Aoba Office

Chapter 99 Killing Ghosts (2)

Chu Run quickly circled around the building of Captain Wan's house, like a headless fly with its feet tied.

I was influenced by Chu Run, but Chu Run was moving very fast at this time, and I couldn't keep up. I distanced myself from him and saw his appearance.

Chu Run is different from the one on the talk show. Now he is dominated by fear, his face is distorted, and his whole person looks crazy.

Chu Run's condition was not good, and my condition was not much better. It was very painful to be pulled and circled by Chu Run. I had an idea and quickly shouted: "Stop hanging around me!"

Chu Run stopped moving and fell directly from the fourth floor, landing lightly on the ground. I also fell down. The free fall process shocked me, but I landed in the blink of an eye. I also found that this fall had no effect on me at all, because I didn't even have a body. My perspective was facing Chu Run, but Chu Run was looking around and couldn't see me at all.

"Who are you? Where are you?" Chu Run shouted in panic.

"I'm right in front of you." I tried to get closer to Chu Run. To kill him, you must first be able to touch him. I don't think I have Aunt Wang's ability to scare people into madness and suicide.

Chu Run's eyes widened and he stared at me. However, if you look carefully, you can see that he is not looking at me, but at the building behind me.

"Are you talking?" Chu Run asked tremblingly.

"Yes, I'm talking. I also know that you are Chu Run, you are a murderer, and you deserve to be beaten to death by Zhou Xiangyang. You won't stop even after you die. Zhou Xiangyang is dying, and he will come to kill you soon. The second time." While dealing with Chu Run, I held back my strength and wanted to move my body.

My body suddenly moved, not by myself, but by being pulled forward by Chu Run who was retreating.

Chu Run backed away in horror, shaking his head desperately, "No, it's impossible!"

"He's dying. We all know he's dying. We're all waiting for him to die and turn into a ghost to kill you again." I continued to put pressure on Chu Run.

Chu Run howled like a collapse. The sound was loud, but only I could hear it. I just felt like I was going deaf, and all I could think about was telling Chu Run to shut up. Chu Run screamed frantically for about a minute or two, then suddenly stopped.

I wanted to shake my head, pick my ears, and wake myself up. It's not a pleasant feeling even though you don't have a body, but you still have feelings.

"You..." Chu Run's voice was hoarse, and his tone of despair made people unconsciously think about it.

I saw Chu Run's appearance clearly. He was still staring in the direction where I was. This time, I could feel that his eyes were indeed glued to me, instead of looking at other things through me.

The buildings in the old community are relatively close together, and the green belt has been converted into parking spaces, filled with private cars. The building where Captain Wan lived cast a huge shadow on the ground, shrouding me in it. Also shrouded in it were Chu Run and the road in between. Chu Run stepped out of the shadow step by step, bumped into a private car behind him, and entered the moonlight. I was pulled by him and stood on the edge of the shadow.

Chu Run completely collapsed, lying on the ground with his head in his arms, begging: "Don't hit me! Don't hit me! Please stop!"

I was startled and realized that Chu Run recognized me as Zhou Xiangyang. He is really a very fragile person, and he will have mental problems at the slightest provocation.

I was thinking about how to deal with Chu Run, and suddenly I saw Chu Run rolling on the ground, as if he was really being beaten and screaming in pain. The twisting and moving of his body cannot be achieved by people alone. It must be impacted by an external force to move sideways like this. He released the hand holding his head, and his head suddenly tilted. A bruise suddenly appeared on the ghost's pale face, which soon swelled.

I don’t know if Chu Run had some kind of superpower before he was alive and could affect objects with his consciousness, but now he is indeed beaten to death by an invisible force because of his consciousness.

Chu Run's body completely collapsed, lying on the ground like a dead dog. He was motionless, but since he existed, it proved that he was not dead. When he recovered, it would be possible for him to inflict the stimulation he suffered this time on an innocent person.

I took a deep breath and gradually felt my body. After trying to move my fingers, I bent down and reached out, grabbed Chu Run's collar, and lifted him up.

Chu Run's upper body was lifted up by me, but his lower body was still lying on the ground as if paralyzed. One of his eyes was so swollen that he couldn't open it at all, and the remaining good eye was numb.

I closed my eyes and thought about the dreams I experienced every night and the dead I saw, and gritted my teeth. Chu Run must be killed!

"Who are you?" Chu Run suddenly spoke, his voice as breathless as silk.

My eyes shot open.

The moon above my head moved, the shadow of the building changed its angle, and Chu Run could see my face clearly!

Chu Run struggled for a while and seemed to be recovering.

I can't put it off any longer!

I held Chu Run with one hand and clasped Chu Run's neck with the other hand. Chu Run is very thin, as if he was underdeveloped as a child. I can hold most of his neck with one hand.

Chu Run's hand that seemed to have been broken just now suddenly held my wrist. The scars on his face were slowly disappearing, and his voice became louder and louder, "Who are you? Let me go!"

Guo Yujie was right. He was still afraid of men. His hand holding my hand was not very strong, and the look on his face was mostly fear. But as a ghost, Chu Run is much stronger than me now. I could feel myself losing my body, going back to the pattern of following Churun. I became anxious and couldn't care less about the hesitation of killing someone for the first time.

At this moment, Chu Run's hand holding my wrist clenched into a fist.

My hand disappeared!


I screamed in my heart, and my other hand was so hard that it spasmed. In a panic, I didn't know whether to let go and pinch Churun's neck, or to hold on to him. All I can say is that I have never killed anyone, and I have only fought when I was a child. I have no experience in fighting people at all.

After Chu Run noticed that my hand disappeared, she screamed: "What are you? What on earth are you?"

Depend on! You evil ghost, why do you make me look like a ghost?

I was about to let go of my hand, throw Chu Run to the ground, and then strangle him to death.

The moonlight passed through Chu Run's translucent body, and I saw the eight fingers sticking out from the back of Chu Run's neck. I was stunned. The fingernails were painted with black and silver nail polish, and they pinched into Chu Run's neck. Immediately afterwards, a woolen scarf worn in winter wrapped around Chu Run's neck, covering the eight fingers and tightening Chu Run's neck. The next second, a roll of wire was tied to the scarf and continued to tighten. Another pair of women's hands appeared under the wire and strangled Chu Run's neck.

Layer after layer, one after another.

Chu Run was choked so hard that he couldn't breathe. His pale face turned completely pale, his eyes protruded, leaving only the whites of his eyes, and his tongue stretched out, as if someone had forcibly pulled it out. Chu Run I could hold most of Chu Run's neck with one hand, but now it's as thin as my wrist. He couldn't even make a sound, there was only the sound of bones rattling under the layers of various rope-like objects and his hands.

Then, Chu Run's neck turned into a ball of bloody dregs, and his head fell to the ground with a "thud".

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