When Lauderdale's Black Abyss Hundred Flowers pointed at Shi Jiu, the sense of oppression of the dead silence was indeed not small.

Shi Jiu estimated that according to the rating standard of the chat group, Lauderdale should be a sixth or even seventh order.

"It's terrible..." Shi Jiu put his hands in his pockets, the azure blue door behind his back opened, and the golden lock of the precept flew towards Lauderdale.

With Shi Jiu's fifty-level physical fitness, although he could touch Lauderdale with the Ice Dragon King form, it was not necessary at all.

Now, although Shi Jiu's trumpet does not have the omniscient omnipotence of the big one, its combat power is definitely not low.

First, the SSS-level Magical Discipline Lock, after being bundled, the ninth order had no power to resist.

Then there is the Straight Death Demon Eye that connects the [Fourth Heavenly Tribulation], directly leveling the lethality between the masters.

Secondly, it is the treasure house of the king copied in the type moon world.

Finally, there is the Ice Dragon Kingization that can increase tenfold with all attributes.

These abilities add up to a single Kevin. If this can't be beaten, Shi Jiu can only open the tuba. As for upgrading this account, there is no need.

In the face of Lauderdale, Shi Jiu did not mean to open the Straight Death Demon Eye, after all, YouLauderdale is a big beauty, and it is not enough to use the Straight Death Demon Eye.

"Wither!" Black mist poured out from the Hundred Flowers of the Black Abyss, shrouding the entire Lock of Precepts.

Lauderdale frowned, and with a wave of her knight's spear, she shattered the lock of precepts pierced through the black mist.

"What is it? The hardness is not high, but it can block the death power of the black abyss?

Shi Jiu explained without care, "Probably because my Lock of Precepts doesn't need to follow physical rules?" "

Although the Honkai world is a world with superpowers, in fact, whether it is the lawyer or the Honkai energy, the effect they achieve is to trigger the realization of the rules of physics. Although this world cannot be defined as a technological world, it is definitely not a world dominated by the occult...

"Let me tell you another message, the object bound by the lock of the precept will weaken all attributes a hundred times. So...... Come on, don't get tied up.

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, and the dozen locks of precepts instantly surged to hundreds, ejecting towards Lauderdale from all directions.

Although Lauderdale will not fully believe Shi Jiu's words, she still tries her best not to be touched by the chain. However, in this case, the consumption of Avalanche Energy will increase greatly!

Shi Jiu looked at the Lauderdale dancing in the chain group, whenever the chain was wrapped within one meter of her body, it would be shattered by the knight's gun Black Abyss White Flower, Shi Jiu was amazed, "It is worthy of being the strongest Valkyrie of Heaven's Destiny, this strange power..." Although the strange

power is strong, it is only a matter of time before it is defeated. As long as her physical strength can't keep up and she is touched by the lock of precepts, then the game can be announced...

Although the ability of the Discipline Lock is strong, the blue consumption is very high, and normal people can't use the Discipline Lock as an ordinary attack.

No matter how Shi Jiu said it, he was also the body of the fourth natural disaster, and even the trumpet still enjoyed the privilege of [fourth natural disaster]. Among them, the blood lock blue is just a simple privilege.


The screen moves to the battlefield of the Lawyer and Kevin.

After confronting the Law of Knowledge, although Kevin was not injured, half of his clothes were torn apart by the Law of Knowledge, but the white skin showed the strength of his body.

The Wise Law Spat out a mouthful of blood, "Hey, hey, let's slip away, although we can't beat him, but if we want to run, he will definitely not be able to catch up with us." "

The person who knows the law feels that even if the other party stands and lets her fight, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break the defense. Even if the defense is broken, I am afraid that it will be completely restored in an instant.

Is this monster really human?

"This is the time of judgment!"


Kevin's eyes froze, and thousands of space doors suddenly appeared in front of him, and from the door, countless subspace spears shot down from the space.


The icy cold air seemed to freeze the space, and the radius of 10,000 meters was covered with ice crystals in an instant, and the sub-empty spear that was being fired in a salvo was sealed into the ice crystals.

The Law of Knowledge shouted noisily, "Look at you, that guy is a pervert. He could even freeze space.

A spatial door opened next to the Law of Knowledge, and Celine smacked her lips unpleasantly, and the attack that she had been preparing for a long time was so easily resolved, and her heart was also very unhappy.

"In terms of universal rationality, he is indeed the strongest enemy I have ever seen..." Zhongli looked solemnly at Kevin who was floating in the air and stood out of thin air, that kind of absolute strength, I'm afraid, this battle is not easy to fight...

"Celine, I'll come!" Jia Baili flipped her palm, and the horn of annihilation was held in her hand, and just when she wanted to blow the horn of annihilation, the horn was snatched away by Huby on the side.

Hubby weighed the horn of destruction that could not be analyzed, and there was some curiosity in his eyes, "I'll come." Jiu Jiu said that the trumpet of destruction in this world may not be able to attract the law of the end, so it is best not to use it. "

Huh?" Jia Baili scratched her head.

Zhong Li waved his hand, and Honkai was able to condense a rock spear in his hand, "Next, let me try it first." "

As the Rock King Emperor of Liyue, the existence known as the Martial God among the demon gods, Zhongli's name was created in the killing.

"The Law of the Rock?" The Wise Law said suspiciously.

"No, Bronia didn't find the Law Core in him."

Celine explained, "They're my friends.

"I didn't expect that the Void Law had other friends..."

The tremor of imaginary space came from the place where Zhongli and Kevin were fighting.

The two collided this time without distinction, and both sides retreated hundreds of meters.

Kevin feels that he is becoming more and more strange to this era, and this level of strong people is completely beyond the limits of civilization.

The cold ice condensed in the sky, and in the next instant, an iceberg ice field appeared at Kevin's feet.

Zhong Li threw out the rock gun in his hand, the rock gun rose to the storm, the rock gun held in his hand was only about two meters, and it instantly rose to five or six hundred meters, the golden light on the rock gun was attached, and the gravity of the rock gun increased by more than a hundred times, if this gun smashed into the outside world, I am afraid it will directly destroy a heavenly dome city!

The ice and rock exploded, and after a cold current, the energy of the collision turned into pure collapse energy and scattered.

Zhongli's hair was blown by the airflow, and his eyes and ends were dyed with golden light.

On the other side, Kevin's cold aura was restrained, and the Great Sword of Destruction in his hand began to officially display its power.

Zhong Li once again condensed a rock spear in his hand, if it weren't for the collapse of this world that could greatly increase his combat power, with his body that had worn out for six thousand years, he might not be able to make a few moves with Kevin. He could feel that after Kevin gave up the power of ice, the power of that flame was going to burst even more!

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