Aoba Office

Chapter 971 Horror (7)

Yu Chuanfeng and his mother broke up on bad terms. Both mother and son were angry and felt wronged.

I saw Yukawafeng lying on the bed, playing with the airplane model on his bedside table; I also saw Yukawafeng's mother sitting on the sofa, holding her forehead and crying sadly.

Time flows quietly.

When Yu Chuanfeng's father came back, his face was almost as white as a piece of paper.

"You're back." Yu Chuanfeng's mother wiped her eyes and asked, then stood up uncomfortably to pour water, "I just boiled the water and it should have cooled down... I've been busy all day and night..."

I had a premonition that something was going on, so I walked through the door and looked at Yukawa Peak. He lay on the bed, tore up an exercise book, folded a lot of paper airplanes, and threw them all over the floor. It seems that he is okay for the time being.

I hurried to the living room to see the couple.

They are in the kitchen.

Yu Chuanfeng's mother did not pour water, but had a kettle and a glass at hand.

Yu Chuanfeng's father's face was still pale.

He lowered his voice, almost speaking in a breathy tone.

I could only lean in and listen closer.

"...First floor, the old lady on the first floor, you, you know, right?"

"Huh?" Yu Chuanfeng's mother didn't know why.

My heart skipped a beat.

"She's gone...old lady, gone...we...the day I sent Fengfeng to Zheng Wei's place..." The man became anxious, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

The woman still didn't understand, and was a little surprised and a little emotional, "The old lady is gone? Died? Alas, she was so kind... But she was still ninety or eighty, right? This is a sad time for mourning. Her son... …”

The man grabbed his wife's arm and said, "We saw her! No, it wasn't us, it was Fengfeng! Fengfeng saw the old lady that day!"

The woman was stunned.

"She is dead, Fengfeng saw her. Do you understand?" the man emphasized forcefully.

"Have you... admitted your mistake?" the woman said in fear, twitching her lips, "Don't play this trick with me. You are the one who spoiled your son. Are you trying to make excuses for him? This excuse is too much. Rotten……"

The man's hand kept tightening, and the woman gradually showed a pained expression.

"I didn't see it, only Fengfeng saw it. When I was driving, I saw him talking, and there was no one around him. After he got in the car, he said he was talking to the old lady. He had nothing to do, so he lied to me. What? What did I lie to you for?" The man's voice was a little louder.

The blood on the woman's face also faded and turned pale.

"Husband, are you saying that our son... our son... got into trouble?"

The trembling voice seemed to ask something that even he himself doubted.

The man didn't answer.

The woman thought to herself and said: "Is the date wrong? Is it wrong? I'm sure the person Fengfeng saw must be alive..."

"There was a funeral that day." Yu Chuanfeng's father said firmly, "I was in the hospital for two days before. There was a funeral on the day I went on a business trip, and I left directly from the hospital."

The two stood opposite each other, neither of them speaking.

The source of the matter they found was probably correct, but the conclusion they reached was completely wrong.

I am helpless, there is nothing I can do now to explain the truth to them.

I suddenly thought of Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao also discovered something was wrong when he was a child. His ability could at best make his family disgusted, and he himself probably wouldn't react too strongly. The most important thing is that his ability does not affect his normal life all the time.

Yukawa Peak is different. One of his relatives has been controlled by the ghost and can only cook questionable food. Now, his parents began to suspect that he was possessed by evil spirits. What will happen to him next?

No, not "after", but in the next twelve hours or less, what will happen?

My heart skipped a beat.

"How about paying homage... take him to pay homage..." Yu Chuanfeng's mother made a suggestion, "go pay homage to the old lady. The old lady turns out to be a very nice person..."

"Fengfeng promised that when we come back from a business trip, we will bring special products to them." Yu Chuanfeng's father's face turned livid.

"This... specialty product, have you bought it and brought it back?" Yu Chuanfeng's mother asked hurriedly.

"How is that possible?" The man let go and grabbed his hair.

"Go to the store, go to the store and have a look. It's too late for online shopping... Go to the store and have a look. There are also hypermarkets. Buy some specialties, buy more. What the elderly can eat... glutinous rice, no, no, no, no... specialties... pickled Meat is okay, and jujubes are a specialty, right? They should be brought in from other places..." The woman went to get her wallet in a panic.

The man held her down and said, "Don't worry, I'll go buy it. You stay at home and watch Fengfeng. Don't worry, it'll be fine. Find out... The old lady is a very nice person, so it must be fine. It's not necessarily because of that. Well, maybe he’s in a rebellious stage, a rebellious stage in adolescence. Don’t those education experts also say that this is what happens to children at this stage?”

The woman nodded randomly.

The two slowly calmed down.

Yu Chuanfeng's father went out again.

Yu Chuanfeng's mother couldn't let go.

I saw Yu Chuanfeng's bedroom door open, and the boy hurried out without slippers and barefoot. After looking around, he said angrily: "Did you really ask dad to find someone? They didn't do anything. I just met them yesterday. How many times do you want me to say it?”

His childish roar stopped when he met his mother's face.

"Feng, Fengfeng, you, please sit down first. Mom has something to tell you..." The woman waved and asked Yu Chuanfeng to sit down on the sofa.

Yu Chuanfeng sat down suspiciously.

"You, do you remember the old lady on the first floor?" Yu Chuanfeng's mother hesitated and opened her mouth when she saw Yu Chuanfeng nodded, but could not continue.

"She knows about me..." Yu Chuanfeng bit his lip, "I'm back, go say hello to her."

The woman grabbed Yu Chuanfeng's hand and said urgently: "No, no!"

Yu Chuanfeng looked at his mother in confusion.

My heartbeat couldn't help but get faster.

The woman held Yu Chuanfeng's hand tightly.

"Mom——" Yu Chuanfeng struggled.

"She's dead!" the woman suddenly shouted.

Yu Chuanfeng stopped and stood there in a daze.

"She died...the day your father sent you to your uncle's house, the day of the funeral...she..." The woman was incoherent.

Yu Chuanfeng's eyes widened.

"Fengfeng, Fengfeng... don't be afraid. Your dad has gone shopping, and we will go see her later. Don't be afraid. It's okay." The woman hugged her son, her voice choked with sobs.

When I saw Yu Chuanfeng's expression, he was in a daze. His emotions also became hollow, as if he was stupefied by the news.

Yu Chuanfeng didn't move for a long time, startling the woman, patting his face and calling his name.

"Mom...grandma, is she dead? Then what I saw that day..." Yu Chuanfeng shuddered.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. We'll go and say goodbye later, and it'll be okay." The woman said softly, looking at her son carefully.

Yu Chuanfeng remained silent.

"It's okay, Fengfeng, it's okay." The woman hugged her son and shook him, as if coaxing the child.

Ikukawa Mine's father came back panting, with two bags in his hand, one was a supermarket bag, and the other was a black bag that looked like a garbage bag with protruding edges on the surface.

When he passed me, I saw the incense and paper money in the bag.

"Okay, I've bought it. Let's go downstairs and take a look." Yu Chuanfeng's father's Adam's apple rolled and he said in a hoarse voice.

Update 44.

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