Aoba Office

Chapter 926 Wu Ling (18)

Wu Ling was silent for a while before continuing: "The fool said that I am a person with no sense of morality; Mushroom is too realistic; although Nangong didn't say it, he wanted a world without supernatural beings; Ye Qing... ... He and Nangong have the same idea, but Nangong only wants world peace, and Ye Qing hopes that before world peace, the culprits who started the war will be sent to the gallows... The Wu family in Qingzhou should be similar to me. No matter what the world is like, stepping on the most powerful power in this world and controlling it in your hands is not about doing anything, but just wanting to do this..."

I listened to Wu Ling talking to himself in silence.

"I've thought about it a lot over the years, and that's probably it. I'm still a member of the Wu family in Qingzhou, and I have always been. But you are no longer." Wu Ling breathed out, revealing a hint of Ye Qing's tone, "It's ridiculous. I, a person with no blood of the Qingzhou Wu family, am now the most orthodox heir of the Qingzhou Wu family. You have blood from the Qingzhou Wu family, but this has nothing to do with the Qingzhou Wu family. The changes of the times are just in line with this. The world is different. Some things have changed and disappeared, but some things have not yet been eliminated. "

Wu Ling stood up, his expression turned cold, and he looked down at the old man on the bed, "You are going to die. When the anniversary of your death passes, I will leave with the belongings of the Wu family in Qingzhou. Those things should not be wasted in your hands."

After saying that, Wu Ling turned and left.

I was a little breathless, not only because of the amazing momentum Wu Ling burst out at this moment, but also because of what was about to happen.

The dream probably jumped for a few hours.

During lunch, Wu Ling got the news.

The old man of the Wu family died.

The Wu family has prepared everything needed for the funeral.

The old man of the Wu family quickly changed into his shroud, and his remains were taken care of.

The mourning hall was built.

The coffin of the old man from the Wu family stopped in front of the mourning hall.

I followed Wu Ling, watching all directions and listening in all directions. I didn't hear them discussing how to plot against Wu Ling, but I heard them talking about the funeral of the old man of the Wu family.

The Wu family was preparing to bury him. The location of the tomb had been selected and the tomb had been repaired long ago. They almost waited eagerly for people to die, and now they are waiting for people to be buried.

The Wu family was not even prepared to bury him because the auspicious day was today and he had to be buried today.

I don’t know if they would have made a plan B if the old man of the Wu family had not died today.

Wu Ling was not involved in this matter.

She stood among these estranged relatives, watching them line up to offer incense and kowtow.

I still don’t know how the Wu family defines Wu Ling’s identity, but judging from what Wu Ling said before, she should know her relationship with the Wu family, but it’s not clear whether she knows that she is a porcelain doll and a The fusion of souls who were caused by the ancestors of the Wu family to have miscarriages and were unable to be born normally.

It was Wu Ling's turn to offer incense.

She took the incense offered by the young man.

I glanced at the young man. He is standing here as the eldest grandson of the old man from the Wu family, but I remember that the boy who clamored to study abroad was probably not the grandson of the old man from the Wu family. The status between him and his father is even a little subtle, and he may be a side branch of the big family. In short, among the white-haired old men of the Wu family, there was no biological grandfather of his, and there was no father among the people in power in the Wu family.

Over the past ten years, the people and things in the Wu family have changed drastically.

Wu Ling had already knelt down and kowtowed three times in front of the coffin.

Just as she stood up, I heard a noise in the coffin.


Someone in the Wu family also heard it and made a cry of unknown meaning.

Wu Ling looked at the coffin.

The coffin shook violently twice, and everyone around him became panicked.

Wu Ling frowned and was about to stand up.

My heart lifted.

What is it?

evil Dead? Is the old man of the Wu family haunted?

No, that's not right, there is no Yin Qi.

But the absence of Yin Qi does not necessarily mean the absence of ghosts...

As my thoughts were spinning, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a passing shadow from the corner of my eye.

It's not the coffin, it's Wu Ling's back!

I stretched out my hand suddenly, but found nothing.

A rope wrapped around Wu Ling's neck, suddenly contracted, and brought Wu Ling to the ground.

The young man who was looking at the coffin with a serious face just now turned around and looked at Wu Ling who fell to the ground with bright eyes.

"what happened?"


"Okay, uncle, it's okay, it's okay." The young man raised his hands and loudly reassured everyone.

Wu Ling was pulled and hung into the air. The blood on his face faded and turned into a terrifying blue color.

The rope went around the beams of the old house, and the other end was firmly held in the hands of the three sisters.

I was anxious and flew into the air, trying to rescue Wu Ling, but as soon as my hand touched the rope, it bounced away as if I was electrocuted.

Wu Ling opened his eyes, and his gaze seemed to move to me.

I suddenly woke up.

No, this should not be the way to save Wu Ling, it should be like saving Gu Mo and Nangong Yao!

I reached out and grabbed Wu Ling's arm.

Her arms were now tense and she was holding the rope loop with both hands, giving herself some room to breathe.

"Ajian, what on earth are you three doing?"

"Uncle, don't worry. We have found key things from the notebooks at home! This woman is not from our family! Not from the beginning!"

"Are you confused?"

"I think I've been confused for a long time! I told you not to do pyramid schemes..."

"Wu Ling was originally picked up by the old lady..."

The Wu family below are still talking about it.

"No! That's not what I want to say!" The young man yelled, suppressing the argument, "This woman is our Wu family's dog! You don't know! She was not a human from the beginning! She is a spirit! A spirit captured by our ancestors of the Wu family and put into a toy!”

"Are you out of your mind?"

"This old guy is finally dead, and you want to do this?"

"You fools, I have succeeded. Those talismans have worked..."

"A pyramid scheme is a pyramid scheme. What kind of talisman are you talking about? You brainwashed others, but you were also brainwashed and damaged, right?"

"Forget it, I have nothing to say to you, just wait and see. Grandpa and the others didn't understand it before, but I understand it all. Using this thing, we can regain control of this woman, and then we can have whatever we want. She can control people's hearts and cause floods and earthquakes, as long as she uses it properly..."

"You're really out of your mind!"

"Wu Aizheng, are you going crazy with this lunatic?"

"Mom, what my cousin said is true!"

"Yes! The three of us have been practicing for a long time..."

"Xiaoxiao, let her perform quickly, haha..."

"Yeah, let's perform it and you'll know."

"Well, let's start with you, cousin."


"Haha, what age are you in, cousin, do you still think that men can be the masters of the family as a matter of course? Why should we just listen to what you say?"

With a arrogant female voice, I felt something change in Wu Ling in front of me.

Her vision seemed to lose focus.

"Wu Ling! Wu Ling, wake up! I was sent by Ye Qing, did you hear? You have to come with me!" I shouted anxiously.

My hand can grab Wu Ling's arm, but the feeling is completely different from when I grabbed Gu Mo and Nangong Yao at that time. I can't pull Wu Ling out of this time and space.

"Wu Ling!" I shouted again and tried to break the rope again.

However, it seems that this rope is specifically used to control Wu Ling, as the Wu family said.

I can't take Wu Ling away at this time.

Oh shit!

I cursed and suddenly felt the rope begin to tremble slightly, and Wu Ling's skin under my palm became particularly smooth.

No, this is not skin, this is...

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