Therefore, under such harsh conditions for entering the village, a large number of Xiangcheng people had nowhere to go, and some gathered outside the headquarters of the blockade, asking Ye Yiming to take charge of their lives.

During this period of time, Wei Xingping was responsible for the security of this blockade. These Xiangcheng people surrounded the command department and refused to disperse. Whether it was watching the excitement or fishing in troubled waters, as long as there was a disturbance, it would not work.

So neither Ye Yiming nor Wei Xingping were too busy.

Then, under such a busy and tense situation, the demands of the people besieged outside the blockade headquarters gradually changed. They asked Ye Yiming to put pressure on Cen Yi to quickly get rid of the monster in Xiangbei.

As soon as such a request came out, Ye Yiming smiled at Wei Xingping who came to report on his work:

Obviously, the people blocked outside my headquarters were ordered by Gong Jingye. Our commander-in-chief is not simple. He is in Xiangcheng, and he can command the outside by remote control.

Who wants the tranquility of northern Hunan the most? It is Gong Jingye who urgently needs to return to northern Hunan to maintain the city management system.

Sitting opposite Ye Yiming's desk, Wei Xingping touched his bald spot where all his hair had fallen out, and asked:

How do you know that Gong Jingye must be in Xiangcheng?

Ye Yiming was sitting behind the table smoking a cigarette. Hearing this, he raised his eyelashes in the smog, looked at Wei Xingping, and asked:

What wind did you hear?

It's not the wind, but I heard that our boy's cat is running around in Xiangcheng. If Gong Jingye is really in Xiangcheng, where else can he hide? Xiangcheng's surveillance has been destroyed. He doesn't know what's going on in Xiangcheng, but he knows everything outside Xiangcheng? I feel that this person may not be in Xiangcheng.

Anyway, Wei Xingping was promoted from an old security inspector. He was at the same age as Zhao Dalong, so why did he become the chief commander of the security inspection instead of Zhao Dalong?

That must be because Wei Xingping's professional ability in security inspection is better than that of Zhao Dalong.

It's just that in these years, he became addicted to being an official, his brain was filled with fat, and his business was a bit neglected.

So then again, the people on the blockade could be instigated by Gong Jingye to put pressure on Ye Yiming, asking Ye Yiming to order Cen Yi to kill the zombie monster in northern Hunan.

Doesn't that just explain the problem, isn't Gong Jingye just outside Xiangcheng?

Because both Ye Yiming and Wei Xingping knew that the zombie in the north of Xiangcheng was not a zombie at all, but Ajiu's little white cat.

Gong Jingye is not in the north of Xiangcheng, so he doesn't know the truth.

Ye Yiming took another puff of cigarette in silence, but this time, he took out the cigarette case from his pocket and threw it to Wei Xingping, finally willing to reward Wei Xingping with a cigarette.

Wei Xingping sighed, pushed the cigarette case back to Ye Yiming, and said:

Quit, don't want to be addicted again, poor.

The external villages have tightened up their supplies, making the supply of supplies for security checks and garrisons a huge problem.

Fortunately, Lu Lecheng has been supporting the security check and garrison system, otherwise the security check and garrison system would have collapsed long ago.

But even with the support of Boundary Mountain Village, the security check and garrison are very tight. During this period, not only the villages on the outskirts of Xiangcheng are looking for people with supernatural powers, but Ye Yiming's garrison system and Wei Xingping's security check system are also looking for Win over the supernatural beings.

The rich supplies for the security check and garrison are all provided to the supernatural beings who have newly joined their team. Today's supernatural beings are treasures, so it is natural for them to eat and drink well.

Wei Xingping didn't want to quit smoking with great difficulty, and became addicted to it again, which made his already hard-pressed life even worse.

Ye Yiming smiled at Wei Xingping, smoked the cigarette between his fingers, nodded, and said:

All right, I will quit after this pack of cigarettes is finished.

His attitude towards Wei Xingping has gradually gotten better recently, and it's for no other reason. At this time, Ye Yiming gradually understands it.

In the end, only Wei Xingping's security inspectors have been with the garrison all the way to the present.

How should I put it, everyone has fought for life and death in Xiangcheng. In the city management system, only Wei Xingping's security inspection system is still functioning.

What does this mean? It's ability.

So Ye Yiming gradually corrected his attitude from yelling at Wei Xingping casually in the past.

As long as Wei Xingping leads the security inspection system and runs it for one more day, Ye Yiming's respect for Wei Xingping will only increase. He respects Wei Xingping as a courageous and resourceful man.

Wei Xingping smiled at Ye Yiming, opened the map he brought with him, and said to Ye Yiming:

I see that there are too many people gathered outside your headquarters. Although you sent them the Survival Guide before, it's one thing whether they learn it or not. Whether they want to learn it or not is another thing. There are too many gatherings, and it is also difficult for us to maintain the order of the security check, so I specially drew 4 safe areas, you have a look.

He said, pointing to the four directions on the map of Xiangcheng, and said to Ye Yiming:

We work together, the security check and the garrison work together to drive these people who have nowhere to go into the safe area, let them farm and fish, and enclose them in these four safe areas. The outside of the safe area is a isolation zone. , Outside the isolation zone, dig trenches, discharge grids, install ground thorns, let them do all the things that are done in the village today.

In fact, the villages on the outskirts of Xiangcheng are like safety zones one by one, but Wei Xingping has redefined four areas, which is equivalent to rebuilding four villages.

The advantage of doing this is that even if the zombies in NA city rush into the boundary of Xiangcheng, or the zombies in Xiangcheng rush out of Xiangcheng, the people in Xiangcheng are enclosed in safe zones, that is the same. safe.

Ye Yiming nodded with a serious expression, and said:

In doing so, it will also disintegrate Gong Jingye's influence on the blockade.

That's right.

Wei Xingping tapped the map, smiled at Ye Yiming and said:

Then arrange it like this. In terms of details, I will let my security checks and your garrison dock.

After a pause, Wei Xingping asked again:

By the way, the big and small forces in Xiangcheng are putting pressure on you to go to northern Hunan to kill that 'zombie monster'.

None of my business.

Before Wei Xingping finished speaking, Ye Yiming began to curse half-truthfully. While cursing, he raised his sleeves, and when he got emotional, his head hurt and said:

Gong Jingye wanted to die. He insisted on driving my people out of Xiangbei, and even poisoned Laozi's people. Now that he can't hold the situation, he wants Laozi's people to go back? It's a good idea to kill that zombie in Xiangbei Blame', let Gong Jingye figure out a way, isn't he a master of art?

Happy New Year everyone! !

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