Aoba Office

Chapter 967 Horror (3)

"Fengfeng, what's wrong with you? Even if you can't get used to our food, doesn't the fruit taste wrong?" Zheng Wei didn't use a questioning tone, but his tone wasn't very good either.

Zheng Wei's wife smoothed things over and expressed concern for Yu Chuanfeng, "Fengfeng, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? If you feel uncomfortable, just tell your aunt and uncle. Your parents call you every day, right? You tell them It’s okay to speak, don’t be afraid.”

In Yu Chuanfeng's field of vision, the faces of Zheng Wei's family were all familiar and distorted.

He shook his head stiffly, apologized profusely, and went back to the room alone.

There were muffled discussions from Zheng Wei's family outside, and Yu Chuanfeng could barely hear a bit of the content from the room.

"...Should we take him to the hospital?"

"I don't know. I told my brother that I don't know what's going on with this kid..."

Yu Chuanfeng took out his mobile phone and probably called me.

What he said made me familiar. Soon, Zheng Wei's son came in and asked Yu Chuanfeng to take a bath. Then, as I knew, there was a quarrel.

The lights in the room were turned off, Yu Chuanfeng was sleeping on the floor, and Zheng Wei's son was sleeping on the bed. The two of them slept alternately every day, and those sleeping on the floor had thick mattresses, so it didn't have much impact.

On the first night, the two teenagers got excited about playing games together. They made too much noise and woke up Zheng Wei, who was scolded.

But this happy relationship between brothers was broken by Yu Chuanfeng within two days.

Now, the two teenagers ignored each other.

Yu Chuanfeng turned his back to the bed, suspicious.

His body was shaking slightly, and his mind was filled with those disgusting and terrifying foods.

Yu Chuanfeng now only feels nauseous and wants to vomit.

He turned and looked at the bed next to him.

In the darkness, he slowly raised his upper body and stretched his neck to look at the boy on the bed. He slowly fell asleep again, closing his eyes tightly.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and repeated the action just now. This time he did not go back to sleep, but turned to look at the door.

He glanced at the bed again, slowly climbed to the door of the room, and leaned against the door to listen for the sound.

After staying in this position for a few minutes, he returned to his mattress, reached out and grabbed the mobile phone next to the pillow, then slowly climbed to the table and reached into his school bag.

This made a little noise.

Yu Chuanfeng turned his head suddenly and looked at the person on the bed.

The man on the bed showed no reaction.

Yu Chuanfeng exhaled and took out all the books from his backpack.

He placed the book on the ground and checked the money and keys in his backpack.

The key made some noise.

The boy on the bed turned over.

Yu Chuanfeng stopped moving again and looked at the boy nervously. After waiting for a while, he put his phone into his backpack and held the backpack in his arms.

He didn't even bother to zip up his backpack.

Tiptoeing to the door of the room, Yu Chuanfeng carefully turned the doorknob.

The sound of the door opening was somewhat noticeable in the quiet night.

Fortunately, this night was not too quiet. There were dogs barking outside and a TV that was turned on too loudly.

I listened to the noise outside and felt that it wasn't too late now.

Judging from what happened that night, it shouldn't have been too late for Yu Chuanfeng to run away from home.

Yu Chuanfeng stepped on the floor with his bare feet, and the floor creaked.

He took every step slowly, paying attention to the movements in the two rooms.

When you get to the entrance, you put on your shoes and open the security door.

The sound was extremely loud.

There seemed to be some movement in the room.

Yu Chuanfeng opened the door almost like wind and stepped out of the house.

There was no subsequent sound in the house.

Yu Chuanfeng exhaled, closed the door, and ran towards the stairs.

He didn't take the elevator and almost ran down.

He jumped down the last two steps.

The wallet almost popped out of the backpack without zipping it up.

Yu Chuanfeng zipped up the zipper, and there was a swishing sound, which seemed to free Yu Chuanfeng's nerves.

He relaxed suddenly, looked up at the stairs, and walked out of the residential building.

This is a high-rise community. The doorman is manned 24 hours a day. Small doors without guards are closed at night.

Yu Chuanfeng's brisk pace became sluggish after seeing the guard with the light on.

He lowered his body and moved close to the front wall and greenery, almost squatting.

There is an automatic door at the entrance of the community, and there are two different doors for pedestrians and vehicles. Pedestrians walk to the door, which is a low iron door that requires a card to enter and exit. Where vehicles pass, it is blocked by a horizontal barrier. The guard room is next to the door for pedestrians to enter and exit.

Yukawa Peak was in a dilemma.

He poked his head into the guard room a few times, somewhat comically.

I didn't pay much attention to it. I drifted over and saw the less than responsible security guard in the guard room.

It's late at night and no one is entering or exiting the gate, so the security guards should pay attention to the surveillance videos in several communities.

In the somewhat blurry video, I didn't see Ikukawa Mine.

The security guard yawned and played with his mobile phone out of boredom.

There was movement from behind.

I saw Yu Chuanfeng sneaking under the crossbar and crawling all the way out of the community.

I hurriedly followed.

Yu Chuanfeng did not run far, but climbed a long distance. His hands and feet seemed to be a little weak. He knelt on the ground for a while before standing up and staggering forward.

His heartbeat and breathing were both very fast. The latter was consciously suppressed by him, but the former was uncontrollable.

For a young child, this is indeed exciting. Especially after being caught, the trouble he may face will make him feel that he has no way out.

He jogged and crossed a road before gradually relaxing and breathing heavily.

After resting for a while, Yu Chuanfeng took out his mobile phone and searched for the map.

I glanced at Yu Chuanfeng's mobile phone screen. He wants to go home.

This is also a natural choice.

I looked at the time displayed at the top of the phone screen again. It was less than eleven o'clock, which was indeed not too late.

At this time, there are still some last buses operating.

But Yukawa Peak's appearance is not suitable for public places.

He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, not a complete set of pajamas, but a child of this age walking alone on the street at this time would always arouse suspicion.

Yu Chuanfeng probably thought of this, hesitated for a while, and chose the walking route.

It would be more troublesome to walk home.

Yu Chuanfeng gritted his teeth and decided to walk back.

His expression was firm and he wanted to open the navigation on his phone.

The system prompted him that the network was not turned on.

As Yu Chuanfeng walked, he lowered his head to operate his mobile phone.

The network is turned on, but cannot be used.

He called the customer service number and hung up.

It seems to be down.

Yu Chuanfeng was a little panicked, but forced himself to calm down.

The offline map was still usable, so he followed this map.

I followed him, but instead of feeling reassured, I became even more uneasy.

Communication was interrupted, and the police couldn't find anyone for a whole day... Now, I dreamed about Yukawa Peak again...

What will this young man encounter in the next time?

I had to imagine the worst case scenario and watch out for people on the street.

This is a residential area. There are two late-night snack shops still open, and there is also a convenience store, which is also brightly lit.

But there were very few pedestrians on the street and no vehicles could be seen at all.

Yu Chuanfeng was walking on a small road without street lights, and he didn't dare to go where there were people.

I don’t know if he is afraid of meeting gangsters or if he is afraid of being sent home by well-meaning passers-by.

He walked like this for half an hour, leaving the residential area and arriving on a busy road where a shopping mall is located.

There are more people here. It's not a very high-end shopping mall. It looks a bit old from the outside and is about to close. Customers were constantly coming out, and uniformed clerks were walking out. Half of the small shops along the road are closed, and the other half are catering and have not yet closed.

Yu Chuanfeng turned his head slightly and saw a barbecue restaurant.

There was a row of various grilled skewers on the charcoal grill. There was no barbecue aroma or smoke.

The palm of a person on the skewer was twitching, and his fingers flicked to grab a skewer of mice next to him. The mouse squeaked.

The shop owner stretched out his hand, turned over the two strings of things, and separated them.

The limbs of the mouse lying on its back twitched. In the open palm, there is a struggling cockroach embedded in it. Next to them, the pierced chicken hearts were beating irregularly, and sticky things were squeezed out of the cut blood vessels, falling into the grill and turning into green smoke.

Update 43.

There are only four updates today.

Good night everyone~

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