On the other side of the genius village, after deciding to leave, Qiao Lingxiang and Cen Yi turned around and went busy packing their team's luggage and treating those responsible left-behind talents brought by Wen Yuansi.

Things seemed to be going smoothly. Before dawn the next day, another group of talented villagers with their children and children surrendered. They were old and young, and they were dragged into the car by the garrison.

Then, a bus, loaded with dozens of people, went out directly from the main entrance of Tiantian Village.

As soon as the bus left, there were empty sterilized buses immediately, and they continued to enter the Tiantian Village.

There were still a few students and villagers who blocked the main entrance to protest. Although they had been hungry for two days, they were not at the end yet, and they persisted and did not want to give up.

There was a rush of people, and the troublemakers wanted to squeeze to the side of the bus, but were pushed back by the garrison.

Cen Yi took Qiao Lingxiang, Lu Zhengqing, Ajiu, Mi Ranyi, Zhao Long, Zhao Dalong, and Bai Jing to check the accompanying vehicles and equipment, and they were about to leave the village.

Originally, the things in the village had been irradiated by the nuclear radiation, and none of them could be taken away, but Qiao Lingxiang couldn't bear to part with the materials she collected with great difficulty, so she just threw them in Tiantian Village.

After thinking about it, she decided to take it and have a look.

If there are any physical problems with the teammates, she will treat them, and if there is any problem, she will treat the problem.

Sequelae Sequelae, aren't they all problems left behind.

Thinking about it this way, she also felt that in this village, there are a lot of things that other people don't want, and she can take some away... Anyway, if you go to NA City, and you are not close to normal people, these things radiate the zombies, which is harmful to her and her team. Come on, it doesn't matter.

Along the way, the people they came into contact with the most were probably zombies.

If the zombies have any objections, feel free to come to Cen and fight with them.

So, Qiao Lingxiang turned back and went to the headquarters, planning to take away some maps of Xiangcheng, the south, and the entire continental shelf.

And all kinds of nuclear radiation food...

Although maps and other things can be found in the mainland library given by Wen Yuansi, no one can guarantee that the network will be restored after going to NA City.

So Qiao Lingxiang thought that if she could take away these maps, she would better take a copy.

But it was empty just after entering, and now there is no garrisoned headquarters, and four male students followed up.

Qiao Lingxiang stood dizzily at the door of the command room, turned her head, looked at the four unfamiliar boys, and frowned slightly.

Among the four boys, one said:

Hey, do you know how to heal abilities?

Not knowing what they were going to do, Qiao Ayaka didn't respond.

But now, she didn't respond, and it didn't seem to be that important. A boy said to her:

Someone wants to see you, wants to talk to you.

Only then did Qiao Lingxiang speak, and asked:

About what?

Go and talk and you'll know.

The four boys are not very old, and they are one of the gifted students. I just don't know if they belong to the troublemakers, or they belong to the obedient ones who went to Xiangcheng?

Anyway, it wouldn't belong to the group that stayed in the genius village to solve the nuclear radiation problem.

That group of people had all been treated by Qiao Lingxiang, and these four boys were not among them.

So Qiao Lingxiang shrugged and said leisurely:

No, I'm leaving Genius Village soon, and I don't want to go anywhere.

The four boys glanced at each other. They didn't seem surprised by Qiao Lingxiang's rejection. One of them said:

I'm afraid that's up to you. Now that Tiantian Village is like this, and Xiangcheng is full of zombies and rats, Ye Yiming doesn't consider our interests. We have to learn to save ourselves.

Obviously, these four boys are going to forcibly kidnap Qiao Ayaka, a healing powers user.

It is impossible for them to go to Xiangcheng. Now that Cen Yi has cut off their food and water, they will have to escalate from civilized protests to violent protests.

As a healer, Qiao Lingxiang is exactly what they need. In addition, there is Mi Ranyi who can release water, which they also need.

Seeing their natural attitude, Qiao Ayaka suddenly smiled, and she asked:

So the way you save yourself is to fight against the supernatural beings?

I don't know where these gifted students got their confidence? Do you think you can get Qiao Lingxiang and Mi Ranyi?

Just as several boys were entangled with Qiao Lingxiang in the open space outside the command room, Fu Mengyu walked over.

She stood hesitantly away from several people and asked:

What are you doing?

none of your business.

A talented boy turned his head, looked at Fu Mengyu, and said:

What we do has nothing to do with you, you don't know anything, you don't see anything.

Fu Mengyu, who wanted to come over, stood there hesitantly. She looked at Qiao Lingxiang with a worried face, wondering whether she should save Qiao Lingxiang.

Obviously, Qiao Ayaka seemed to be surrounded by those four boys.

Among the four boys, one turned around and said to Fu Mengyu:

Fu Mengyu, turn around and leave here. We are doing things and the other is responsible. As long as you don't betray us, if we get any benefits in the future, we will definitely come back and share with you.

What he said showed that these four boys knew Fu Mengyu from the beginning.

That's right, she was the one who told those boys about Qiao Ayaka's ability to heal abilities.

However, Fu Mengyu said that's what she said, but she accidentally slipped her mouth. How could she have expected that these boys would do such a thing to Qiao Lingxiang?

Fu Mengyu didn't know what kind of consequences a word she said casually would have, right? She was an outsider who hadn't figured out what was going on.

Qiao Lingxiang glanced at Fu Mengyu, she knew this girl, she was Qiao Yuelan's best friend.

Looking at it like this, Fu Mengyu seemed to want to save her a little bit, but didn't dare to.

Seeing those gifted and confident students, they took out a glass bottle and threw it on the ground at Qiao Lingxiang's feet.

A pungent smell suddenly came out. Qiao Lingxiang was dizzy at first, but when she smelled this smell, her head became even more dizzy. her whole body.

Qiao Lingxiang hurriedly covered her mouth and nose, and asked:

What is this? It smells so bad.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Qiao Lingxiang turned around and ran towards the command room.

A boy clutched a wet handkerchief, followed her into the command room, and replied:

Acyl diethylamide, we specially prepared it for you and Mi Ranyi.

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