However, she made it clear that she did not eat fish, but fish hearts that gathered more energy. Although it would lose a lot of energy after cooking, it was clearly enough to be promoted to level 10.

How big is this fish? The fish heart is also a gathering place for energy, what kind of fish meat should you eat after eating it?

But other people did n’t know that they thought the children loved fish heart, so they also cut a lot of fish meat when they were divided, and when they saw the greedy haraz of the small meat ball straight out, they obviously begged Li Fangduo to cook more Delicious and juicy fish without thorns.

You have to know that they did n’t have lunch, and some dumplings were left in the morning, so they cooked directly in the shaded area of ​​the mutant tree.

Other people are also busy in this mutated forest, but after choosing the location, they took their own fish and sliced ​​it directly with some other people's pulp, carefully and as raw as a treasure, and then eat it raw. The taste is delicious, after all, it is not ordinary fish meat, and the taste is simply delicious.

Moreover, from killing fish to dissecting, in order to save time, all takes only an hour, and other people have already got the fish.

As for most of the fish meat for Zhao Hu and Meng Guang, it is reasonable to say that each of their teams has been promoted to level 10, but for Zhao Hu, all the people who have risen to level 7 and above have stopped. He and a few A person with a high level is promoted to level 10. Of course, the fish meat they give is equally divided, and the fish meat given to them by other Bailings is equal. It can be seen that Zhao Hu and others are fair, whether they are soldiers or other. None of his abilities can pick out his faults.

As for Meng Guang, he didn't have to think about it so much, he gave twice as much fish as everyone else, and everyone was promoted to the tenth level. It's like sitting on a rocket. The remaining fish and meat quickly found an ice player in the team to freeze like the remaining fish and meat of Zhao Hu. Bai Xiaoxi specially gave him a few pieces of fish shells to place. .

However, Meng Guang sent another five people to **** the fish back to the base of Yanjing City.

Because Meng Guang stays in the base of Yanjing City, there are still many people in it. This fish must be to increase the strength of his team.

When others saw that Meng Guang's people were leaving in a car, they had the urge to grab it. But when they thought of Meng Guang's identity, they immediately gave up.

After all, for a piece of fish meat that can be promoted to the tenth level, it is an enemy to Meng Guang, which is really not cost-effective.

Who made them promoted to level 7 level 8 level 9? Even speed and power abilities are basically promoted to the tenth level, then it is useless to grab the fish.

But I have to say that even the traitors in the inside feel strong power, they have to be grateful for Bai Ling's kindness.

Then think about the more than 1,000 people in this team, when they first came, they were all in the second and third levels, but this blink of an eye actually reached the seventh level or above? I wipe, this is simply. . . It's just like dreaming!

Thinking that if Zhao Hu didn't invite Bai Ling's team to join the team, maybe this mutant fish was killed but he took the crystal core and left. After all, no one would think so much.

That's a real waste.

Who knows that in the previous life, this huge mutant fish was killed in this way and then abandoned the body in this river and became the dish of other mutant fish!

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