Aoba Office

Chapter 979 New Things (2)

The person driving over was Nangong Yao, and Wu Ling was sitting in the passenger seat.

After I got in the car, I didn't speak.

Wu Ling and Nangong Yao didn't say anything and drove directly to the hotel.

Gu Mo was watching TV in the living room of the hotel suite. To my surprise, Slim Man and the others were also there.

The thin man and the fat man looked worried when they saw me.

Chen Xiaoqiu said nothing, and Guo Yujie was a little surprised.

I almost threw myself on the sofa, and before they could speak, I told Ye Qing what I had said once before.

This time, I spoke quickly. It seems like I have become more proficient after rehearsing, and it seems like it has become easier to narrate now that there are less entangled emotions.

I heard no change in my tone, only the weariness coming out of my voice.

The thin man poured me a glass of water, but I didn't drink it.

After I finished telling what happened, I leaned on the sofa and slowly closed my eyes.

The room was quiet for a few seconds.

I suddenly said: "Ye Qing said, that is something new."

When I first heard this word, I was just shocked. Along the way, I had already figured it out.

Originally there were no ghosts in this world, but then ghosts appeared;

Originally there was no spirit in this world, but then spirit appeared;

Now, there is something new in the world.

Something more troublesome than ghosts and spirits. It exists in the form of a ghost and seems to have the power of a spirit, combining the advantages of both and abandoning the shortcomings of both.

I looked at Wu Ling, Nangong Yao, and Gu Mo, "When I was a child, probably when I was in elementary school, more than ten years ago, that thing wanted to kidnap me. Ye Qing saved me."

The three people had different expressions, and they all had a moment of surprise, but it was not all surprise.

"You don't know?" I frowned.

"We were not involved. Ye Qing mentioned it, but he probably wasn't too involved in this matter." Wu Ling answered.

I had no choice but to talk about Xiantai District.

Wu Ling was thoughtful.

Nangong Yao and Gu Mo didn't say anything.

After a while, Wu Lingcai said: "If that's the case, as far as I know, it ended in failure."

"Failed? Isn't it solved?" Fatty said nervously.

"Nothing was caught. After the incident was launched, the permanent population of Xiantai District underwent a major change. People who originally lived there moved away one after another, or died." Wu Ling said, "In this regard, It is difficult to conduct a detailed investigation. The other party has a strong control over the parasitic host. It is not a vague sense, but it can know everything that happens around the host. Now it seems that it still wants to consciously. Eliminate potential risks.”

The room fell into silence again.

"So, the entire Minqing is unsafe?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

"It's not that serious. The area controlled by Xiantai District should only be around one or two communities. Its tentacles are not that long. It may be because of its limited capabilities, or... Minqing is not its home base." Wu Ling replied .

This answer is even more sensational.

Minqing is not that thing's home base. Could it be that its real home base is in the provinces and cities surrounding Minqing? Is it even possible that, like the guide in Huixiang, a certain place has been completely controlled by it?

I clenched my fists.

"At least, it doesn't have the ability to kill us head-on now." Wu Ling seemed to be telling the good news among the unfortunate.

"Why?" Guo Yujie looked confused.

Wu Ling shook his head, "It can control parasitic people. Judging from Lin Qi's experience, the people controlled by it are completely controlled. It should be easy to use those people to kill people. It is possible..."

Wu Ling pondered.

We are all waiting for Wu Ling's analysis.

"...It is possible that killing people like this will not achieve its purpose and may even destroy its plan." Wu Ling raised his eyes and glanced around, "Those of us here have a high chance of becoming ghosts if they die. Many of us may have never eaten those problematic foods, or have consumed very little of them. In this way, killing us will not solve the problem, but may only aggravate the problem.”

Wu Ling didn't elaborate, but I already understood what she meant.

Just like Gu Mo once worried about me.

If a person like me dies and becomes an evil ghost, not to mention the existence that destroys the world, it will definitely be a disaster.

That thing has the advantage now, but if it kills us rashly and we are both ghosts, it doesn't matter who has the advantage.

This "strength gap" can also be roughly measured by looking at Ye Qing's performance after his death.

This sounds like really good news.

As long as we are careful and don't eat abnormal food easily, then we and that thing can only maintain this stalemate of retreating and advancing.

I felt my physical condition and exhaled.

After a day or two of rest, I should be able to recover and dream again.

This time, we must enter the right dream and destroy that thing.

Wu Ling also said at this time: "Lin Qi has already seen it, and he has also seen his pet dog when he was a child. When he enters the dream next time, the success rate of destroying it is very high. To be on the safe side, Lin Qi should not come into contact with other dogs recently. Ghosts, they should be able to consciously control their dreams."

"Is this okay?" the thin man asked.

This plan sounds very crude.

"This is the best way. Don't think too much," Wu Ling turned to look at me. "Eradicating it and preventing it from further fermenting destruction is the first priority."

I understand what Wu Ling means.

When I enter the dream state, I always think that I have to wait for the right time, preferably at the beginning of all the destruction, to nip these terrible supernatural problems in the cradle. But what Wu Ling said makes sense. The first priority now is to get rid of that thing. The longer it exists, the greater its influence will be. No one knows what kind of monster this "new thing" will grow into.

I nodded vigorously.

The thin man exhaled loudly and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Brother Qi is doing dangerous things alone again."

"None of our abilities are suitable." Wu Ling was very tolerant of this.

Nangong Yao and Gu Mo also had no unnecessary expressions. It seems that the people in Aoba are used to this situation.

Because we made this rough plan, we didn’t talk about the accident in the hospital or the incident with You Jing.

The fat man drove me back, and they all told me to have a good rest.

I cheered up and dealt with my parents and sister without letting them notice.

This night, I went to bed very early.

A dreamless night.

When I woke up the next day, I felt much refreshed, but sometimes I could still feel a faint tingling sensation.

I didn't dare to be careless and decided to enter the dreamland rashly.

I chose to go to work normally.

Yu Chuanfeng's family was killed, including Zheng Wei.

Wu Ling’s advice to me was not to ask too much about these things, but he didn’t deliberately avoid them either. Deliberately avoiding it may actually make me subconsciously remember this incident, which in turn affects the content of the dream.

After arriving at the unit, I heard the relevant content of this incident.

The old leader also held a short meeting for this purpose.

The funeral of Zheng Wei's family will be helped by their relatives. No one has contacted the demolition office yet, but we will definitely have a representative here.

This has little to do with our group.

The ones chosen as representatives were people from Jiang You's office. As colleagues, we asked them to hand over the white envelope on our behalf.

As for the cause of the accident, the police are currently investigating. At present, it is only known that the hospital equipment malfunctioned, causing the fire and a small explosion. Zheng Wei's family all died in the accident. Others in the accident were injured to varying degrees. There were no other fatalities.

This sounds more like a deliberate "suicide."

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