Aoba Office

Chapter 964 Xiaobai (3)

I got up from the bed, turned on the computer, and searched for the map of Minqing City.

Changshun Road, Yishan Road, pet hospital, library, reading room...

I looked at the map zoomed in to the street almost inch by inch, and finally found a possible target - the Xiantai District Library and Reading Room in Minqing City, a small two-story building hidden in a shopping street outside the residential area. corner of.

I searched this reading room again and found some scrap news. The official website of the Municipal Library has relevant introductions and photos. The photo of one of the libraries is exactly the same as what I saw in my dream.

I drew a circle on the map and followed the road leading to the library, searching for the streets I ran through in my dream.

I don’t know whether it’s because too much time has passed or because my memory is fuzzy, but the streets, shops, and real-life pictures nearby are very different from what I saw in my dream. It may also be that the store owner has changed, or the area has undergone demolition and renovation.

With a thought in my mind, I went to the municipal official website and searched for public government documents.

If there are municipal renovations, documents will definitely be issued. Sometimes, the news may not be available, but such public government documents must be available.

The search system on the government's official website is not very easy to use and the Internet speed is very slow. It took me some time to find old documents from more than ten years ago. Fortunately, it was only a dozen years ago, when data was already connected to the Internet, and paper documents had data backup.

Xiantai District, where the library is located, has undergone a major road renovation project.

Attached to the file is a map of the time.

Comparing it with the current map, I traced several routes on the map.

These lines are somewhat intermittent, with neighborhoods or buildings in between.

The community is pretty good. Searching the entire Internet, you can barely find news about repairing cables, optical cables, sewers, etc. in the community. Although there is no schematic diagram of the project, news reports remind citizens that the roads there will be blocked, making it inconvenient to pass, and residents in the community will complain and complain, but it basically confirms my conjecture.

The lines on the map still cannot be connected, but after zooming out the map, a figure can be seen.

A broken talisman.

I exhaled and printed out the map.

There was a knock on the door, and my mother looked at me worriedly.

I folded up the map, put it in my bag, and smiled at my mother, "It's okay, I just didn't sleep well yesterday. Mom, don't worry, I'm not a child."

Mom looked relieved, "Oh. Do you have breakfast? I cooked porridge."

"I won't eat. It's too late for me to go to work." I waved my hand.

After changing clothes and washing up, I was ready to go out.

Before going out, I saw my sister sitting at the dining table and looking at me worriedly. I rubbed her hair.

"What are you doing? I just combed my hair..." My sister pushed my hand away and smoothed her hair that I had messed up.

"I'm going to work."

"Be careful on the road."


The door closed, I exhaled, and while going downstairs, I called the thin man.

"It's me. Please help me take a day off today." I said to the thin man.

"What's wrong?" The thin man's voice suddenly became tense.

"There are some things I want to confirm." I said vaguely. I happened to see the empty rental at the gate of the community and immediately waved my hand. "Anyway, please help me ask for leave."

"Then I say someone from the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants is looking for you. Don't even think about your bonus this year." The thin man said sympathetically.

"Haha. Thanks." I hung up the phone and asked the driver to go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

I really want to go to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, but no one is looking for me, I am looking for someone.

Leaning on the back of the taxi's seat, I couldn't relax physically.

During the morning rush hour when I was going to work, there were many vehicles on the road and the cars were moving slowly.

I didn't feel anxious. I felt calm beyond my expectation.

The sadness and anger faded away.

Looking sideways at the roadside, I seemed to be able to see a child holding a dog. The big white dog runs forward, but not too fast, allowing children to follow it as much as they want.

If the child was younger, it would be unclear whether the person was leading the dog or the dog was leading the person.

Probably, when the child was younger, it was indeed the big dog who took care of the child.

Like a brother, like a nanny, like a friend... Finally, like a hero...

My eyes felt a little hot, and I suppressed this emotion again.

Wu Ling said that ghosts are caused by obsession. Then, Xiaobai’s last obsession must be to protect me.

It succeeded, it should be reincarnated. In the next life, he may still be a beautiful big dog, or he may become a human being.

I may have met it before. In the past ten years of my life, I have accidentally encountered such a puppy or a child, passing by.

I'm a little distracted.

It wasn't until the taxi stopped at the entrance of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants that those thoughts dissipated.

I didn't dodge, I went straight into Building No. 6, and went up to the sixth floor in one breath.

The moment I stepped onto the sixth floor, I was in a trance.

I seemed to see a white dog running up the stairs, scratching its paws and barking at the door.

Someone opened the door and was surprised to see the dog outside, but there was no time for him to think, so he was bitten by his trouser leg and dragged out.

Da da da……

I walked towards the door of the office step by step, took out the key, and opened the door.

When I opened the door, my hands were shaking, not because of fear, but because of the excitement that made me uncontrollable.

The door opened, and the yin energy leaked out from the room. It was cool and had no disgusting smell or texture.

It's like the cool long hair on Xiaobai's body.

I exhaled, opened the door, and stepped into the office.

The sound of pulling out the key and closing the door was a little loud.

There are still traces of damage in the office from the past few days.

The position of the furniture has been restored, but there is an extra scratch on the sofa, and the cotton and springs inside are exposed. The hanging painting behind the sofa is leaning against the wall, with several holes in it. The coffee table is missing a corner.

This devastated scene made me hesitate.

I stood there for a while, then sat down on the broken sofa, took out the map from my bag, unfolded it, and placed it on the coffee table.

"Ye Qing... Xiaobai came to find you back then, right? He... came to you to save me... right?" I said softly.

On the sofa opposite, there were sudden signs of sinking, as if there was suddenly an invisible person sitting there.

"It's not like he came to find me." Ye Qing's voice was calm, "Gu Mo heard the dog barking endlessly. But we didn't hear it. We thought it was someone's dog in the community that just died. Amiao said, Do you want to go and take a look? He and Ling went out to look for me, and they wanted to drag Gu Mo to look for me. Among the five of us, you should already know my reputation here. There is some popularity here. They searched and inquired, and no one had a dead or lost dog. Gu Mo said that the dog barked all night and I saw it when I went out to buy breakfast. Wandering in the community, I probably couldn't find the exact location of the office and lost my way. The spirit formation was prepared for people. In terms of effectiveness, it cannot be said to be 100% effective. It would have to be used on animals. Discount."

I lowered my head, and the uncontrollable urge to cry came up again.

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