Fu Mengyu wanted Cen Yi to see her, but before she let Cen Yi know her love for him, she realized that she was already jealous.

Lying on the stretcher, Fu Mengyu felt that she was a little funny again. Jealousy is really ugly, and one day, because of the person she likes, just a gentle smile to another girl, and her heart will start to burn with jealousy.

The point is, what is there about Qiao Lingxiang that can compare to Fu Mengyu?

Because of the serious inner imbalance, Fu Mengyu seemed to be very concerned about Qiao Lingxiang, and asked Ban Yue,

Then, what does Qiao Lingxiang do in your team? In fact, Captain Cen and I are classmates in high school, and Qiao Lingxiang's sister is my good friend, but I have been living in the genius village, and I don't know the two of them. Suddenly became a garrison, can you tell me? I am very concerned about the current situation of the two of them.

I seem to have heard from Qiao Yuelan before that Qiao Lingxiang became a medical garrison, and I heard that she is also a medical supernatural being.

Because Fu Mengyu didn't care about Qiao Lingxiang, she didn't listen carefully when Qiao Yuelan talked about it.

Ban Yue thought for a while, and while helping Fu Mengyu deal with her injuries, she smiled and said:

Actually, I'm not very clear about these matters. I probably have to ask the parties concerned.

Although Ban Yue is young, in her twenties, she is a medical garrison, not an ordinary doctor or nurse.

As long as they bring the word garrison, they have received certain basic training. They will identify the purpose of others, whether it is out of inquiry or pure gossip curiosity.

Like Fu Mengyu, it is already obvious that they have the purpose of inquiring.

During the training in the camp before, Teacher Yu gave an example to all the medical garrisons. He said that decades ago, when two garrisons with different factions were fighting, someone found out from the mouth of the medical garrison that their own garrison command Officer's hometown.

Then the enemy directly attacked the hometown of the garrison commander, captured all the family members of the garrison commander alive, and finally forced the commander to surrender. Etc., Etc.

Therefore, Yu Zhenghui strictly required all the medical staff to keep their mouths shut on what should be said and what should not be said on the battlefield.

Especially in a large-scale battle, the field hospital can be regarded as the most mixed place, not only one's own garrison, but also civilians, and there may even be enemy wounded garrisoned.

So Yu Zheng will strictly train the medical garrison under him, for fear that there will be some big battle in the future, and finally his confidential information will be leaked by the medical garrison trained by him.

That would be the greatest humiliation to Zheng.

Therefore, Ban Yue, who had raised her vigilance, would not say anything even if she knew why Qiao Lingxiang and Cen Yi were stationed in the garrison.

What's more, Ban Yue doesn't know either.

Fu Mengyu couldn't find out, so she could only think about it by herself. She thought, she still had to find a way first, and get close to Cen Yi first.

Looking at the people coming and going in the headquarters, most of them are stationed, except for a few talented students of them.

There are hardly any civilians left.

Most of the civilians in Tiantian Village hid in their cellars for several days. When the small nuclear bomb flew into the sky, Tiantian Village itself had already been swarmed by zombie birds covering the sky for many days.

It is precisely because of this that the normal villagers of Genius Village survived.

But the school is there.

When Wen Yuansi hurried to the school, none of the students on the upper two floors of the dormitory building were alive.

In Tiantian Village, the school has the highest building area. After the small nuclear bomb incident, the garrison was too busy to take care of themselves. They were busy helping their own people, and only after rushing to Qiao Lingxiang for treatment would they have extra strength to search and rescue people in the village. people.

Therefore, Wen Yuansi basically rushed to the school together with the search and rescue garrison, and many students were carried out of the dormitory by the garrison with their heads bleeding and even torn pieces.

Because there are too many people, there is no other place to put them temporarily. Although the number of dead birds that caught fire in the sky has fallen less, they are still falling, so they can only be placed in the school hall first.

A garrison went to notify Qiao Lingxiang, but it’s the same thing to notify or not. Qiao Lingxiang didn’t respond. If she didn’t come, the garrison could only open the drug warehouse in Tiantian Village, let the students organize themselves, and give themselves medicine up.

Wen Yuansi walked through the howling hell in despair, his heart was already devastated, if what he saw in Xiangcheng was the horror of zombies and rats.

What he experienced in Genius Village was hell on earth.

However, the numb Wen Yuansi did not extend a helping hand to those wailing students, but looked for his father in the crowd. Why did this happen? Obviously, Ye Yiming had already refused many times, and used heavy firepower to attack the zombie bird in the sky above the genius village.

Why does this kind of thing still happen? He wants to figure it out.

Originally, so many people would not die.

After Wen Yuansi found a way in the school auditorium, and followed the garrison who came and went in charge of search and rescue, he entered the school dormitory. The zombie bird that was on fire in the sky finally stopped falling to the ground.

The fire at the school was extinguished by Mi Ranyi who came here. Wen Yuansi searched all the way up from the first floor of the dormitory. On the third floor, which had been severely collapsed, he saw a garrison carrying several people who had been blasted to death. A corpse with severely burned skin walked over.

He watched silently, and finally saw his father on a stretcher.

Wen Hongtu was covered in blood all over, and he still had the last gasp of gossamer breath left. He stared at his son and stood beside him.

Save the village

In the end, before he could finish speaking, Wen Hongtu lost his anger, and the whole person was just like this, staring at Wen Yuan and lost his breath.

Wen Yuansi couldn't squeeze a single tear from his eyes.

He stood beside his father without any disturbance in his heart, listening to the garrison who came up behind him scold:

Damn, found the launcher, are these people crazy? Just launch a nuclear bomb in the village, are they crazy?

The production and circulation of this smallest nuclear bomb in the world is strictly prohibited, but there are some forces that will irresponsibly manufacture this kind of thing and sell it to some rich people who like to collect it.

However, there are a group of rich people with unique tastes who like to collect all kinds of guns and ammunition.

There are very few rich people who have small nuclear bombs, but they are not equipped with professional and technical personnel on the use of nuclear bombs, and understand the correct way to use them. They even don't care how far-reaching and terrifying the impact of nuclear radiation will be after the nuclear bomb is launched.

Anyway, just buy what you buy, and buy it home. In fact, no rich person would think about the day when a small nuclear bomb will be useful.

In my current state, I have gone through the darkest moment of this blow. Some time ago, it was really dark. I was hysterical at home for a few days, and I couldn’t fall asleep even after taking melatonin.

Now I can still sleep a few hours every night.

So don't worry too much about me, I'm getting better slowly, for the sake of Xiaobaa, I have to get better too. The road ahead may be a bit difficult to walk, but it will always pass.

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