Aoba Office

Chapter 938 No. 005 - Murder Commission (4)

"Hello, Ms. Ke."

"Oh. You said you want to ask about my family affairs? About that damn ghost and that damn girl?"



"Yes, we actually want to ask..."

"Sorry, ma'am, we have no smoking here."


"Is there an empty box? We can move to the box."

"Yes, please come over here."

"What are you doing? It's so troublesome!"

"Sorry, Ms. Ke, we didn't think carefully."

"Ms. Ke, let's continue the topic we just talked about. Can you tell us about your family?"

"Huh - what did you say? Didn't the police find out everything? Just that damn girl and hacked that damn ghost to death."

"We want to know the detailed story of your family. Let's start from the very beginning, when you and Mr. You got married. Is that okay?"

"If you want to hear it, I'll tell you, I don't care, you are the one paying anyway."


"Getting married... getting married is getting married. I have forgotten when it happened. There was no wedding banquet, but it was arranged at his house and mine. Then someone introduced us and we met. He was a small worker at the time, maybe. I worked in the factory, hanging out with others, and met a few people on the street. I was also a worker, and I joined the factory in place of my mother. Then one day, I forgot about it, and he said it was fun, so I followed him. We went to a private room in a bar, which was pitch black, with just a small lamp, a table, and gambling cards. That night, the two of us made more than three hundred yuan, more than three hundred yuan in one night. Tsk... Phew - that's when I started gambling, winning and losing, and then I started taking drugs for some reason. I forgot who gave it to me, and then I got into debt. , I owe loan sharks, sometimes I get some money, and sometimes I get beaten up.”

"When was your daughter born?"

"I gave birth to her in the first year of marriage. When that damn girl was born, her mother didn't like me anymore. The old woman just wanted a boss, and she didn't care about the virtues of her family."

"When did Mr. You's sexual assault on Miss You begin?"

"I don't know. Later I played everywhere, and he also played everywhere. Who knows when he became so perverted."

"Did you not have any more children? As you just mentioned, is your mother-in-law dissatisfied with not having any grandchildren?"


"Ms. Ke?"

"No, not. Who has time to have a baby? It's too late to even go to the gambling table. He was arrested several times and sent to the detention center for ten and a half months each time. How could he have time to sleep with me?"

"So, Miss You is your only daughter?"

"Oh, yes."

"The relationship between you and Mr. You is not good, and you don't like Miss You at all. Didn't you think about divorce?"

"Tsk - divorce? Divorced, and then what? That's it anyway! Okay, you've asked enough."

"In 1992, you and Mr. You moved with Miss You once. They hurriedly sold the original house and rented a house. Then they moved frequently. Is that so? Can I ask the reason?"

"... Just to repay the money, loan sharks come to our door. What can we do?"

"Ke Xiao, you saw You Fuxing's body and the scene. Do you think You Jing was capable of killing him like that?"


"Your little daughter is here."

"What the hell are you talking about? You're crazy! I've already answered it. Please pay me! Hurry up!"

"Ms. Ke, we met Miss You. She mentioned Qiqi and said that her sister was taking revenge on her. She has gone crazy and tried to commit suicide several times. If it was revenge, Mr. You is dead and Miss You Already crazy, next..."

"You are fucking mentally ill! Damn! A bunch of lunatics!"

Da da da da…



"It seems that I really have a sister."


On August 17, 2001, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200108170821.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Han."

"Are you...are you investigating?"

"Yes, the investigation has been ongoing. We talked to Miss You's mother, Ms. Ke Xiao, yesterday. She did not admit it, but judging from her attitude, they did hide things about their little daughter. We investigated Ms. You’s grandparents are all deceased, and her uncle’s relatives are still alive. We may need to contact them for further investigation.”


"Mr. Han, what happened?"

"I...I saw a handprint on the wall of Xiaoyou's hospital room. A child's handprint..."

"Huh? It wasn't there originally?"

"No, it wasn't caused by the patient. It's just a mark that can't be wiped off. I don't know what it is. But..."

"How did Miss You react?"

"She stared at that place for a long time yesterday. I didn't see anything yesterday, but I saw the handprint today..."

"Mr. Han, are you beginning to believe our previous conclusions?"

"No, it's not...that's it...I don't know..."

"We are now ready to enter the ward at any time. However, for the sake of safety, we hope to do more investigations to confirm the ghost's identity and experience first. After all, the procedures for entering the ward are very cumbersome. If we cannot guarantee success the first time , there will be more troublesome procedures to go through if you want to enter again.”

"...Okay, you just decide. I...heh, I don't know now..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Han. She has never hurt Miss You before. Her attitude or way of treating Miss You is different from that of Mr. You."


On August 21, 2001, I received a call from Ke Xiao. Telephone recording 200108210132.mp3.

"Hello, Ke..."

"What did you do? What did you do?! You crazy people! You crazy people!!! Just fucking wait! You wait!"

"Ms. Ke, you are talking about..."


On August 21, 2001, I received a call from Ke Xiao. Telephone recording 200108210415.mp3.

"Ms. Ke..."

"I'm going to mess with your whole family! You're going to have no fucking end! You idiots with sick brains! Do you know that you're sick with brains? I only have one fucking daughter! I only have one daughter! Just save it! Neuropathy!"


On August 21, 2001, went to Ke Xiao's residence. Audio file 00520010821.wav.


"Hello, what happened here?"

"I don't know. I heard he is a lunatic. He goes crazy in the middle of the night."

"There was a woman on the third floor. I heard her yelling and screaming in the middle of the night from the next door. She probably couldn't stand it anymore and called the police."

"I called the police twice, and I heard noises twice. The police came twice before."

"What should the police do with such a crazy woman? Just arrest her. She makes so much noise and is so noisy... We can't sleep well."

"Are they from the forensics department? If it's a neighborhood dispute, they don't need to come over, right?"

"Hey, young man, you know it very well. We are old and don't understand this."

"Young man, what subject are you talking about? What's going on?"

"Oh, it's just..."


"Ouch, you scared me to death...that crazy woman screamed again..."

"No, that sound is wrong..."

"Someone is dead! Someone is dead inside!"

Update 35.

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