tent for a while, shook her head, entered the tent, put down her things, and went to arrange for Qiao Yuelan her western food.

Because Deng Meifang was ordered to take care of Qiao Yuelan, there were still some sixth master's eyeliner and people sent by Feng Daoyi to protect Qiao Yuelan in this safe zone.

Therefore, as Qiao Yuelan's nanny, Deng Meifang couldn't sleep separately from Qiao Yuelan. She could only carry the backpack packed with relics on her back all the time.

When someone asked her, she said that all the things Qiao Yuelan used in her head were covered here. For the convenience of Qiao Yuelan, she could only carry it in a backpack all the time.

After being so busy for several days, Deng Meifang gave Qiao Lingxiang a big gift.

As a reward, she found out all Liu Ye's eyeliners in the current safe zone, then drew up a list and handed it to Qiao Lingxiang.

It is easy to find these eyeliners. The safe area of ​​NA City is different from the safe area of ​​Shandao County. When we were in Shandao County, the situation was too urgent, and the survivors who could be transferred had already been transferred.

The only ones who stayed in the safe area of ​​Shandao County were Nan Fengqin who voluntarily stayed, and a few children with good qualifications that she selected.

But this safe zone in NA Chengla, because the frontline Cen Yi they are quite powerful, this safe zone is considered very safe, so survivors from all directions will come to this safe zone.

After a long time, Ye Yiming is not limited to so many people. The old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant who want to enter the safe zone can come in, and even the civilian team that escorted these survivors can also enter the safe zone to rest.

The security inspection will collect some ordinary supplies from these folk teams with relics. This is necessary, because there are still a large number of old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant in the southeast corner of Xiangcheng.

These people don't need to provide Qiao Ayaka with energy, so they only need to eat ordinary food.

Therefore, this NA city safety zone has gradually become a transportation hub for a non-governmental team to travel north and south.

Many non-governmental teams will pass by this place, rest for one night, sell some supplies for the security check, and then exchange some supplies from other teams. Among them, there are a group of people who start to circle in and out of the safe zone for a long time like wandering.

Maybe this group of people is just simple and wants a more stable environment, so they have been living and resting around the safe zone.

But it is also possible that among this group of people, there are some small-minded forces in their hearts who have placed eyeliners.

Others Deng Meifang didn't know, but as soon as she brought Qiao Yuelan into the safe zone, the sixth master's people began to contact Qiao Yuelan overtly and secretly.

Naturally, there are also Feng Daoyi's people. These people know Deng Meifang's identity, but Liu Ye's people don't know it. They just think that Deng Meifang is just an ordinary nanny sent by Feng Daoyi to take care of Qiao Lingxiang.

Everyone underestimated Deng Meifang as an ugly old lady, even Qiao Yuelan who shouted at Deng Meifang every day never cared about this taciturn old woman.

What's more, those sixth masters, Feng Daoyi's eyeliner and Qiao Yuelan, sometimes contacted in front of Deng Meifang.

In this way, the secret agents were doing things under the noses of the garrison and security checks, and Deng Meifang was hiding under the noses of Qiao Yuelan and the secret agents, developing insignificantly.

Cen Yi finally got a vacation. After coming down from the front line, as soon as he lifted the curtain of Qiao Lingxiang's tent, he saw Qiao Lingxiang lying on a simple desk, looking at a list full of names and laughing.

He walked over, smelly and bloody, pulled up a stool, and sat beside Qiao Lingxiang. He wanted to get closer to her, but since he didn't take a shower, he sat some distance away from her, and asked:

What are you laughing at?

Qiao Lingxiang was lying on the table, tilting her head, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at Cen Yi, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. He had a long beard, and his whole face seemed to be covered with a thick black gray mask, except for the eyes. And teeth, where there is a layer of blood mud.

Suddenly, Qiao Lingxiang discovered that Cen Yi should be 22 this year, right?

Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, three or four years have passed like this. When she met Cen Yi, she was only in the third year of junior high school.

Her heart was throbbing slightly, her cheeks were a little hot, she blinked and said with a smile:

I recently met a very interesting person. She gave me a list of Liu Ye's details. I actually know a few of them. They often move around the safe zone. They seem to be good people.

Who? Who is so interesting?

Cen Yi leaned closer, careful not to smell Qiao Lingxiang, but couldn't help but want to get closer to her, glanced at the long list on the table, and exclaimed:

There are so many detailed works, the corpses are piled up so high.

As he said, he compared Qiao Lingxiang's height. There was no way, this person had been on the battlefield for a long time, and his thinking habits would change. The first association he saw when he saw this list was the stacking height of the corpses.

Qiao Lingxiang looked at Cen Yi with a smile, pursed her lips and said nothing.

The dirty Cen Yi was embarrassed by her look, his face was black and red, and he asked:

What are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong? Isn't the height so high?

He thinks that the bodies of these meticulous workers are fat and thin, so it is very likely that the height of stacking is not so high, then. . . . . . Shorter? Or higher?

have no idea.

Qiao Lingxiang was still smiling, she looked at Cen Yi with sparkling eyes, she really didn't know why she was smiling.

That is, when I see this person, I want to laugh, my heart wants to laugh, no matter how miserable the day is, I feel very happy.

Cen Yi turned his face away, originally a straight-talking personality, but now he became shy.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked at the corner of the tent, he leaned back a bit, raised his hand to touch his head, changed the subject, and said:

Are you still used to living here? The territory of NA city is too vast, sometimes I can't contact you.

They rushed all the way from Shandao County to Yi City, and then took Yi City to NA City. From the moment they entered NA City, Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang's private channels were sometimes available, and sometimes not.

Because the battle line is too long.

Not only Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang couldn't see each other, because there were many monsters in NA City, and it was all plains. Sometimes he and Lu Zhengqing who rushed to the front also couldn't see each other.

So he misses Qiao Ayaka very much.

I really want it, I really want it.

Couldn't help it, Cen's eyes that were looking aside from the past sneaked back to Qiao Lingxiang again. Seeing that she was still looking at him and smiling, Cen also pursed his lips and smiled, saying:

Why are you getting more and more stupid.

Have it?

Qiao Lingxiang finally corrected her mood, restrained the smile on her face, and felt like she was a little nympho?

She couldn't help laughing again. In order to hide her mood, the girl got up and rummaged through her tent to find some new clothes.

Turning around, Qiao Lingxiang held the neatly folded clothes in her hand, and said to Cen Yi:

I think you don't know if you have grown stronger. The supplies in the safe zone are quite abundant, so I left a few sets of clothes for each of you. When you come down from the front line, you can wear them as casual clothes.

Ajiu complained before that although Brother Cen made a complete set of equipment, including underwear, it was made of metal after all. Wearing it on the body would make people feel like they were about to go to the battlefield in the next second.

And Qiao Lingxiang hasn't seen Cen Yi and the others for a long time. She has met Cen Yi, Lu Zhengqing, Zhao Long, Ajiu, Mi Ranyi and the others. During the transition period from boys to men, she watched them settle down their personalities day by day.

She thought, after such a long time, will these lovely people become thinner or stronger?

With such a mood, when Qiao Lingxiang hoarded a large amount of supplies in the safe zone, she liked to find clothes for these people according to her own expectations.

Just get stronger and stronger.

Sure enough, after seeing Cen, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Qiao Lingxiang found that the clothes in her hands were quite suitable for Cen Yi's current figure.

He is very strong. Although there is no mecha around his body, Cen Yi's figure has completely lost its thinness compared to a few years ago. Now Cen Yi is tall, with a broad back, and looks quite reliable.

Cen Yi, who was sitting on the stool, turned his head, reached out to take the clothes, looked at Qiao Lingxiang's tent again, and said:

Then I'll take a shower first, and when I come back, tell me how you want these minions to die.

Ask for a monthly pass, okay~! !

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