Aoba Office

Chapter 977 The real horror

I sat down on the sofa again, wiped my forehead, and found sweat on my hands.

I'm very tired now. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the sofa opposite. The trace of the human figure sitting on the sofa was gone.

"Ye Qing?" I shouted.

The office was quiet, no one answered.

I leaned on the sofa, gasping for air, and my whole body was in a state of exhaustion.

My brain is still awake and I still have energy left to think.

My hands were shaking, which made it difficult for me to take out my phone.

I contacted Wu Ling. I want to confirm the condition of Ikukawa Peak.

At the end of the dream, my ability completely poured out. Finally, the dream was suddenly interrupted, and I don't know what the result was.

Last night in the dream, the last thing Yu Chuanfeng encountered was extremely abnormal.

I thought about this randomly while waiting for the call to come through.

"Lin Qi, hello." Wu Ling's voice came from the mobile phone.

I didn't have the strength to hold the phone, so I turned on the speakerphone and responded to Wu Ling's voice feebly.

"What did you do?" Wu Ling asked, with neither surprise nor curiosity in his tone.

"Yukawa Peak..." I spit out a name, as if smoke was coming out of my throat.

"Yu Chuanfeng was found by the police station yesterday. The police contacted his uncle Zheng Wei and his parents. We were not able to see him, but we checked the surveillance of the police station. Zheng Wei came to the police station, but Yu Chuanfeng's parents did not come, and Zheng Wei did not take him away. Yu Chuanfeng. We went to the police station this morning to confirm that the child found by the police was not Yu Chuanfeng. Yesterday, Yu Chuanfeng's father cleared the missing person case at the police station in his home area. In addition, we just saw the headlines a few hours ago. ——There was a car accident at the entrance of that community, and the boy who was hit miraculously survived. In the photo of the scene, there were many private cars gathered on the road in front of the residential area. That community is where Yu Chuanfeng lives. "

"He's alive... He's alive... Ah..." My heart was completely relieved, and I felt a faint sense of joy.

"Did you save him? Change the past and save him?" Wu Ling asked.

"Well..." I was very tired, and knowing that Yu Chuanfeng was still alive made me feel relaxed.

I remembered one thing, so I quickly braced myself and asked Wu Ling: "The people on that road, those people on that road last night, did you see the problem? They are all... mutated. But I used Ability." I said unsurely.

That ghost is very weird, Yu Chuanfeng's ability seems to be aimed at him, it is very special. I still remember the "truth" that the ghost said, and the completely different scene I saw after I connected with Yukawa Peak's feelings.

Wu Ling said something on the other end of the phone, not to me.

I waited quietly for a while, trying not to fall asleep.

"No. We didn't see the problem." Wu Ling gave the answer.

I can't rest assured.

"We will contact Yu Chuanfeng to check the situation. Your voice sounds tired." Wu Ling said.

"Yeah." I held on and briefly said a few words about the ghost's condition, " parasitism, the parasitic monster in the movie, deformed... People who get on and off the car have problems... it may do What, I don’t know if I was prepared..."

What happened to Xiao Bai proves that the ghost knows how to set traps and introduce prey into its own territory.

Since this can be done, conversely, it should also be possible for people who parasitize themselves to besiege prey in other places.

Wu Ling responded and said he would be careful.

The phone hangs up.

I relaxed completely, leaned over and fell on the sofa, my consciousness falling into darkness.

When I woke up this time, I was still a little dazed.

I stared at the ceiling in confusion for a while.

A layer of wall covering had been shoveled off the ceiling, possibly signs of damage left that day.

I saw flashing lights out of the corner of my eye. I moved my eyes lazily and saw the flashing mobile phone.

This is a short message.

I picked up the phone and gasped at the sore muscles.

Not only are my muscles sore, my body is hurting from the inside out, but my soul is hurting, as if it has been torn apart and sewn back together again. If I move even a little, my body will fall apart.

My hands were shaking and I finally opened the phone screen.

Slim and others sent messages to ask how I was doing. I didn't rush to answer.

Wu Ling sent several messages.

They confirmed that Ikawamine and his family were all safe. However, because of the "farce" last night, they spent a lot of time at the police station to solve the problems of "abuse" and "mental illness."

Wu Ling and the others came into contact with Yu Chuanfeng, but Yu Chuanfeng chose to deny the reality.

I saw this piece of news and couldn't recover for a long time.

Ikukawa Mine...denies reality?

After this message, Wu Ling sent a voice message.

I pressed my hand several times before opening the message.

"... He remembered the details of two different fates, but he regarded them as a nightmare. Originally, he should have chosen to commit suicide by jumping off the building this morning. ..."

I recall the details of my dreams.

When I unlocked the door, Yu Chuanfeng was indeed very hesitant and mistook me for the grandma he knew. After that, I went out, saw the plastic bag and the abnormalities inside, saw the plastic bag disappear, went downstairs, saw my parents... saw my parents who had turned into monsters... escaped, had a car accident, and was affected by the ghost again...

Yu Chuanfeng's performance was indeed a bit abnormal.

Not just fear, but probably confusion. Different memories made him confused.

However, I didn't notice it at all at that time. I only thought that he suddenly saw the terrifying truth and had been stimulated one after another before, so he became abnormal.

"...He remembered all the process of you saving him. But he felt that it was unreal. Then, he also doubted the authenticity of the supernatural phenomena he had seen before...."

I'm a little distracted.

"Unreal"... Yes, it's too unreal... How could such a horrific scene happen?

What happened last night was like a scene from a movie, the monster parasitic on the human body, dozens of people controlled, those exquisite makeup, special effects...

If the dead turn into ghosts and encounter ghosts and evil spirits, it is a supernatural phenomenon that is easy for people to accept. What happened last night has far exceeded that category.

The next voice message plays automatically. More than three hours have passed since this message.

"Nangong discovered Yu Chuanfeng's updated social account information. He sent a photo, you can take a look. We are not sure whether he was traumatized or affected by your ability. He can't see supernatural phenomena now. "

I didn't understand Wu Ling's words for a moment. When I saw that the scroll bar next to the communication record was still a little long, I swiped the screen.

A photo slowly appeared at the bottom of the screen.

The photo is a group photo, and the background is in the hospital.

There was an old lady sitting on the hospital bed, holding two teenagers in her arms.

There was something dark on the boy's face.

Next to them were two couples.

On the hospital bed, the dining table was propped up with a small cake placed on it.

The cake was dark and cut open, revealing a honeycomb-like interior. In every small cavity, there were black and green bugs crawling in and out...

I got goosebumps all over my body when I looked at the smiling face in the upper part of the photo.

Ikukawa Mine... still had the dark cake residue at the corner of his mouth, and... a bright smile from the bottom of his heart...

Update 47.

There are still fifteen minutes until August ends.

September is coming soon, and the student party is going back to school. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

This is not the point~ [Hey]

The monthly passes for August should be cleared as soon as possible~

There will be double the amount at the end of September. You can save up your monthly tickets and vote again~(* ̄▽ ̄)y

Good night everyone~

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