Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 163 There is still a third generation that has not been found (Xie River, Jiujiu Million Rew

Chapter 163 There is still a third generation that has not been found (Xie River, Jiujiu Million Reward plus 19100)

Qiao Lingxiang stood behind the smoking male garrison, looked left and right, saw no one else on the fourth floor except this male garrison, and asked:

Hello, sir, may I ask?

Ye Yiming in front of the window turned his head, with a cigarette in his hand, smiled at Qiao Lingxiang, and asked:

Are you looking for Cen Yi?


Qiao Lingxiang nodded, only to realize that Ye Yiming was standing in front of her, so she asked:

Where did he go?

Eat by me.

Ye Yiming took a puff of cigarette, smacked his mouth on purpose, and said to Qiao Lingxiang who was wrapped in protective clothing:

It's so delicious.

Qiao Lingxiang stood there dumbly, looking at the expression on Ye Yiming's face, she knew that he was teasing her, and Ye Yiming treated her like a child.

He thought she would believe it?

Ye Yiming smiled again and said:

No, I lied to you, Cen Yi went out to patrol.

Ye Yiming, who was leaning against the window, drew a circle in the air casually, and said to Qiao Lingxiang:

Together with Zhu Ren, Cen Yi and Ajiu, they have to run 24 laps around Xiangcheng Hospital every day.

24 circles, such a big Xiangcheng Hospital. Qiao Lingxiang couldn't help stretching her neck, and looked out of the window. It was still gray and gray.

It should be around 5 o'clock in the morning, and it's still snowing outside. Did you go out for a run so early?

Hey, I said little sister, is it fun to be my medical garrison here?

Ye Yiming was probably a little bored, he just looked Qiao Lingxiang up and down, and saw that she was quite energetic. Compared with the exhausted medical garrison on the third floor, Qiao Lingxiang's fake medical garrison was too energetic.

But there are only a dozen ordinary doctors and nurses on the second floor and the first floor. Just now, Ye Yiming listened to the garrison report on the first floor. Qiao Lingxiang picked up the corpses of these dozens of doctors and nurses all the way down, and none of them have hung up yet.

The four children who were forcibly carried from those blocked communities were now placed in Zhao Dalong's ward by Qiao Lingxiang.

The garrison didn't know the specific details, they only knew that the children were all fine and none of them turned into zombies.

Not only that, in the past few days, Qiao Lingxiang has been carrying forward her virgin-like kindness, comforting the angry people on the first floor, and greatly calming the resentment on the first floor.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Yiming's fake medical garrison is quite useful. Although he doesn't have any professional knowledge, at least it makes this already cruel world less sad and contradictory.

Without waiting for Qiao Lingxiang's answer, he smiled leisurely and said:

If the child turns into a zombie, our hearts will also hurt.

Huh? What?

Qiao Lingxiang stared blankly at Ye Yiming. She didn't know why Ye Yiming said such a sentence suddenly. Just when she found it hard to understand, a door of the scientific research office opened at the end of the corridor.

A doctor with messy hair and as thin as an electric pole, wearing a white coat, came out excitedly with a stack of documents in his hand.

As soon as he saw Ye Yiming, he said:

The 0-generation antibody has come out, and animal experiments can be carried out. You must submit it for approval quickly. Hurry up, you can submit it for approval.

Ye Yiming looked at Shen Hui, spit out eye circles, and said calmly:

Who do you ask for approval now? The documents to be approved in the central part are piled up, and Lao Tzu's punishment will come down soon. If you can't handle it, you can find someone to do it yourself. Ask Gong Jingye or Wen Hongtu, and look at them. Who can help you apply for approval, I have no choice.

Saying that, Ye Yiming stretched out his hand again, took the information in Shen Hui's hand, flipped through it casually, but couldn't understand it, so he only frowned and asked:

Why is it still the virus antibody of the 0th generation? What's the use of the 0th generation antibody? It's only a 1 in 10,000,000 mutation rate. How many generations have they mutated now?

Why is it useless? Put an end to the mutation of generation 0 from generation 1, so that the second one in ten million will not appear. If you don't understand this, I won't tell you!

Shen Hui, a very hot-tempered virus expert, took his precious information and was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Ye Yiming anymore, but there was no second person who could understand him, and only Qiao Lingxiang, who was also wearing a protective suit, was found .

He asked Qiao Ayaka,

You said, is it useful to continuously mutate virus antibodies in the 0 generation?

Qiao Lingxiang nodded a little late,

Yes, it should be useful.

There are more than 10 million people in this world. Lin Tianyi said that before the end of the world, there were 8 million people in Xiangcheng alone, so there should not be only one first-generation infected person.

If everyone infected with the 0-generation mutant virus can get antibodies, then the next 1-generation will not appear.

When there is only one generation of Xiangcheng in the world, as long as the descendants of this first generation are controlled in Xiangcheng, the virus will not spread again.

Seeing Ye Yiming laugh twice again, he stood up straight, looked at Qiao Lingxiang, and said:

There is a point. Although there is only one in the first generation, Cheng Tian in the second generation was killed, and Zhao Dalong in the third generation recovered. But now in the serious danger zone, look at how many people there are. The first three generations are sporadic single digits, and the latter So many people in the N generation can only prove one thing, and the third generation has not been found, and it has spread.

Shen Hui has already compared the viruses in the five first-discovered zombies, which are different from the viruses in Zhao Dalong, the third-generation infected person.

Therefore, the virus in these five zombies is still after the third-generation infected Zhao Dalong according to the deduction of mutation.

Even, these five zombies are not of the same generation, but are related to each other.

It means that one of the 4th-generation zombies bit the remaining 4, that is to say, these 4 zombies are the 5th-generation infected.

Where did the 4th generation zombies come from? It is absolutely impossible to be bitten by Cheng Tian. The one bitten by Cheng Tian can only be the third generation, just like Zhao Dalong.

Therefore, the third generation that was bitten by Cheng Tian has not been found.

The key question is, where is the missing third generation? As long as it is not found out for a day, the source of infection will continue to spread.

Under the microscope, it can be vaguely seen that the virus in these zombies has the shadow of the third-generation virus, but it is completely different from the zero-generation virus.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as beyond recognition.

Because this is a constantly mutating virus, each generation of the virus causes different symptoms in the human body, which is also the reason why the appearance of different generations of zombies is different from zombie to zombie.

So what's the use of making antibodies to the 0-generation virus? As long as the missed third-generation infected person is not found, it will continue to spread, unless Shen Hui now produces 3-generation, 4-generation, 5-generation, 6-generation and N-generation antibodies to get a universal injection.

But with Gong Jingye and Wen Hongtu's dog-eat-dog urination, is it possible to have such an efficiency?

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Yiming is already ready to slaughter the city.

Released the 3rd update.

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