Apocalypse: Picking up Attributes and Becoming Stronger

Chapter 266: What are you running for?

Now Long Chen, if he wants to subdue an evolutionary at the peak of the king level in the residential area, he doesn't have to do anything at all.

All it takes is a thought, a law of blockade.

What are you running for?

Long Chen looked at Chen Qingtian and asked indifferently.

There was no joy or sorrow in his tone.

Long Chen, you have already destroyed the Qingyun Taoist Hall, don't you even spare our Qingyun Army? Do you have to cut the grass and root it?

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Chen Qingtian was no longer afraid.

Perhaps people can only truly be bold when they know that they will die.

When did I say I would destroy your Qingyun Army?

However, what surprised Chen Qingtian was that Long Chen actually gave such an answer.

He was slightly taken aback, and he couldn't help asking himself.

That's right, Long Chen didn't seem to have said that he wanted to destroy him from the beginning to the end, it was he who scare him so much.

But after thinking about it, I have always been against Long Chen, and the Qingyun Army was also cultivated by the Qingyun Gym. According to Long Chen's character, it should be able to cut grass and root.

Long Chen saw Chen Qingtian's thoughts, shook his head, and with a thought, the law of blockade was withdrawn.

Chen Qingtian fell directly from the air.

But this time, he didn't choose to run away as soon as possible, because he knew that if Long Chen didn't want to let him go, he wouldn't be able to.

The Qingyun Taoist Hall is the Qingyun Taoist Hall, and the Qingyun Army is the Qingyun Army. I did not put you together, and the only ones I killed were those who participated in the siege of the Dragon Temple, and I did not have any of the remaining disciples of the Qingyun Taoist Hall. verb: move.

Long Chen said that what he said was indeed the truth.

Although the five major forces almost came out, they must have left a part of their forces in the base camp.

Long Chen did not choose to kill everyone.

Of course, this does not mean that the remaining disciples of Qingyun Taoist Hall are safe.

What Long Chen said was just that he didn't do it, but it didn't mean that Long Ling didn't do it.

It does not mean that the hostile forces of other Qingyun Gym did not take action.

Of course, these are none of Long Chen's business.

As for the fact that you have been provoking me, I might actually kill you as an ordinary person, but since you created and led the Qingyun Army to guard the border for so long, I will spare you for the time being.

Long Chen still said in a calm tone.

But his words made Chen Qingtian breathe a sigh of relief.

The strong man made his promises, and since Long Chen said that he would not kill him, he would definitely not break his promise.

There is no need to break his promise, because Long Chen doesn't need any conspiracy to kill him.

All it takes is a thought.

You can also rest assured that although our Qingyun Army was created by Qingyun Taoist in name, in fact, every bit of every soldier and soldier was cultivated by me, so it has no great connection with Qingyun Taoist.

Our purpose is to guard the border, and we will never avenge you because of Qingyun Gym.

Chen Qingtian said with a serious face.

Whether what he said was true or not, he had to say it.

And he really has no idea of ​​revenge.

Although his name is very similar to Chen Qingyun, in fact he is not a relative of Chen Qingyun, not even the slightest blood relationship.

However, it was because he replaced the Qingyun Taoist Hall in charge of the Qingyun Army that Chen Qingyun gave him this name.

This is similar to the way the ancient emperors gave surnames and names to ministers they valued.

(To be continued)

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