Aoba Office

Chapter 969 Horror (5)

The dream skipped hours.

The hangover made Yu Chuanfeng miserable. The place where he slept one night was not very comfortable. It was on the floor of a rental house without a mattress, stacked with a group of drunkards.

The morning sun beat them down for several hours before they woke up.

The dazzling sunlight made these hungover people instinctively turn around and cover their eyes.

Yu Chuanfeng didn't drink too much, at least he wasn't in a hurry to go to the toilet.

A man who woke up entered the toilet and made no sound again.

I took a look and found him lying in his own urine, asleep again.

The woman I saw last night is not in the room.

Another hour or two passed before the dazed man finally woke up.

Yu Chuanfeng lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

There were mottled marks on the ceiling, which looked like paint peeling off, smoke, or maybe dirty stains left behind by a leak upstairs.

The tall man cursed and got up from the ground, stepped over several people lying like corpses, and entered the toilet. His curses and shouts soon came from the toilet.

The consciousness of these people gradually returned.

Someone discovered Yukawa Peak and screamed.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Brother Nan, who is your son?"

"Shit! My sister-in-law is willing to give birth to a son for him?"

"Who are you, kid?"


Yu Chuanfeng was a little embarrassed.

The sound of the door opening rescued him.

The woman I saw last night walked in and her high heels stepped directly on the thigh of the man who was blocking her way.

The screams caused the two people in the toilet to run out.

The tall man first looked at the woman flatteringly, then widened his eyes and pointed at Yu Chuanfeng, "Who is this brat?"

"Brother Nan, you don't know me?"

"I just said it couldn't be Brother Nan's son."

"It's a thief! A thief!"

The woman came in carrying something. She slapped the things on the table, turned around and shouted: "This is the kid you kidnapped! You drank too much last night, kidnapped a kid, and gave him alcohol! You guys are really capable!" I’m so patient!”

The woman picked up the things she bought, which seemed to be vegetables. She picked up the reusable bag and hit the man on the ground head-on.

The men scurried away with their heads in their hands.

The woman chased her into the toilet and let out a horrifying roar, "Who peed here? Whoever peed must be licked clean by me!"

Yu Chuanfeng shrank and looked for his bag in the room. He couldn't find it and was a little at a loss.

I don't think these people are bad people. At least they don't have bad intentions towards Ikawa Mine.

A bit stupid for sure, and very big-hearted.

This farce lasted for more than ten minutes, and the men were forced to pick up rags and mops and start cleaning.

The woman pulled Yu Chuanfeng to sit on the narrow sofa and instructed the tall man to go to the inner room to get Yu Chuanfeng's bag.

Yu Chuanfeng hugged his bag.

The woman crossed her legs, waved her hand away and said to Yu Chuanfeng, "Boy, are you running away from home?"

Yu Chuanfeng lowered his head and did not answer.

"They have no brains and took you to drink. Now things are a bit troublesome. Let's do this. You call your parents and we will take you home. That's the end of it. You and you My parents said that you were picked up by us kind-hearted people early this morning. Well, that's it." The woman patted her thigh and seemed to make a decision.

Yu Chuanfeng remained silent.

The flat man said: "Are you stupid? He ran away from home, and you still want to send him back?"

"If you don't send it back, how about you keep it?"

"Send it to the police station."

"I went to the police station. How do you explain it? You kidnapped children!"

"What kind of kidnapping? That's what you said, you picked it up!"

"Go to his parents, they might give you some money as a thank you..." A man interrupted.

"Yes!" The tall man snapped his fingers.

The woman scolded: "You still want to defraud people of their money to go drinking?"

"How can this be a lie..." The tall man defended with lack of confidence.

Yu Chuanfeng suddenly said: "Send me back, I promise not to tell anyone about you."

Everyone in the room looked at Yu Chuanfeng.

Yu Chuanfeng bit his lip, "I originally wanted to go home..."

"How did you escape, kid?" The tall man threw away the mop and leaned on the back of the sofa.

Yu Chuanfeng thought for a while, "They were on a business trip, and I stayed with my relatives. Later..."

I could feel that he wanted to lie, but he was at a loss for words.

The tall man nodded vigorously, "I understand. Did your relatives abuse you? Look how thin your face is." He pinched Yu Chuanfeng's cheeks roughly.

Yu Chuanfeng's face was pinched in a funny way.

The woman opened the man's hand and said, "What about your relatives?"

Yu Chuanfeng said "uh" for a long time, but had nothing to say.

"Okay. After dinner, I'll take you back to your home. When you get there, you have to call your parents." The woman made another decision.

"Want to eat?" the tall man asked.

The woman pointed to the mop and watched the men start cleaning lifelessly again before going to the kitchen with satisfaction.

Yu Chuanfeng stared at the kitchen nervously.

A man came over and said, "Don't worry, kid, my sister-in-law is very good at cooking."

"Yeah, yeah." The other person sucked.

The woman was very quick, and within a short time, the aroma was coming from the kitchen.

I floated to the kitchen and watched the woman cooking.

The food passed through the woman's hands unchanged.

Simple home-cooked meals are ready in no time.

Bancun Man looked at the dishes and asked in confusion: "Are there any peppers at home?"

"La La La La, do you want to get hemorrhoids?!" The woman was annoyed.

After being scolded for no reason, the tall man rubbed his head and walked out helplessly.

The woman turned back to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out a jar of chili sauce.

"There are chili peppers! Why aren't they in the dish?" asked another man.

The woman threw a bowl in front of him, "Dip it and eat it. You want it spicy."

"I want it too!" Someone next to him stretched out his hand.

There was a lot of noise at the dinner table.

The woman called Yu Chuanfeng, served him food, and stopped the men from opening the beer.

Yu Chuanfeng was restless.

"Sister-in-law, where are you coming from? Are you going to change your mind and not eat spicy food today?"

"What does coming here have to do with eating spicy food?"

The woman slapped the hands of the two men who were talking twice with her chopsticks, causing them to scream in pain.

Turning back, she said to Yu Chuanfeng forcefully: "You are eating, what are you doing watching?"

Yu Chuanfeng hurriedly picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of rice.

The woman gave him some food and said, "Eat it and see. If you don't like it, spit it out."

Yu Chuanfeng pulled the piece of meat that the woman gave him into his mouth.

I suddenly felt the strong emotions of Ikawa Mine.

He lowered his eyes, his body was shaking a little, and he ate the food hungrily.

"Is this kid really being abused?"

"Definitely. Nowadays, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be."

"Hey, can you still drag out articles?"

"That is!"

"Shut up!" the woman scolded, then looked at Yu Chuanfeng, her voice was still hard, "No one is trying to fight you, just eat slowly."

The chopsticks used by the tall man to pick up the chicken legs were opened by the woman. She picked up the chicken legs and gave them to Yu Chuanfeng, and then served him soup.

Those few men were not very formal, they were laughing and joking.

The dining table was lively.

Yu Chuanfeng's stomach and heart felt warm.

But my heart couldn't help but sink, and I stood silently beside Yu Chuanfeng.

When the meal was finished, the woman ordered the four men to wash the dishes and put away the dishes, and then asked the Ban Cun man to take Yu Chuanfeng home.

"Here, call your parents." Bancun Man gave Yu Chuanfeng his mobile phone.

Yu Chuanfeng took it hesitantly and whispered thank you.

He was pushed into a dilapidated van by a woman.

The van started up, made a humming noise, and was bumpy when driving.

The man's cell phone didn't have this problem, and he got through quickly.

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