
The golden light door opened in Shi Jiu's bedroom, and as soon as Shi Jiu stepped out of the portal, he met Qian Yu who was lying on his bed.

Looking at the Qian language that was sniffing his futon, Shi Jiu had a groove and didn't know how to vomit.

"Ahem!!" Qian Yu suddenly coughed a few times, "Why did you come back?!" It's less than ten minutes?! "

Although Qian Yu doesn't know much about that, but... In less than ten minutes, it's definitely a bit unsustainable. Don't...... Will the future happy life leave you?

"What's less than ten minutes?" Shi Jiu's eyebrows were frivolous, what was this kid thinking?

"No, nothing! I just want to ask, where have you been? Qian Yu changed the subject.

Shi Jiu sat on the bed and lay next to Qianyu, "I went to another world and saved a little sister."

Qian Yu didn't care about Shi Jiu lying beside him, but was attracted by Shi Jiu's words, "Is there really a different world?" Are there zombies in another world?

"No, but there are cannibals."

"Uh... That's not as good as zombies.

"Then again, why are you in my room?" The corners of Shi Jiu's mouth raised, as if smiling, this child is also under pressure?

Qian Yu's little face turned red, and the pillow covered her head, "Ahem, what is that... Because there will be a tide of corpses and rats recently, I'm a little scared, oh yes, just scared. So..." "

Yo, you are a little white rabbit sent into the wolf's mouth." Shi Jiu said with a smile.

Qian Yu shook her head, threw the pillow off her head, her eyes were a little ashamed, and muttered, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" You ask Xiao Xiyan, does she believe that you are a decent gentleman?

"So?" Shi Jiu turned his head, lay on the bed, and Qianyu came face to face, and both sides could even feel each other's breath hitting their cheeks....

"I'm the first to come..." Qianyu's small voice like a mosquito sounded in Shi Jiu's ears.


"So... Wow... Wait a minute...... I'm not ready... etc...."


The joys and sorrows between people are not connected, and just when the members of the Taichu Mountain Villa were sleeping, the Western Legion and the Bajiang Guild were dealt a devastating blow!

The only advantage of the Western Legion is its firepower.

Looking around, outside the entire moat, there are all zombies from Wuyang Wuyang.

Usually, you have to be careful when shooting, for fear of the zombies attracted by the gunfire, but now, the Western Legion is under fire!

Not only firearms, but also consumable weapons such as grenades are all used.

However, the effect is not ideal....

If it weren't for that moat, I'm afraid, a charge of the zombie would be able to directly attack the defensive force field!

Under the corpse tide, the defensive force field of the second-level guild is enough to support for three hours, but... The moment the city was destroyed three hours later, it was when the guild perished!

Because the vast majority of zombies among zombies have evolved, hot weapons such as firearms cannot stop them unless they hit the zombies in the head!

"How much ammunition do we have left?" Chairman Li looked at the zombie frenzy outside, and suddenly remembered the purpose of the Taichu Mountain Villa to come to the Western Legion, they had said at that time... Beware of the tide of corpses....

"There are not enough reserves, probably hold out for an hour at most!" With the fire pouring out, it can be stopped for an hour, even thankfully!

This is just to stop it, and it is completely impossible to cause effective damage to zombies!

"Be specific! How long will it last! "

Wow!" The soldier slapped Chairman Li in the face, "Damn, you're still crooked here if you don't fight!" "

Under the immunity of the friendly wound, although the soldier's attack did not cause any damage, this slap slapped Chairman Li's heart! It also means that Chairman Li no longer has the absolute right to rule the Western Legion....

After the fight, the soldiers ran directly out of the tent.

Not being able to hold the guild is already a sure thing, and when the firepower is poured out, it will be time for them to leave the guild!

But as soldiers, they still have their own faith in their hearts!

At the very least, they have to escort the group of survivors of the Western Legion who have little combat ability to leave here!

Open a special back door after the defensive force field, leave quietly, and in three hours, even if you can't walk to the Taichu Villa.


Compared to the Western Legion, the form of the Bajiang Guild is also not much better!

However, because they knew in advance of the arrival of the rat tide, although it was only half a day, they were still prepared for a series of emergencies!

First of all, combustibles such as gasoline and diesel!

Set these fuels on fire, and using the special mechanism of friendly immunity, the combat members of the Bajiang Guild stand in flames and fight zombie rats!

This is only the first line of defense of the Bajiang Guild, and after the first line of defense shrinks, it will be the second line of defense for the whole people to defend the city!

The so-called national defense of the city, regardless of men, women and children, all of them shot to kill zombie rats! Even if the old one can't walk, he can use his flesh to block the footsteps of the zombie rat for a while!

Although such a strategy seems very inhumane, in Jiang Xinghai's opinion, who is not a player? It is clear that they all have immortal bodies, why should our brothers sacrifice outside?

With the existence of a player system, if you count one, you have to go to the battlefield! No one is an exception!


On the walls of these cement stones that were made in a short time, stood the long-range attack professions such as mages and archers.

Classes like warriors fight in gasoline-ignited flames!


A streak of black-green blood spurted out from the zombie rat's body, and the warrior who had just killed the zombie rat with a knife directly collected the corpse, and then the collected energy crystals were immediately stuffed into his mouth. For them, this is already a conditioned reflex....

Endless black rat tides, one after another, rushed towards the player.

During the battle, some players are able to level up, while the vast majority of players are shattered into light and disappear.

Players who were revived within the guild are once again rushed out of the guild.

In this kind of melee fight, even if the level drops to level zero, the combat experience is growing rapidly.

Although the number of rat tides is indeed inferior to the corpse tide, it does not mean that the danger is lower than the corpse tide!

Under the protection of the Bajiang Guild, the rat tide did not even touch the guild's defensive force field! You know, the Bajiang Guild is different from the Western Legion, their guild does not have a moat, and even many walls are built in one day today....

At the rear of the rat tide, a giant mouse the size of a tiger flashed scarlet light in its eyes. Under the special communication, the rat tide gradually faded. Of course, they did not retreat, but retreated beyond the flames of gasoline and diesel burning....

The zombie rat king, who has no less than human intelligence, knows to avoid the edge for the time being! When the fuel burns out, it will charge again!

Of course, Jiang Xinghai, who was covered in blood, could also guess the Rat King's intentions. It's just that in the face of this means, he has no good way. The reason why players can compete with the rat tide is mainly due to the burning of flames.

"Boss, what should I do? That beast can't be born

..." "Consumption..." "There is no way, only energy consumption, after spending these few days, his daughter will definitely come with the support of Taichu Villa!"

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