Aoba Office

Chapter 960 Running away from home (2)

I don't know what to say.

The thin man mentioned running away from home during the day, but none of us took it seriously.

If Zheng Wei's mother is still at home, safe and sound, and continues to cook, then it would not surprise us that Yu Chuanfeng escaped from Zheng Wei's house. But Zheng Wei's mother is hospitalized, and Zheng Wei's family will definitely change people to cook during this period. Today, their family still eats out at a restaurant, and no matter what they think, nothing should happen. Who knew that something would happen in this short period of time.

I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for Yu Chuanfeng to leave Zheng Wei's house.

"Did they call the police? They should be found soon." I said.

"If the boy wasn't hiding or hiding from anyone in particular," Wu Ling said.

"I called him before, but he didn't get through." I said with a frown.

"We don't know the specific situation yet. We will keep an eye on it from here. Over there, just pay attention to the news." After Wu Ling finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

I didn't sleep well that night, waiting for a possible call from Yu Chuanfeng, and waiting for news from Wu Ling.

But this night, my cell phone never rang.

The good news is, I wasn't dreaming.

There were no dreams, no one died, Yu Chuanfeng was just a teenager who ran away from home, and the police should find him in the next few days. Next, I might contact his parents and let him go home as the thin man said.

I woke up in the morning and thought about this while brushing my teeth. I had breakfast, said hello to my parents and sister, and then went out to work.

I always feel like I've forgotten something.

When they arrived at the office, all four of them arrived. Zheng Wei asked for leave and did not come to work. Of course, Jiang You would not come specially to tell us the news. It was around noon that we met in the cafeteria and we talked about it.

It is always distressing when a child is lost at home.

I looked at Jiang You with something strange in his eyes, and was reminded by the fat man.

There's nothing we can do about it.

When I thought that Jiang You came from out of town, didn't grow up in Minqing, and had never eaten questionable food, I couldn't help but feel a little distracted. He wouldn't know that he had encountered a supernatural incident, and he would probably treat it like food poisoning like the Zongzi incident. The symptoms may be mild, with just diarrhea and vomiting, or the symptoms may be severe and require hospitalization.

I kind of want to know how many times Jiang You has encountered "food poisoning" incidents. Among them, there may be several problem restaurants run by ghosts.

The topic still revolved around Yu Chuanfeng, then slightly turned to the naughty child, and then continued to diverge.

After finishing the meal, I felt a little absent-minded.

The feeling I felt in the morning hadn't subsided yet, and this meal at noon proved that what I had forgotten was not Jiang You's experience, but something else.

The thin man asked me what I was thinking, and I told him.

The four of them thought about it with me for a while, but I couldn't explain it clearly myself. This kind of thinking can only be regarded as everyone being in a daze together.

By the time it was almost time to get off work, there was no news from Yu Chuanfeng.

We were about to go home and when we walked out of the office, Chen Xiaoqiu suddenly stopped.

Guo Yujie turned around and asked her what was wrong.

Chen Xiaoqiu's expression was solemn.

"If Zheng Wei's mother and wife have problems, what about Zheng Wei? And, where is Zheng Wei's brother?"

Chen Xiaoqiu's question caused my brain to fall into a brief blank.

I suddenly felt terrified.

"Isn't it possible? If that kid's parents also had problems, shouldn't he have discovered it long ago?" The thin man shook his head and twitched the corners of his mouth, probably wanting to laugh at Chen Xiaoqiu's illogical guess.

But his smile was stiff, and I saw that the expressions on other people's faces were not good-looking either.

We are all people who only discover our abilities halfway, and we are also people who only have yin and yang eyes halfway.

In this regard, as far as I know, only Ye Qing may be born with yin and yang eyes, and Nangong Yao only saw the bad future of those close to him when he was a child, not the indiscriminate prediction ability he has now.

It is also possible that Ikukawa Mine has only recently shown abnormal behavior, discovering and being able to use his abilities.

My cell phone rang, it was Wu Linglai’s call.

I felt a little panicked, and after answering the phone, I didn't say anything immediately.

Wu Ling didn't notice anything unusual about me and said naturally: "Lin Qi, we just received the news that the police found Yu Chuanfeng. He is now at the police station. The police and Zheng Wei notified his parents yesterday, and they should be there soon I will go to the police station to pick him up.”

I raised my head and motioned for the four of them to return to the office and close the door.

I took a deep breath and told Wu Ling Chen Xiaoqiu's guess.

Wu Ling was silent for a while, "There is nothing we can do. Director Chen, we can send the person to the municipal welfare home first, do some investigations in the name of the guardian's negligence, and let Yu Chuanfeng temporarily live in the welfare home. . However, we can’t guarantee that there will be no problem in the orphanage.”

I felt a chill in my heart.

"I will contact Director Chen and find an opportunity to talk to Yu Chuanfeng. He is a little young and may be impulsive and fragile. After the conversation, we will see the situation." Wu Ling said.

This is the only solution.

I sighed and thanked Wu Ling.

"You don't need to thank me. This is what I want to do." Wu Ling was very calm.

The phone hung up and I told someone else.

"That should be no problem." The thin man sighed and patted me on the shoulder.

hope so.

But I don't think the situation will get much better.

As Wu Ling said, Yu Chuanfeng was young, and what he had done before was the best that a child of his age could do. Ask him to calm down like an adult...many adults cannot calm down when encountering such a thing.

I feel very depressed.

I had dinner at home in the evening and my parents encountered some trouble while I was working.

I hid the supernatural things and only talked about the child running away from home.

"You have done this kind of thing before. A child has a tantrum, and it will get better after a while." Dad said casually.

I looked at my father in surprise.

He swayed uncomfortably, and I think Mom kicked him under the table.

"Really? My brother has run away from home? Oh!" My sister suddenly became excited.

"I don't remember this at all." I really don't remember it at all.

I always thought that I was a very boring and well-behaved person. My childhood memories are probably cartoons and some indoor and outdoor games, school, home, having one more biological sister than others, that's all. I don’t remember doing anything like getting into trouble or messing around.

"It's not like you ran away from home. It's just that I took your sister to buy clothes and you were in a hobby class. You wouldn't be happy when you found out when you came back." Mom said with a smile, "I was playing in the community by myself and refused to go home."

I looked at my mother suspiciously.

"Oh-oh--" my sister once again made an excited and teasing long sound.

"Is this happening?" I asked.

Mom nodded, "You were very young at that time, so you don't remember."

I always feel like my mom is lying. But there’s no need to lie about this kind of thing, right?

"Just playing in the community?" I asked again.

"Yes." Mom nodded.

I looked at my father. He was immersed in eating and stopped talking.

"My brother must have done other things!" my sister yelled, "Mom, tell me! Don't save face for him!"

I didn't say anything, but I also wanted to know what I did when I was a child.

However, both parents said there was nothing else.

My suspicions grew. For a moment, I thought of something bad.

Nangong Yao and Ye Qing both had something wrong when they were children. Could it be that I too...

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