If placed in peacetime, Qian Yu is indeed not a casual girl. What she likes is not love at first sight, but the kind of long-term companionship.

But what time is it? O end times!

Don't look at the development of the guild in full swing now, but for Qianyu, these are like a phantom moon in the water, maybe it will be directly shattered in the next moment.

Don't see that she is now a member of the seventh-level guild, but as long as Shi Jiu, the guild leader, can kick this member out of the guild on a whim!

Plus ... Yan Chenxi, this little little is indeed abominable!

He is young and cute. There is no hint of manhood at all! Thinking of Yan Chenxi's triumphant appearance in front of him, Qianyu's heart was very blocked.

But the person is the [Ice Dragon King], even if the full attribute is increased by 100%, it should not be beaten. If she doesn't hold her thighs, when will she be able to avenge that kick!

At that time, when Jiu put his hand on the top of Qianyu's head and stroked it, Qianyu's earlobes were red and wanted to drip blood.

How to say that she is also an eighteen-year-old girl who has never been in love, and she is really a little shy to be touched by the opposite sex of the same age so much.

Of course, Shi Jiu also saw Qianyu's shyness, so she didn't go too far, just brushed her hair for her and let go.

"Ahem, let's eat together. After eating, gather all the members of the guild, and we have a meeting.

"Hmm. By the way, are the players who suddenly appeared today all survivors of the captain's previous transformation? Qian Yu asked.

Shi Jiu took out the meal that Megumi Kato had prepared for herself from the chat group and placed it on the table, "No, you are the first survivor of my transformation." "

Oh." Qian Yu was expressionless on the surface, but in fact he was happy inside. Although I know that the first one has no practical effect, even the symbolic meaning is ranked before the morning sun next to me!

Xiao Chenxi glanced at Qianyu, and smacked her tongue in her heart, didn't she just give her a kick, and she was so vindictive. Compare everything, naïve!

Qian Yu saw that Xiao Chenxi and her looked away, and thought that Xiao Chenxi's soft heart was weak, and the corners of her mouth quietly rose.

"Their players, that's what I'm doing today." Shi Jiu spread out his palm, two crystals, one azure blue and one golden yellow.

Qian Yu and Xiao Chenxi, who have become players, can naturally see the role of these two crystals.

"I decided to sprinkle this crystallization all over the world! Since there are so many disasters in this world, let mankind be the biggest disaster among them! "

Sprinkled... The whole world? Qian Yu's mouth grew a little surprised.

Xiao Chenxi didn't care about these things at all, it didn't matter if the world was dead or destroyed, whether human beings were dead or destroyed.

"That's right. Don't expose the fourth heavenly plague I emanated. Although people were puzzled by the exposure, Shi Jiu didn't want to be looked at with strange eyes.


After getting the answer from the two, they quickly finished dinner. Then Shi Jiu posted a message in the guild channel, and within thirty minutes, all the members of the guild went to the square to gather. Those who arrive late will be kicked out of the guild directly!

This was the first large meeting of the guild, and the punishment was still as severe as kicking out of the guild, so most of the people rushed to the square within ten minutes.

Thirty minutes later, Shi Jiu, Xiao Chenxi, and Qian Yu entered the square and stood on a small temporary platform.

Two hundred and thirty-eight people, it does not seem crowded in this small square. But according to their position, it can also be seen that although they join the same guild, they are still divided into different small groups.

If you put it in other survivor organizations, this kind of small group is a must. However, under the mandatory guild rules, small groups can only create healthy competition effects.

Shi Jiu stood on the stage, looking at the people quietly waiting for him to speak, and his heart fluttered a little.

Even Shi Jiu didn't dare to imagine that three days ago, he could only stay in the house. Now, three days later, he has even organized a base with more than two hundred survivors!

In the small square, although the lights cannot be said to be as bright as day, they can still be seen.

More than two hundred people were in the stands with their necks rubbed, and many of them had never even seen the guild leader after joining the guild. I'm still curious about what the president looks like.

"Guys." Shi Jiu took a step forward, "Congratulations, you have lived to this point, so that you have successfully struggled to the next stage in this last world."

"Perhaps, some of you are not elite, and the powers not only have no combat ability, but even no auxiliary ability. But...... You arrived here, arrived at the Taichu Villa, whether it was luck or strength, your probability of surviving than other survivors increased countless times!

As soon as this sentence came out, no one questioned it. In a world where there was not even a first-level guild, Taichu Mountain Villa had become a third-level guild. If it's not safe, there's no safe place in the world.

"Do you think that with a defensive force field erected, a defensive tower erected, and even a farm in the guild that can feed everyone, we can sit back and relax?"

No one in the audience replied, listening quietly. But there is no shortage of smart people who can join the Taichu Villa, and they all faintly hear Shi Jiu's potential meaning.

Shi Jiu chuckled, "Now, watch your guild channel!" The

players present honestly opened the guild channel, and at a glance, the first thing that came into view was a few zombie guides!

Zombie Rat King, Zombie Nest, Zombie Wise, Zombie Elephant, and Gluttony!

"What is this!" At a glance, someone exclaimed in an instant, completely unbelievable!

"Are there still such powerful zombies?"

"How can this monster ever fight!"

It is because of understanding that it is desperate!

After being converted into a player, they know how many basic attributes the player has, but these zombies, which one is not something that ordinary people can deal with!

According to the attributes, even if the player reaches level ten, he is not necessarily the opponent of these zombies. Only a dozen level 10 players can fight one of them.

The most important thing is that except for the zombie giant elephant, which is easier to fight, none of the other four are fuel-efficient lamps.

Zombie rat king, an army of 100,000 zombie rats. The zombie wise man and the zombie mother nest are uniting, one responsible for producing zombies, and the other responsible for directing zombies. The speed of the gluttonous devouring growth is not weaker than the speed of the player's upgrade, and if he grows, who can kill it?

Even the weakest zombie giant elephant is only relative.

Think about it, elephants not only have thick skin, but also far more strength than humans. When elephants become zombies, the basic attributes of terror alone are not something that ordinary people can touch porcelain.

"Quiet !!" Shi Jiu glared sharply, and the Ice Dragon King's dragon power was released.

The loud shouting stopped abruptly, as if a pair of big hands had pinched their hearts.

"You must want to ask if these things are real." Shi Jiu smiled slightly, "These monsters all exist, and they are in this city where we are!"

"Otherwise, let's move our guild." Hide from afar..."

Under the chill of everyone, a voice sounded weakly.

"Relocation?" Shi Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Where to move?" I tell you without exaggeration that this kind of enhanced zombies is everywhere! Every city has it! Relocation? Move to another city, who of you can still find such an easy-to-defend and hard-to-attack Taichu Villa!

"Offstage, Meng Lu gently pouted in her heart, this is obviously our Suifeng Villa and Danfeng Villa.

Of course, Meng Lu did not dare to say this. She's not a fool.

The group of young people who were with Meng Lu were not frightened by Shi Jiu. Those who have experienced despair understand that the current situation is not despair at all. With the road of player leveling up, what dilemma can't come out?

Zombie boss? Big deal?! If you can't beat level ten, then brush to level twenty, and if you can't beat level twenty, then level thirty! The possibilities are endless!

When everyone's thoughts slowly fell silent, Shi Jiu spoke again.

"Don't panic, let alone despair. Because, the guild you belong to is currently the only guild in the world. The conditions you have are also the best in the world! If the Taichu Mountain Villa can't stop the next wave of zombies, the end of mankind is destruction, and no one can stop it! Although

the words are exaggerated, no one refutes them. Because they themselves think so.

Do not say about the state, do not say about the army of thermal weapons. If the army were so useful, there would be no rescue from above. After disaster, heat ruthlessness is not as useful as people think.

Zombies have an Achilles heel, and headshots will die. But what about zombie rats? What about thousands of zombie rats?

The individual combat ability of soldiers far exceeds that of ordinary people, so the zombies mutated into soldiers will be weaker than soldiers? There is no guarantee that there will not be a single existence that uses thermal weapons among the zombies.

Far from it, the zombie wise man in this city, thermal weapons are just toys for it.

Therefore, Shi Jiu's words can also be regarded as giving them a tranquilizer. If this place can't be held, humanity is waiting to go extinct!

"Of course, we are not hopeless. This morning, the Taichu Mountain Villa had just been established, and at that time, the facilities of the Taichu Mountain Villa were left in addition to the Guild Crystal, and the Mission Hall was left. But tonight, defensive force fields, guild shops, defensive towers, there is no shortage of everything. It's just one day!

"Up to now, we have three Grade S or above, ten Grade A Abilities, fifty B-level Abilities, one hundred and three Grade C Abilities, fifty-six Grade D Abilities, and sixteen Grade E and below. Among them, the combat type energy accounts for 62%! Of course, if you talk about the supernatural, maybe you don't have intuitive understanding. So let's talk about players!

"At present, of the two hundred and thirty-eight people in the guild, there are one hundred and eight players of level three and below, seventy-eight players of level four, forty-six players of level five, three players of level six, one player of level seven, and one player of level nine. And me, a player above level 20! "

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