Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 144: A Wolf Cub (Xie River, Jiujiu Million Reward Plus 13100)

Chapter 144 Is a Wolf Cub (Xie River, Jiujiu Million Reward plus 13100)

This kind of electronic file is much easier to recognize than the doctor's handwritten doctor's order. Qiao Lingxiang was reading it enthusiastically when a message suddenly entered into the phone.

【Cen Yi: I was taken to the first floor by the garrison, don't worry when you come out, I'm still here. 】

In the closed operating room, Qiao Lingxiang's heart sank, and she hurriedly replied to the message,

[Qiao Lingxiang: Why was she taken away by the garrison? What are they up to? 】

[Cen Yi: Last time in the commercial street, I had a feud with them and was targeted. Today, I just met a scumbag who knows me. It’s okay. Jiu’er will take care of it. Don’t worry. 】

Don't worry, how could Qiao Ayaka not worry?

She frowned tightly. At this moment, she felt that she couldn't stay in the operating room any longer, so she sent several messages to Cen Yi,

【Qiao Lingxiang: Did they hit you? 】

[Qiao Lingxiang: Don't go head-to-head with them. The garrison is not very easy to provoke. I heard that they are very unkind, so bear with it. 】

【Qiao Lingxiang: I'll be going out in a while, I'll find a way to get out. 】

Cen Yi's cell phone kept ringing, and just as he was about to reply to Qiao Lingxiang's message, a garrison station came over and extended a hand to him.

He sat on a chair, raised his head, held the mobile phone in his hand, and looked at the garrison.

Hand over your phone.

Garrison stood straight in front of him, asking Cen Yi to hand him the phone.

His phone kept ringing. Although it was on vibrate, it was buzzing. It looked like he was sending messages and communicating with someone.

And he is sending out messages without hesitation.

It's all committed by people. Under the nose of the garrison, they can still maintain such arrogance. The garrison is also alive and well.

Cen Yi, who was sitting on the chair, let out an unruly smile, and put his mobile phone on the table next to him. Although he was sitting, his prickly energy was revealed without any concealment.

He raised his face, looked at the garrison, tapped his fingertips on the back of his mobile phone, and said:

If you have the ability, take it yourself.

The garrison standing in front of him pursed his lips.

After a long time, the garrison said slowly:

These days, if you don't have any strength, why should you be a garrison?

After speaking, he directly gave Cen a fist.

Cen Yi was beaten to the side of his head, and he pressed his tongue against the corner of his mouth that was hurt by the beating. Without saying a word, he stood up and punched each other back. The two of them were just like this in this small room, you punched each other. The fight started.

Another garrison standing by the door watched happily, and shouted with itchy hands:

Go hard, beat me to death, you can't replace me.

Cen Yi kicked the garrison in front of him in the stomach, and kicked the garrison who hit him directly to the ground. He loosened his hands and joints, pointed at the garrison by the door without pain, hooked his fingers,


Fuck him!

The garrison sitting on the ground tilted his head, urging his colleagues to go up, he stood up by himself, leaned against the wall, rubbed his stomach and went to rest.

The garrison by the door was not polite, he ran forward, stepped on a stool, flew up, and slashed at Cen Yi with a knife, smashing Cen Yi's shoulder.

Cen Yi took a step back from the beating, stood firm, and looked at the garrison of the splitting knife, spat and shouted,


I saw Cen holding his shoulder with one hand, moved his shoulder blades and was numb, and rushed forward quickly without saying a word, directly slashing towards the garrison with a knife in one hand.

The garrison narrowly escaped, but was forced to take a step back by Cen Yi, who crushed the chair behind him.


The garrison standing against the wall, rubbing his belly, couldn't help saying hello for Cen Yi, this kid can learn what he has learned and put it into practice, not bad!

Cen Yi continued to attack the garrison in front of him. Hearing the applause, he raised his foot and kicked the rotten chair on the ground towards the garrison by the wall.

If you want to fight two, how many skills?

Garrison, who was fighting with Cen Yi, sneered, grabbed Cen Yi's waistband, lifted him up, and threw him on the table.

The table collapsed, and Cen Yi rolled around on the table, picked up a thermos cup at hand, and smashed a calf kicked by the garrison with his backhand.

Damn it, it's a wolf cub.

The garrison who was hit by the calf bone hugged his leg, hopped on one foot and took a step back, and said to the other garrison leaning against the wall:

Fuck him together.

The garrison by the wall just escaped the rotten chair kicked by Cen Yi, and he also wanted to mess with him. Hearing this, he was not polite, and came forward directly, and fought with another garrison, facing Cen Yi's little boy. The wolf cub said hello.

Cen Yi was originally invulnerable, but invulnerability does not mean that there will be no pain. Fire can burn him, and strong impact and knocking can also cause him pain.

Moreover, under the action of absolute power, his copper skin and iron bones will also be injured.

What's more, the garrison's attack methods and moves are all cutting his vitals. As long as the garrison hits a key part, the damage will be multiplied several times.

As far as the garrison is concerned, whoever they want to get, just achieve the goal, no matter whether it is a group fight or a one-on-one fight, if one is tired, replace the next one, and the next one will change when the next one is tired, or two fight one, or use the big to bully the small , there are no rules of the rivers and lakes, the only purpose is to bring down people.

Don't ask about the process, only ask about the result, this is garrison.

Therefore, Cen thought it was a one-for-two fight. Fortunately, he had become a habit of fighting on weekdays. His body was also made of copper and iron, and he was very strong. Depending on how he was beaten, he was still in the hands of two experienced garrisons. , barely supported his own place.

At this time, Wei Xingping already knew that his sons Ajiu, Cen Yi, Zhao Long, and Qiao Lingxiang had entered the serious danger zone, and Cen Yi was found by the garrison to be a fake security check, and was taken away by the garrison.

It was his son who called and told him personally.

Sitting in his office, Wei Xingping was so angry that he could only roll his eyes.

I really don't want to recognize this son, what should I do?

Hearing Ajiu on the phone again, he said anxiously:

Dad, Dad, wait for me to come out, you can beat me however you want, you save brother Cen first, we are also worried about Uncle Zhao, Dad, I was wrong, I will definitely study hard in the future, and I will give you a champion in the exam, Dad, You save Brother Cen!

Wei Xingping held the phone speechlessly, and his angry heart suddenly felt extremely sour. This is his son, the son he scolded since childhood, but the more he scolded, the more rebellious he became. .

Now she even promised him that she would come back to him with a champion.

Wei Xingping suddenly felt that with Ajiu's words, all the grievances in his heart disappeared, and there was a faint feeling of I made you angry with me, and you have a day to beg you, such a refreshing mood.

After reacting, Wei Xingping straightened his face again, and cursed at his son on the phone:

Isn't it what you should do to be the number one scholar? Are you studying for your father? Not for yourself?

There is also an update for the recommendation vote, and one update will be added to 10,000 recommendation votes. Don't be stingy, please vote for the recommendation vote!

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