"Boss, let's take a detour to the Bajiang Guild next?" Liu Fei, who acted as the driver, asked.

Shi Jiu glanced at Qianyu and asked, "Take a look at the current situation of the Rat King and the location of the zombie giant elephant now." Shi

Jiu and they walked a small road from the Taichu Mountain Villa to the Western Legion, so they did not alarm the zombies that were "sleeping".

Qian Yu glanced at Shi Jiu strangely, others don't know, she still doesn't know? His own captain is the body of the [Fourth Heavenly Tribulation]. That one-hand map tool is stronger than his [Skynet] power, I don't know how many times! After all, Skynet can't observe a world map in eight days.

"Ahem." Shi Jiu coughed and winked at Qianyu.

Although I don't know what the hell my boss is doing, since I let myself say it, let's say it.

【Skynet】Powers are on!

The 3D map is displayed throughout the RV.

"Hey, every time I see the vice president's power, I will be very amazed." Sister Li Jiaxin sighed in admiration.

Although Qian Yu's combat effectiveness as a vice president may not be strong, with this ability alone, the position of vice president can convince them!

But...... After the enhancement of the aura rain, although Qianyu's [Skynet] level is still SSS level, it is not as unsuitable for combat as it seems....

It's just that no one knows this secret now.

Qian Yu said, secretly work hard, and then surprise everyone and roll them to death!

The little hand pulls on the 3D stereoscopic map, and the location of the rat king is revealed.

On the streets, on the squares, densely packed with mice larger than cats, the king rat, and even the size of a wild boar.

If nothing else, this visual effect alone brings far more impact than the corpse tide.

Although zombies are also terrifying, they are human after all, and they are not scary. However, although the basic attributes of the rat tide are not as good as zombies, the sense of threat it brings to people far exceeds that of zombies....

Even if this is a rat pretending to sleep to digest the aura rain, they can imagine the scene of the sky and the earth full of rats. Just imagining it is very frightening....

"It seems that the rat king and the rat tide will take at least a few hours to digest. If they really want to start a rat tide, it is estimated that it will be close to this evening.

Everyone nodded, and Li Jiaxin wondered, "Why are there no zombies in the place where the rat tide is?"

Shi Jiu analyzed, "There may be only two reasons, one is good news, that is, the rat tide and the corpse tide are not as friendly as we think, perhaps, zombies and zombie rats will also fight each other." Another news is not good news, that is, both zombies and zombie rats have a certain sense of territory, no longer meaningless wandering around, they are also building their own base. And subconscious non-aggression. "

If you look at the entire West Border City as a circle, the zombie mother nest and the zombie wise man, the zombie rat king, and the zombie giant elephant, these three forces divide this circle with the gluttonous as the center. Although the division may not be so even, it is also very different.

And the three major guilds in Xilincheng City will face one of the zombie forces. And the Taichu Mountain Villa is facing the weakest and strongest zombie giant elephant!

The zombie giant elephant has no special abilities, but it has strong defense, and thermal weapons cannot penetrate his skin at all. Even in the rat tide and corpse tide, it can come and go freely.

Because, neither the rat king nor the zombie wise can break the defense of the zombie giant elephant.

In Qianyu's observations, these five original mutated zombies had all gathered together.

Among them, the zombie mother nest and the zombie wise man simply hit it off, and instantly reached an offensive and defensive alliance. There has been friction between large and small rat tides and corpse tides, and zombie rats will also prey on zombies. But there was no large-scale engagement.

The zombie giant elephant once entered the territory of the rat king and was flooded by the zombie rat. But it was useless, it couldn't be broken, but it was eaten by the giant elephant and a lot of zombie rats.

As for the gluttony, that's simply a madman. Both for zombies and for human survivors.

After Qianyu's observation, it seems that it has no intelligence, but instinctively hunts all the creatures around it that can bring it energy. Looking at the basic attributes alone, it is more terrifying than the zombie giant elephant, the zombie giant elephant is only strong in physique and strength, the gluttonous eater is even strong in speed and spirit, and even has energy attacks. It was almost equivalent to a level of forty or fifty Yan Chenxi's combat strength.

The best way to deal with this gluttony is to organize people to kill him while it has not yet grown.

The reason why Qianyu did not act, not because it was not thought of, but... She felt that no matter how strong the gluttony was, she was no stronger than Shi Jiu, who had drawn the world map in eight days.

It's better to use gluttony to hunt zombies, and then prey on the zombies in the city, and then let Shi Jiu hunt it.

But...... Qian Yu did not expect that Shi Jiu, the old sixth, built a trumpet to play and "sealed" the large one.

As Qian Yu fiddled with the map, everyone could see that now the zombies and zombie rats seemed to be digesting the spiritual energy rain.

"It's not as good as ... Let's take this opportunity to let all the guild members go out of the city to hunt zombies. Zhang Shuwu suggested.

"Nope!" Qian Yu and Shi Jiu said in unison.

The two looked at each other, and Shi Jiu motioned for Qian Yu to speak first.

Qian Yu said, "Don't look at the zombies are motionless now, but when you startle a zombie, unless you hunt it immediately, it will instantly cause a corpse tide, without the protection of the guild's defensive force field, the guild members are not the opponents of the corpse tide!"

"Indeed, indeed." Zhang Shuwu broke out in a cold sweat, because he was strong, which made him a little fluttering. In fact, think about it, in the survival war between players and zombies, if there is no tower defense ability of the fourth-level guild, I am afraid that the tenth-level players will not have much power to resist!

After all, the current zombies are also not the creatures that ordinary people can kill with swords...

Shi Jiu patted Zhang Shuwu's shoulder and said, "Although we can't do anything about the corpse tide and the rat tide, we can focus on cleaning up the zombie giant elephant and the zombies around the Taichu Villa." In this case, it is really necessary to take the initiative.

"Although the defensive force field can defend against the corpse tide and the rat tide, it may not be able to block the bombardment of the giant elephant, so, no matter what, the giant elephant must be hunted outside the villa, once it is added to the corpse tide, it is equivalent to the zombie has a siege gun."

Although the Taichu Mountain Villa is equivalent to a large tower defense, whether it is a defense tower or a lightning tower, there is no way to cause critical damage to the zombie giant elephant, once the defensive force field is broken, it is definitely a disaster!

"So, the reason I brought you out is to visit the other two guilds, but the most important thing is to kill the zombie giant elephant in advance!" Shi Jiu sighed, "After all, players below level 20 are likely to not even be able to break the defense of the giant elephant, so this boss can only be fought by a few of us!" "

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