"Hello boss!"

"It's early!"

Shi Jiu waved his hand and nodded to the guild members who came and went.

Ten days have passed since the establishment of the guild.

In these ten days, the guild has successfully risen to the fourth-level guild, and it is not even far from the fifth-level guild.

When Qian Yu explores a wave of city reserves today, he should be able to rise to the fifth level!

Looking at it, the entire guild has changed greatly from before, and the previous villa area has been torn down and rebuilt to be like a cultivation holy place in an immortal cultivation novel. As the guild was raised to level four, the area of the guild also ushered in a great increase, and the maximum number of guilds was also increased to five thousand.

Today, there are about 4,000 members of Taichu Villa.

It is not that new members cannot be recruited, but the requirements for new members of the Taichu Mountain Villa have greatly increased, and even a survivor base has been established around the guild, and survivors who have been eliminated or failed the assessment by the Taichu Mountain Villa are placed here.

Nowadays, everything is starting to get organized.

Two days ago, Shi Jiu had already dropped the Player Awakening Stone in various cities around the world, of course, this large-scale projection could not take care of every survivor, but Shi Jiu did not have the effort to spend all his time saving everyone in the world.

Throwing the Player Awakening Stone for the world is already an additional plugin he opened for humans.

As of this morning, at least 30 million people in the world have awakened and become players. Thinking of this data, the corners of Shi Jiu's mouth couldn't help but open an arc.

Thirty million, so many workers, their own upgrade speed will definitely usher in rapid development! What's more, this number will usher in a leap increase every day!

Although Shi Jiu had now stored a lot of experience, he could even pile him all the way from level thirty to level hundred. However, Shi Jiu did not plan to use these experiences to upgrade himself. Today, Shi Jiu's level is enough to cope with any changes in the world. These experiences were used by Shi Jiu to prepare for the next stage of the [Fourth Heavenly Tribulation]!

[Fourth natural disaster], the so-called natural disaster naturally cannot be a person's natural disaster!

With this part of the experience stored, Shi Jiu is ready to use it to digitize the whole world!

At that time, Shi Jiu was the only god in this world!

Of course, even if Shi Jiu has saved a lot of experience in his hands now, it is still not enough to digitize the entire world, so Shi Jiu is now taking a step back, first digitizing a city, creating a player's main city, and then upgrading it into a kingdom, and finally covering the entire world!

Of course, Shi Jiu will not improve his strength at all.

He already thought about it. His strength only needs to be the first strongest in the chat group all the time. After all, in the group, the style of the big guy still has to be maintained.

"Boss, today there is a group of new people at Base No. 1, do you want to go and see the color." A young giggle greeted Shi Jiu.

Shi Jiu scolded with a smile and waved his hand, "Go and go, what is called to see the color." "

Since officially solving the task of dropping player awakening stones around the world two days ago, Shi Jiu began to consciously mingle with guild members.

Most of the members of the first batch of accepted guilds were not very old, the oldest was about fifty years old, and generally in their twenties and thirties. Most of the older guild members became him the guild leader, and people of Shi Jiu's age called Shi Jiu Boss, which was more cordial.

The guild's Naxin is usually either Shi Jiu sitting in the town or Qian Yu sitting in the town. Because both have the ability to see the essence of a person.

In the apocalypse, human nature is the least tested. The survivors who got the player's awakening stone even let go of their ambitions, and some people, the purpose of joining the Taichu Guild was to take down Shi Jiu himself as the guild leader.

For this part of the people, Shi Jiu naturally drove out of his territory, and by the way, changed his experience acquisition to one-tenth of the original.

Killing people is definitely not okay, it's not that Shi Jiu is kind to this kind of person, the main thing is... This kind of person is also Shi Jiu's tool man.

As for retaliation afterwards, Shi Jiu didn't care at all. As long as the data becomes a player, then everything about him does not belong to him.

It just so happens that there is nothing to do early in the morning, and it is good to go and see the guild to recruit new people.

Shi Jiu sneaked all the way to a temporary village at the foot of the Taichu Villa, which was the No. 1 Survivor Base, and there were three more around the Taichu Villa.

A total of four survivor bases are located in the four corners of the southeast, southeast and northwest of Taichu Villa.

Living here, although it may also be enough to fill the stomach, but it is better than safety. With the high play of the Taichu Mountain Villa, they regularly clean up the zombies around them, and they have at least a place to house the old and young. The young and middle-aged go out to kill the zombies to upgrade, and the old, weak and sick enjoy the protection of the Taichu Mountain Villa here.

When Shijiu arrived at Base One, the members of the Taichu Mountain Villa stationed here had already screened the survivors once. Those who pass the screening are then screened twice by Shijiu or Qianyu.

The first screening looks at ability, and the second screening is based on character.

In this temporary village, a small square, a table and chairs, and thirty or fifty people were cleared, which was a simple screening ceremony.

"Boss, here it is, there are a few good seedlings in this group." The young man who was sitting on the chair and was registering stood up, gave up his seat, and then handed Shi Jiu a roster.

Shi Jiu glanced at the roster, oh, there are indeed a lot of good seedlings. There is one S-level psychic, five A-level psychic, and even five players who have reached level eight or above. Without the experience bonus that comes with guilds, it's really nice to reach this level.

Among the thirty or fifty people in the square, a little girl with a dirty face was hidden in the crowd, and people like her were inconspicuous in this world. Except for the guild members of the Taichu Mountain Villa who were dressed beautifully, the survivors in the rest of the place were all skinny-skinned.

"Deduction, where is my prince?"


A strong hint appeared in Gu Xiyan's heart, from the very beginning of the erratic position every day, the reaction is especially strong now!

Gu Xiyan's calm eyes lit up, and she slowly raised her head.

At this moment, Shi Jiu subconsciously looked into the crowd as if he had a special induction.

The eyes of the two people, one big and one small, collided together.

Looking at the light in the child's eyes, he didn't look like a survivor who had fled at all, but like a little princess who had just left the palace.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and the child did not mean to look away.

Shi Jiu had some doubts in his heart, because he was in a high position, coupled with his strong strength, few people dared to look at him, this little guy... Interesting....

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