Aoba Office

Chapter 962 Xiaobai (1)

The barking is not very loud, it is not a bark, it is just a dog's cheerful response to its owner.

I felt something furry fall on me, which made me breathless, but the thing quickly jumped away. A wet, hot tongue licked my face. There was always hair brushing against my body.

My heart beat faster. I opened my eyes and saw a big snow-white dog.

The dog was jumping up and down above me, rubbing my body affectionately.

I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I couldn't move.

The scene quickly disappeared.

The big dog disappeared and the surrounding environment changed.

I ran up the stairs with my schoolbag on my back, and the stationery inside was jingling.

I heard my father's voice.

The door of a house that is a little familiar and a little strange is open.

I stepped into my home and heard the sound of cooking.


Subconsciously I realized something was wrong.

A white figure should greet me and circle around me enthusiastically.

The voices of father and mother sounded one after another.

The picture is very blurry.

This should be memory.

"Where's Xiaobai?"

"Hey, were you at home just now? Didn't you go down and wait for you?"


"Ball, ball. Pick up the ball for nothing."

My sister's childish voice sounded.

The surrounding scene changes again.

My parents held my hand and called Xiaobai in the community.


There is no white figure.

My parents asked the neighbors in the community. Some people saw it and some didn't. Those who saw it only said they saw Xiaobai running out.

I felt increasingly uneasy and uncomfortable.

My childhood subconscious and my current consciousness are intertwined.

I was worried about Xiaobai, but also regretted that I was only dreaming about the past, not traveling to the past.

This subtle difference will cause me to be helpless in the dream.

I searched for several hours with no results.

My parents picked up the photos and wanted to post a notice about the missing dog.

I seemed to be crying, but I didn’t seem to be crying. Feeling uncomfortable, I flipped through the photos about Xiaobai. They are all photos of it with our family, most of them with me. Those photos were placed in a large photo album, which was exactly the same as the photo album my parents gave me.

It must have been after I got sick that they picked out these photos and put them in a separate album.

My memory is blurry, and these contents pass by quickly.

I found myself getting up at the crack of dawn in the morning. I am in a room alone, and my sister should be in a room with her parents at this time.

Xiaobai's nest is in the living room, but he probably likes sleeping next to my bed.

I stared at the bed and thought I could see a big dog lying there.

Knock knock.

There was a noise behind me.

When I was a child, I was not alert when I spoke, and subconsciously looked back.

But at this moment I already felt a chill.

There are windows behind it... My house should be on a high floor at this time, on the third or fourth floor, or higher...

Not the sound of birds, not the sound of trash falling and hitting the windows.

Rhythmic tapping sound...

That is……

"I" have turned my head.

A white dog paw...

Under the window, there is half a dog's head sticking out.

No, that's not right!

"Xiao Bai!" I was very surprised when I was young. After exclaiming, I jumped up and rushed to the window.

The white figure disappeared.

I leaned against the window and looked out. I couldn't see anything, so I opened the window and stuck out my head.

Downstairs, a white dog is running.

The dog had a weird posture and was very stiff. If you look closely, you will see that it seems to be dragged by something.

I felt increasingly frightened and angry.

But as a young person, I didn't notice anything. I jumped out of the room, changed my shoes, opened the door and ran downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I faintly heard my parents' shouts coming down.

As soon as I ran out of the corridor door, I saw a white figure in the bushes in the green belt next to me.

The dog poked its head out of the bushes and retreated again.

The bushes were sparse and looked like they lacked care.

Without thinking, I chased the dog into the bushes.

The branches scratched my body a little, but I didn't care.

When I emerged from the bushes, I saw a white figure waiting in front of me.

There was blood on its claws...

My heart skipped a beat.


My body was out of control and I rushed over in surprise.

That dog does look exactly like Xiaobai. It turned around and ran away, but would look back at me.

I chased after it, always going to remote places.

Where is it taking me?

What to do?

My heart beats faster and faster.

The dream progresses quickly. I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, trying to recognize the path I took all those years ago.

There were road signs and I saw Changshun Road. I have some impression of this road. There should be a theater nearby. When I was in primary school, the school organized a trip to watch a movie there. I scanned another chain drugstore, with "Ikshan Branch" written on the lower right corner of the sign. Iksan Road? That should be further away from Changshun Road and my old elementary school.

I'm a little tired.

Xiaobai will wait for me.

It wanted to take me far away from home.

what is going on?

I became more and more puzzled.

I saw some traces of blood on Xiaobai's body and saw its unnatural movements. already dead...

It's not a ghost, it's a corpse moving, and it's probably controlled by someone.

I had already noticed something was wrong, but now I couldn't see any more clues.

At this time, the young me also came back to my senses from the joy of seeing Xiaobai again, and looked carefully at the pet in front of me.

My steps became hesitant.

Xiaobai looked back at me, called out, and continued to run forward.


There was a road ahead, and a car rushed through without slowing down.

My heartbeat seemed to stop, and with the harsh sound of brakes, I felt that the world around me became quiet.

Xiaobai wailed and was knocked to the ground, and blood flowed out.

The car stopped, and a young woman got out of the driver's seat, her face full of panic and guilt.

An older woman got out of the passenger seat and exclaimed repeatedly.

I rushed to Xiaobai's side and hugged its bloody body at a loss.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai... Woo..." I suppressed my tears and was completely panicked.

"Little brother, is this dog yours?" the woman asked.

I didn't look up, nor did I answer.

The woman's voice was gentle and patient, "I'll take it to the hospital now. Can you let me carry it in the car? If we take it to the hospital, we can save it."

I looked up and saw the two women's equally concerned and gentle faces, and their kind eyes.

They lifted Xiaobai to the back seat of the car together and asked about my parents.

My mind was still confused, and I got into the car in a daze, sat next to Xiaobai, and hugged Xiaobai's body tightly.

They didn't show any malice.

It seemed to be a coincidence that I met two kind people.

But something was wrong.

It was too fast.

The matter was resolved too quickly, and it didn't attract the attention and gathering of people around. A few minutes after the incident, Xiaobai and I were taken to the car, the car of two strangers. And this car accident was also full of disobedience.

The car was driving fast, and I didn't look up and didn't see the scene outside the car.

The two women were a mother and daughter, who kept comforting me softly, and talked about the dog they had raised before and the pet hospital.

Xiaobai's condition also seemed stable. It didn't interact with me much, lying still with its eyes closed. But its breathing was normal, too normal, and regular without any changes.

The mother looked back and said that the wound had stopped bleeding and it would be fine.

The wound did stop bleeding.

I calculated the time.

The car drove for half an hour, and the speed should be very fast, without hitting a red light.

Now, I should be far away from home.

Mom said she found me in the library.

Which library? The city library or the district library?

I only know the location of the Minqing City Library. I went there when I was in high school, and I know a little about the transfer line. It is two districts away from Changshun Road, and it takes at least more than an hour to drive.

The young woman suddenly said: "We're here."

Update 41.

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