Aoba Office

Chapter 993 No. 054-Eminent Monk Enters Dream (2)

"We want to go to Jiajing. We saw this place on the map. The name is very nice, so we came to take a look. Do you have any local maps for sale?"

"Yes, I'll give it to you later, twenty yuan."


"...Here, here are your two rooms. The toilet and bathroom are at the end of the corridor, and the door can be locked. The quilts and pillows are clean, and you have to buy disposable toothbrushes and towels separately. The air conditioner can be used, but Need to pay more."

"No need for now. We want to take a walk here. Are there any ancient buildings here?"

"No, we don't have any attractions here."

"Are there no scenic spots in those tea mountains? Are there any time-honored shops selling tea?"

"There are two time-honored brands, and they are not too old... Tongren Hao and Wanfu Hao, haven't you heard of them? They are in two directions."

"It doesn't matter. Just give us the map and point it to us."

"All right."

"Here, I drew it for you."

"Thank you. There is also a temple here? Isn't it an ancient building?"

"No, it was built in 1990 or 1980. It is a small temple. There are no people on weekdays and it is not open."

"That's it. Thank you."

"I didn't feel any ghosts in that house."

"Yeah, I don't feel like there's a ghost."

"This is really troublesome. The mushroom was really right."

"Let's look around first. If it's not here, it might be in Nanxing."


Video file 05420090320.avi.

The video shows a narrow street, which looks like a street in a third- or fourth-tier city. There are not many shops facing the street, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. There are no high-rise buildings or particularly modern buildings. The overall style is that of the 1990s, and they should all be buildings built in the 1990s.

The camera moved, capturing all the scenery.

The top of the mountain can be seen in the distance. The mountain is green, not very high, nor very steep.

The video switched several times, all showing similar street scenes, and finally paused for a while.

The scene stops at a temple.

The black roof and red walls look a bit harsh.

"This color..." Liu Miao's muttering voice was recorded on DV and was heard outside the video screen.

"The style around the 1990s." Wu Ling said, walked into the picture, and approached the small window on the wall next to the door.

"Is this what temples looked like in the 1990s?" Liu Miao asked in confusion.

The camera followed.

"During that time, all major religions were undergoing changes. Everyone in the circle actually encountered some problems." Wu Ling stopped.

The lens falls on the small window.

There was a piece of white paper pasted on the glass window, with strokes like a child's handwriting writing the time to open the door.

Now is obviously not the time for the temple to open.

Wu Ling's voice continued, "The war ended, science and technology developed, and the civilizations and cultures of various countries and nations began to have in-depth exchanges. Beliefs...or superstitions, have undergone chaotic fluctuations. For example, what is a black cat? To bring disaster, or to ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts? Ordinary people no longer know what is going on and believe one thing and deny another, nor can they clearly distinguish different concepts in different regions, let alone clearly understand them. The essence of it is that it confuses concepts and even creates many concepts of its own. Because of the Internet and film and television works, people have begun to obtain a large amount of specious information, and have devoted themselves to fabricating and disseminating this information. The results are obvious.”

Wu Ling knocked on the glass window, but no one responded. He walked to the door of the temple, clicked the big copper ring, and waited quietly.

"Is this the product of experimentation?" Liu Miao asked.

The camera was raised to capture the main entrance of the temple.

The dull red door has some paint peeling off. There are also some missing tiles on top of the gate.

"One of them." Wu Ling said and knocked on the big copper ring again.

The sound insulation effect of this door is obviously not very good. You can clearly hear the sound of someone running behind the door, and soon, there is a response.

"Come on, come on! Who is it!"

A heavy latch sounded behind the door.

The door was opened and its hinges creaked.

Behind the open door is a man wearing monk's robes and sneakers. He had a shaved head, but there was a layer of stubble and it was not a clean shave.

He was holding something, and it was really a latch. It was shiny and much newer than the door panel.

This slightly antique door uses a latch instead of a bolt to lock the door, which is also a bit unusual.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"We are tourists passing by and want to enter the temple to burn incense." Wu Ling said, clasping his hands together and saluting.

The man frowned and pointed to his left hand side, "Didn't you see the notice over there? The door is closed right now. You can come back the day after tomorrow."

"Master, I'm sorry to trouble you. I want to burn some incense." Wu Ling insisted, "Do you have anyone selling incense and candles here? In addition, I would like to donate some money for sesame oil."

The man's expression softened slightly. He probably looked at Qingye's people before he made way for him, "Then come in. You can't stay too long."

Wu Ling nodded and made another gesture of clasping his hands together.

The man returned the favor this time.

After Wu Ling and others entered, the man closed the door again and inserted the latch.

The position of the door bolt is still there, it is the piece of wood that is missing the door bolt.

The man leads the way.

This temple is actually just a small courtyard and a building. Whether there is a house behind or not is not clear from the video.

The building you can see when you enter is the main building of the temple. The merit box and the statue of Buddha are placed here. Other than that, there are only three futons in front of the merit box and an offering table in front of the Buddha statue.

The temple is very simple, and there are many signs of paint peeling off inside.

The statue of Buddha is very ordinary, and it can be said that it is a commercial product. It is neither magnificent nor particularly huge. The upper part of the three-meter-high statue was covered in a lot of dust, and the lower part was not particularly clean either.

The man walked past the statue and entered the small door at the back.

The video camera circled around the statue and carefully photographed every inch of the room, but nothing was captured.

The camera returns to the front of the Buddha statue.

Wu Ling originally looked up at the Buddha statue, but now he has withdrawn his gaze.

"How is it?" Liu Miao asked softly.

Wu Ling shook his head, "It's a normal Buddha statue, nothing special."

The camera turned and focused on Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's face was a mosaic, and his expression could not be seen.

The camera moved closer.

"Boss, did you find anything?" Liu Miao asked again.


"Ah..." Liu Miao's tone was a little disappointed.

The man came back with a pack of incense in his hand and quoted the price.

Wu Ling burned incense and put money into the merit box.

When the man saw the denomination, his eyes lit up.

"Master, is there only one Buddha statue here?" Wu Ling asked.

The man nodded, "Yes, this is the one."

"Then this temple is really old is it?" Wu Ling asked again.

"History?" The man was surprised and laughed. "This place was built in 1989. What kind of history can it have? Are you Buddhists? Then you are looking for the wrong place. You should go to Universal Mountain, otherwise go to the seaside. , it’s authentic over there.”

"Aren't there many Buddhists here?"

The man shook his head, "Not many. Even monks can't stay here. Many people stay here for less than a year and then leave."

"Have you been here long?"

"I am from here. I originally opened a tea shop, but the business was not good and closed down, so I came to the temple. My uncle is the host here. But it's okay. He also became a monk halfway. He just made a living. "

As the man spoke, he lifted up the hem of his clothes, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket, puffed on the smoke himself, and politely asked Liu Miao and Ye Qing if they wanted one.

Both refused.

"Then, can we ask you something? The reward is easy to say." Wu Ling changed the topic and said suddenly.

Update 51.

Good night everyone~

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