Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 183 Doubts that Science Cannot Explain

There was chaos in the parklands.

Qiao Lingxiang, who was being hugged by Cen Yi, hadn't reacted yet. Her burned hand had completely healed when it escaped from Lu Zhengqing's flame.

When she realized it, Cen Yi had already cursed angrily, ran into the artificial lake, threw a chain, and fished Lu Zhengqing out of the icy lake water.

At this time outside the park, the security check and the garrison had already started to gather. They called Lu Zhengqing and Ajiu respectively, but Lu Zhengqing didn't answer, and Ajiu didn't know what to say, so they didn't answer.

Everyone didn't understand the situation, so they could only slowly find drones to explore the situation in the park.

Qiao Lingxiang heard the sound of a drone approaching, stood up, and saw a white bead on the ground, which fell on the place where Lu Zhengqing knelt just now, because the surrounding snow was melted by Lu Zhengqing's high temperature, so the bead The white beads are particularly conspicuous.

It looked like a bead made of bones, about the size of a ping-pong ball. Qiao Lingxiang reached out to pick it up, but she didn't know what it was for. It might be some decoration dropped by Lu Zhengqing. She put it away first.

Then, Qiao Lingxiang hurried to Lu Zhengqing's side, knelt down, held his hand, and injected some energy into him.

Lu Zhengqing had already passed out, his whole body was drenched, his clothes and hair were still intact, but on the exposed skin, there were many new wounds that looked like they had been burned, and there were two fang holes on his neck, which were caused by the Bitten by a female cat.

When the drone flew over Qiao Lingxiang and the others, Lu Zhengqing's injuries had been healed by Qiao Lingxiang. He looked completely wet, no different from an ordinary person who fell into the water.

However, the wet clothes were emitting white smoke.

All the people who controlled the drone saw it in their eyes and were very surprised in their hearts.

That is, everyone has baked wet clothes in winter, and put the wet clothes on the fire rack, and the wet clothes will be baked to produce white smoke.

And now Lu Zhengqing's body has this special effect, as if he is about to become a fairy.

Cen Yi was by Qiao Lingxiang's side, and found the garrison uniform he had dropped in the snow, and covered Qiao Lingxiang's burned clothes in front of him.

Soon, the security check and the garrison found that there was no danger in the park from the drone, and sent people in. Cen Yi explained to the people a little bit, and the cat was found and burned to death, so he passed out with his back on his back. Lu Zhengqing, who looked like he was about to become a fairy, brought Qiao Lingxiang back to Xiangcheng Hospital.

The scene was messy, and a security check found the half-eaten corpse of a milk cat in the snow, so they expanded the search area and continued to look for other traces in the huge park.

There are some very strange traces that are difficult for humans to explain, and I don't know how to make them. For example, the clearing is full of white snow, but there is a circle of traces of the snow being melted.

There was a security check to question Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang, but Qiao Lingxiang just lowered her head and said nothing. When she asked Cen Yi, Cen Yi didn't say much else, just said:

He was bitten by a cat. There is a high probability that the cat is the one in Cheng Tian's hand.

Anyway, that's what he said, and if he asked him about the cat's body, Cen Yi only said it was burned, and who burned it, so he shut up and didn't speak.

When the security check asked again, the garrison came up and took Cen Yi, Qiao Lingxiang, and Lu Zhengqing to Xiangcheng Hospital, without giving the security check a chance to question them carefully.

When Cen Yi took Lu Zhengqing and Qiao Lingxiang back to Xiangcheng Hospital, he sent Lu Zhengqing directly to the serious danger zone.

Xu Shan, Murong Xiao and the nurses saw Cen Yi coming in with a drenched man on his back, and they all came up to inquire about the situation. They heard that Lu Zhengqing was bitten by a third-generation infected female cat, so Xu Shan and Murong Xiao put Lu Zhengqing in a bed. Sitting on the chair, one went to find a clean hospital gown for him, and the other went to find a rope to trap Lu Zhengqing firmly on the chair.

Now in the serious danger zone, this is the procedure for dealing with infected people. They are tied up unconsciously first, so as not to wake up and turn into zombies and bite people everywhere.

And they didn't have any extra hospital beds to lie on, so it was pretty good to have a chair for Lu Zhengqing to sit on.

Qiao Lingxiang watched Xu Shan and Murong Xiao go back and forth a few times, and wanted to help, but two garrisons came and asked her and Cen to go up to the third floor to meet the officer.

Ye Yiming has received the news.

So Qiao Lingxiang could only go back to Zhao Dalong's ward first, talk to Zhao Dalong, then follow Cen up to the third floor, waiting for Ye Yiming to ask questions.

Half of the rooms on the third floor are still used for medical security checks and garrisoning. In addition, a meeting room dedicated to garrisoning has been opened up for Ye Yiming to arrange internal affairs of Xiangcheng here.

When Qiao Lingxiang and Cen Yi entered the meeting room, Ye Yiming was making a video call with Wei Xingping.

Wei Xingping scolded Ye Yiming on the phone, only to hear him yell at Ye Yiming:

Ye Yiming, you have a problem, you know there is a problem here, what exactly do you want to do to those children?

Suspicious points, all suspicious points, even a junior security check can see that the scene is full of clues that cannot be explained by science.

But everyone fell into Ye Yiming's hands, and Wei Xingping's security check, who wanted to ask Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang, was stopped by the garrison.

How did Wei Xingping write the closing report for these doubtful points that cannot be explained by science?

The leisurely Ye Yiming leaned on the leather chair with his feet resting on the table, looking boneless, looked up at Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang, and said slowly to Wei Xingping:

Yeah, you and I both know that there is a problem here, and then? With your little ability, you can protect? Wei Xingping, don't think that I don't know how you got your position. If the person in front of you resigns, You can’t wait 100 years for the position of the commander of the security check, and you can’t wait for a wimp like you to come and sit, with your little ability?!!!”

As if hurting Wei Xingping was a great joy in Ye Yiming's life, he laughed and said to Wei Xingping in the video:

Don't say I didn't remind you, what should and shouldn't be said by the people under your command, you should take care of yourself, if you really want to settle the matter, your son doesn't know if there is any problem.

As he spoke, he hung up Wei Xingping's phone, looked up again, and looked at Cen Yi who was standing in front of him, and Qiao Lingxiang who was hiding behind Cen Yi.

Apart from Ye Yiming and the two children, there was no one else in the meeting room.

Ye Yiming still put his feet on the edge of the table, took out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of the garrison uniform, lit it, took a puff, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and said to Cen Yi:

In addition to biting Zhao Dalong, as far as Cheng Tian knows, he also bit a cat. You said that the cat was burned. What kind of fire can burn a cat without any ashes in a few minutes?

Uh huh, today's third update is over, comment comment comment

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