Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 295: For the first time in her life, someone gave her flowers

No, there are so many, I can't hold back.

Fan You shouted exaggeratedly, he jumped up and down, saw a mouse trying to run away, he jumped over and stabbed the mouse.

To be honest, Fan You has recently become more and more aware that pulling monsters is a technical job, especially when there is no group attack, it is necessary to ensure that all the mice follow him, and also ensure the safety of Zhao Long and Zhang Yu.

Especially Zhang Yu, his strength is not as strong as Zhao Long's, and his skin is also more fragile than Zhao Long's.

Now that the weather is hot again, everyone is sweating from running and jumping, but they dare not take off their clothes because they are afraid of the sharp claws of the mice. It would be a disaster if they directly dig their hearts and lungs.

But Cen Yizao had already held Qiao Lingxiang's wrist, and the two of them ran across the open space in front of Xiangcheng TV Station, and came to a coffee shop next to Beilu Road.

This is a very bourgeois street in Xiangcheng. Although the shops on both sides of the entire street are dilapidated, the decorative tables and chairs inside are scattered, and the supplies have also been looted.

Outside the cafe, there was a large wooden flower bed that looked very emotional. Cen Yi took Qiao Lingxiang to the place, pointed to the large pile of fake flowers in the flower bed, and said:

This is for you!

He sent her a bunch of fake flowers?

Qiao Lingxiang looked down, and there was a large piece of plastic fake flowers in the large wooden flower bed, which was covered with a thick layer of dust.

But among the fake flowers, there is a very small flower, the size of a fingernail, scarlet, and two tender green leaves.

what is this flower?

Qiao Lingxiang squatted down and looked at the flower bone like a small steamed bun in surprise.

Cen Yi also squatted beside Qiao Lingxiang, shook his head, looked at a small real flower among the bunch of fake flowers, and said:

I don't know, I don't know, I saw it occasionally, and I gave it to you.

It looks pretty good.

Qiao Lingxiang squatted in front of Xiaohua, propped her chin with her hands, looked at Cen Yi again, with a smile on her lips, and said:

Thank you Cen Yige.

It was the first time in her life that someone gave her flowers. Although she was a little small, the size of a fingernail, Qiao Lingxiang was very happy.

Don't rush to thank, there are more.

Cen Yi, who was squatting beside Qiao Lingxiang, gave her a handsome smile, got up again, pulled her into the cafe, went directly to the second floor, came to a balcony on the second floor, and said:

Ayaka, look.

Qiao Lingxiang looked over and found that there was actually a small piece of vegetables planted on the second floor of the cafe. It was probably planted by the owner of the cafe last year, and it will sprout after this winter.

She tilted her head in surprise, and smiled at Cen Yi:

It's great that there are vegetables here. We have vegetables to eat.

This is a good discovery, and Qiao Lingxiang even started to fantasize about raising these vegetables well.

It needs to be stir-fried, minced, and... yes, her life is so easy to satisfy, a small flower, a small vegetable field, in such a desolate city, are all surprises.

Cen Yi pursed his lips and looked at her, but he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Qiao Lingxiang looking at the smashed-up clothing store across the street, and suddenly seemed to remember something.

She turned around and said to Cen Yi:

I just said I forgot something, that's it, I just wanted to find some spring clothes for you, but the shops on the side of the road were almost smashed up, and the old clothes I hoarded were too thin and too fragile, how about, brother Cen Yi, you Make them an iron suit.

As Qiao Lingxiang spoke, she took out her mobile phone again, searched online, and found out a set of golden silk soft armor from a martial arts TV series, showed it to Cen, and said:

Just make this kind, thin, soft, but very hard. The style is made like a garrison combat uniform. Let Brother Long and the others wear it all over. Usually, they are worn as spring clothes. When killing mice, they can still put their heads and faces Cover them all up to reduce the risk of being harmed by rats.

The golden silk soft armor is just a concept. The kind of gold silk soft armor Qiao Ayaka wants is like a set of garrison protective clothing woven with thin metal threads. The hole, when the time comes to cover it with goggles, just like Spiderman.

If Cen Yi did it, he would definitely be able to produce that kind of strong, light, and soft metal.

Cen Yi looked at the picture that Qiao Lingxiang found, and thought about it. He had never thought about it before, and he didn't know if he could do it.

If you can't do it, you have to do it. He said everything, you have to be good to Qiao Lingxiang, and he has to do whatever she asks, and if you can't do it, you have to do it.

So Cen Yi nodded and said:

Then, each of us wears the same suit, and you wear the same suit. If you're not afraid of ten thousand, you're just in case. Tell me what style you want.

Well, everything is fine, no skirt.

Qiao Lingxiang didn't have much research on clothing, but she really needed such a light spring suit, and the thick sweater with fleece she was wearing was too thick in this weather.

Cen Yi nodded, tilted his head, and saw a fashion poster pasted on the glass of the cafe next to Qiao Lingxiang. The black long dress was knee-length, with a hat behind the dress, and black tight leather pants. The legs are outlined long.

This simple style is quite suitable for Qiao Ayaka.

So, with a movement of Cen Yi's finger, a thin black metal thread grew rapidly from the fingertips. The thread grew, sprouted, forked and intertwined in the air. Soon, a sleeve of a suit of women's fashion was woven. .

The black metal material, in the early warm sunshine of Xiangcheng, exudes a little bit of sparkle.

Qiao Lingxiang looked at this miraculous scene, let out a wow, looked at the sleeves of the black metal spring dress floating in the air, and said:

Brother Cen Yi, you are so big as an excavator, as small as a fashion dress, you can do it, you are amazing.


Being praised, Cen Yi's face was a little invisible, he liked to see Qiao Lingxiang think he was very good, vain.

And said:

The problem now is that I don't have that much ability. Otherwise, it would be good to wear such a set for tens of thousands outside the city, and 8,000 security checks.

Cen Yi just thought about it, if Qiao Lingxiang got such a soft armor fashion sleeve, his abilities would be useless. The more high-quality and fine metal he released, the more energy he would consume.

To make such a set for all the garrisons, he also knows how much work it is. He feels that according to this progress, even if he absorbs all the relics hoarded in the car now, he will not be able to get out of his small team. There are 8 people with golden silk soft armor.

Fortunately, there are combat uniforms for security checks and garrisons outside the city, and the rats haven't spread out of Xiangcheng yet, so don't worry for now.

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