
[Ding, the collection is successful, congratulations to the player for obtaining the flesh and blood of the zombie*2, and the energy crystallization (small)*1. ] 】【

Abnormal energy crystals (small): 1, can assist players without abnormal abilities to awaken special abilities, each success rate is ten percent, and the use of five will definitely awaken special abilities. 2. Players with special abilities can get 100 experience points after using it.

After a while, Xiao Chenxi returned with fifteen energy crystals.

Looking at the energy crystallization, Shi Jiu was a little stunned.

In this world, for mutated zombies and other monsters, they can absorb the aura in the air to upgrade at any time, and even rely on the aura to survive without eating or drinking. Humans don't have that ability.

The path of human beings, first of all, is to awaken the power, followed by the strengthening of the energy after bathing in the rain of aura, and finally to kill the zombies through the improvement of the power, obtain small energy crystals, and use them to improve themselves after absorption. Then enter a virtuous circle!

However, after Shi Jiu intervened in this world, the fourth natural disaster was the mainstream of human evolution!

There are fifteen crystals in total, and there are fifteen hundred points of experience in the calculation. Killing a level ten zombie is only thirty or fifty years of experience. Thinking of the bitter life of a zombie who had less than a little experience before, everyone had a sense of embarrassment.

"Fifteen hundred points of experience should be nothing to everyone. My proposal is to bring it back to the guild and provide it to the supernatural beings for a fee. What do you think? Shi Jiu suggested.

In the face of Shi Jiu's proposal, no one refuted. After all, what Shi Jiu said is also reasonable, many players with life powers make no less contributions than combat players even if they don't fight!

For example, Meng Lu, who is in charge of the farm, the effect of [the force of nature] on the ripening of grain is still very large.

Thinking of the black and red planet in the version of PV, everyone can also realize the importance of food.

These members of this group of Taichu Mountain Villa will definitely not lack food and clothing, but as high-level officials, they have a long-term vision, this generation is not short of food and clothing, what about the next generation, what about the next generation?

Qian Yu clapped his hands, "Now that we know the current role of zombies, let's continue to move towards the zombie giant elephant." Next, we don't stop collecting. "

Although everyone is a little reluctant to crystallize these powers, they also know the priority of the matter.

With a slight heartache convulsions, the group hit the road again....

Although the fortress of the RV is not impregnable, it is also a weapon for harvesting. In the face of a large zombie group, just use the RV fortress to run over all the way. Break through the tide of corpses, and then the long-range mages and archers will replenish the zombies that are still chasing, perfect cooperation!

"Wow, when I think that a corpse is a hundred experiences, my heart aches..." Li Jiaxin, as a light element powerhouse whose lethality is not very strong, who knows the hardships of his own upgrade.

Don't say it's Li Jiaxin, even Qian Yu has some heartache.

"Okay, don't be poor, turn right at the next intersection, it's the location of the zombie giant elephant, just clean up the surrounding zombies here, take a rest, and then fight the giant elephant." Qian Yu fiddled with the map, and there were still a dozen small red dots behind the RV still chasing after him. After clicking on these little red dots, you have to fight the boss!

Although the location of the zombie giant elephant is not in the city center, it is also a densely populated park community.

Under the [Skynet] detection of Qianyu, there are no small green dots and small blue dots in this geographical location. Other words...... There are almost no survivors in the city center, I'm afraid, most of the survivors are attached to the territory of the three major guilds...

Qian Yu felt the cruelty of this apocalyptic world more and more, and the Western Legion, counting all the living people, was more than 20,000. The number of survivors accepted by Taichu Mountain Villa was only about 20,000. According to this speculation, I am afraid that the Bajiang Guild will have about 20,000 survivors at most. Other words...... In just one month, there are only about 60,000 survivors left in Xilincheng...

Qian Yu turned her head to look at Shi Jiu's handsome face, her cheeks were slightly red, although the captain may be a loli controller, a straight man who does not know how to please girls, but in this world, it is a very rare partner...

"What do you think of me?" Shi Jiu found that Qian Yu was peeping at herself with a red face, and asked with a dark belly.

"Who's watching you! I'm looking at Xi Yan! Qian Yu hugged Xiao Xiyan and turned his head with an angry hum.

Xiao Xiyan was not unhappy, but her eyebrows revealed a slight joy.

In the process of flirting with Shi Jiu, the mage and archer have already cleaned up the tail behind their backs. Shi Jiu jumped down from the RV and sorted out the black clothes and white Yan battle robe, "Let's go, it's time for you to see the strength of the guild leader!" Although

Shi Jiu had never made a move in front of the members, the only time was to freeze two miscellaneous soldiers in the Western Legion. But no one would think that Shi Jiu was a person without the power of a chicken.

All the staff get off the bus, all the staff tidy up their clothes, all the evil people!

Qian Yu took the lead in breaking away from the team and took advantage of [Skynet] to find a commanding height! Deploy tactics with the Team Channel!

"Since the captain is going to go up, then there is the captain to attack, Yan Chenxi flanks to assist, the berserker is responsible for protecting the back row, and the others will output according to the situation."

As a berserker, it is logical to be on the front line. But whether it is Xiao Chenxi or Shi Jiu, they are far superior to him in the ability to attack fortifications head-on, and helplessly, he can only end up with a job of protecting the back row!

Three hundred meters away, everyone had already seen the zombie giant elephant walking leisurely!

Although we all know that it is called a zombie giant elephant, I didn't expect it to be so huge! The length is about 30 meters, and the height is also 156 meters. Perhaps this value alone does not have an even intuitive feeling, so it is converted to a floor height that can intuitively experience the height. This elephant is six stories tall!

Ordinary people can jump off it and fall to death, it is like a hill.

"Boom." Zhang Yi swallowed a mouthful of spit, "I finally know why the rat tide and the corpse tide can't help it." "

Just this thing... Or the weakest calamity..." Meng Hongcai was also shocked, "If nothing else, I want to know how strong the gluttonous eater is stronger than it?" "

It can be said that if it weren't for the guild, they would definitely not even have the courage to fight when they saw this monster, how far to run. If you don't stand in front of a giant beast, you will never experience that sense of oppression, the sense of oppression that is faster than a person on one toe. As soon as the palm of the foot stepped down, a giant footprint was stepped on on the pavement of the cement road.

"Think of something, such a big thing, how many experience points do you have to kill?" Shi Jiu encouraged his teammates, "An ordinary zombie has a hundred experience points of energy crystallization, such a large zombie giant elephant, I said that the minimum can have 10,000 experience points, you have no rebuttal." "

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