No one knew how unwilling and wronged Cheng Yushun felt at the moment when he died of anger.

But there is no doubt that Cheng Yushun became the first first-stage supernatural person in the end of the world who couldn't get along with himself, couldn't figure out the evil of human nature, and finally pissed himself off.

After Ye Yiming heard the result, he stood in the sun, sunbathing, full of emotion, and said:

It's really a pity. Originally, he should have become a powerful figure like Cen Yi and the others, but in the end, he ended up like this.

In terms of Cheng Yushun's ability, compared to Xie Ni, who could manipulate birds all over the sky, Cheng Yushun must be much stronger, but this person was not well cultivated, and instead fell into Liu Ye's hands .

Liu Ye's life atmosphere is based on a folk view of right and wrong, and this view of right and wrong has affected Cheng Yushun, and he takes it seriously.

But in fact, those people who really created this view of righteousness and righteousness, perhaps in their minds, no one took this kind of righteousness and righteousness seriously.

Cheng Yushun took it seriously, but he died of anger in the end.

Standing beside Ye Yiming, Lu Zhengqing's eyes are full of coquettishness, and he doesn't know how this person looks. When everyone else is getting more and more manly, he looks more and more neutral.

Others are unshaven and sloppy on the battlefield, but as a supernatural being who can control fire, he is cleaner than Mi Ranyi.

Only Lu Zhengqing said with a smile:

This person's brain can't turn the corner, so there's nothing he can do about it, but we have killed so many people from Master Liu this time, and this deadly enmity has already been settled.

Ha, maybe you're still afraid of him? He's already at the end of his battle, so just come.

Ye Yiming had a funny sneer on his face. This sixth master is actually a cancer, which should have been pulled out a long time ago.

It's just because in the past few years, after fighting the battlefield of Xiangcheng, they fought the battlefield of Tiantian Village, after fighting the battlefield of Tiantian Village, they fought the battlefield of West Xiangcheng, and after fighting West of Xiangcheng, they fought Shandao County. Non-stop.

Everyone was so busy that they didn't have time to kill Liu Ye.

So what if you killed so many juniors in Liu Ye's village? He has this ability, and he dislikes Qiao Ayaka's lack of energy crystals, so he will take revenge.

Just when Lu Zhengqing was chatting with Ye Yiming about Cheng Yushun and the sixth master standing behind Cheng Yushun, Fanyou suddenly fell from the sky and jumped directly on Ye Yiming's body.

He picked up Qiao Lingxiang's hat and wanted to give it back to her, but he jumped off and jumped directly on Ye Yiming's body.

Immediately, the two rolled into a ball, Ye Yiming was pressed on the ground by Fanyou, his head was covered with ripe fruits, now he was hit all over the ground, and those fruits rolled everywhere.

Just like that, Ye Yiming's head was full of fruits that he didn't know what to do with, just like that, leaving a thin head of hair like a dry branch, it didn't look so weird at last.

A few children beside Lu Zhengqing, who had been picking up crystal nuclei and relics, picked up the fruits rolling all over the ground by reflex.

I heard Ye Yiming scold again:

Fanyou, you are jumping up and down, jumping around happily, don't you have eyes?

After scolding, Ye Yiming kicked Fanyou who was pressing on him, and he didn't know what mechanism on Fanyou's body was touched. Ye Yiming just kicked this thing far away.

Lu Zhengqing, who was watching from the side, thought it was funny, and saw a three-year-old child who was helping him pick up relics and crystal nuclei in the open space, picked up the fruit that Ye Yiming dropped on the ground, and just gnawed it.

Although a three-year-old child has learned a little bit, because of the limitation of brain development, others have not told him that this fruit cannot be eaten. He saw that the fruit was bright red and looked very fresh, and he really wanted to take a bite , as far as I think it is edible.

Thus, this child became the first person to eat Ye Yiming's fruit.

Lu Zhengqing hurried over, took the fruit away from the child, bowed his head and said:

Why do you eat everything? This is

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw that the little three-year-old child suddenly swelled all over his muscles.

Muscles tore his small clothes, shoes were squeezed by the suddenly swollen toes, and the pain from being bound by clothes, shoes and socks made the child unable to help but cry out with a wow.

Nan Fengqin, who was holding the baby next to her, hurried over, took the fruit from the other children's hands, and hurriedly looked at Lu Zhengqing and Ye Yiming.

Ye Yiming's eyes widened. This... Can his fruit give birth to children?

No, urging children to grow up?

After realizing it again, the three-year-old child was still growing, so he rushed into the air and shouted:

Fanyou, Fanyou, hurry up and bring Xiangxiang over here, there's a child here that's skyrocketing!

At this time, Qiao Lingxiang was standing behind Cen Yi, watching him fight monsters.

That is, I didn’t do anything, I didn’t save people, and I didn’t rush to the field hospital or on the way to the safe zone.

After Cheng Yushun died of anger, Qiao Lingxiang followed Cen Yi to a random place where there were many monsters, and watched him fight monsters.

Although there are blood and corpses everywhere, although there are still many wounded and high fevered people waiting for her treatment in the field hospital, although there are still as many monsters in Shandao County as before, and Cen needs to take care of them. Go all out.

But at this moment, in this little gap of time, they just want to be alone like this.

Cen Yi controlled several giant mixers in Shandao County to re-rotate. He personally held two swords and wiped out the monsters that came into his field of vision.

Turning his head occasionally, maybe he didn't need to, he knew that Qiao Lingxiang was sitting behind him, resting her chin on her hands, watching him quietly.

This kind of look made Cen Yi feel excited, always felt that he should do something to her, but he didn't dare, he was uneasy, uneasy, he didn't want to leave her sight, and he didn't want her to leave his reach.

The sharp blade sliced ​​through the monster's flesh, and at that moment, Cen Yi suddenly thought of a very hypocritical and polite word, love first opened.

He thought maybe it was, his love for Qiao Lingxiang had unknowingly become what it is now in this day-to-day company that seemed to last forever.

He has never been like this before, his mood is unspeakably sour, even though he hasn't said anything or done anything, he is afraid of her rejection, her evasion, and her reluctance.

Cen Yi, who had always been simple-minded, began to hesitate, what should he do if he turned around and kissed her, and she slapped him?

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