Aoba Office

Chapter 916 Wu Ling (8)

I was a little stunned when I heard the title coming out of the supervisor's mouth.

"Iron Stomach King", "Thousand Rings and Ten Thousand Nailed Ghost", "Insect Breeder", "Shu Lao"...these nicknames are too substandard, and the style of painting is too strange, right?

However, not everyone is so strange. The three people dressed as monks and Taoists all have normal Dharma and Taoist names, and the other one wearing the clothes of the Republic of China or the old era also has a normal name. Ye Qing and Wu Ling's names are more normal and common.

"...Miss Wu Ling from the Wu family in Qingzhou, and this Mr. Ye Qing, who was appointed by the higher authorities to handle this matter," the supervisor finally said.

This man named Ning Guowei's eyes lingered on Ye Qing for a moment, and when he shook hands with Ye Qing, he felt a little more sincere.

"I really appreciate the leadership's concern for our work. We will definitely handle this matter. Please rest assured, Mr. Ye."

The implication is that Ye Qing should not interfere.

I felt a little strange and looked at Ye Qing in confusion.

When Ye Qing met me for the first time, he glanced at me one more time, but then he didn't respond.

It may also be because the mosaic on his face blocks his view. If he glances at me casually, I may not notice it.

Others said nothing about Ning Guowei's decision, but had different expressions. Those with normal names have calm expressions, while those with more special nicknames frown or show disdain.

Ning Guowei invited everyone to sit down. He didn't say anything to the two people occupying the sofa. He stood and spoke.

"Everyone, you must have heard about what happened in our vacation villa. Since this spring, tourists in our vacation villa have experienced some allergic reactions, ranging from skin allergies, redness, itching, to rhinitis and sneezing. Vomiting and diarrhea all occurred. The most serious one suffered from suffocation due to swelling of the respiratory tract. Because the rescue was not timely, he died before being sent to the hospital." Ning Guowei said in a low voice, "Two of the other tourists who were sent to the hospital also suffered from suffocation. He died after resuscitation failed.”

Ning Guowei sighed with a sad look on his face, but the people listening to him were not cooperative, either expressionless or absent-minded.

Ning Guowei continued: "This matter has attracted great attention from our resort management and the local health bureau. We have conducted a total of four rounds of detailed inspections with the inspectors from the health bureau. Every inch of land in the resort, the resort Every item used in the resort, as well as the raw materials, production and storage processes of these food and drinks, were thoroughly inspected. The results of all inspections were qualified and up to standard. We also invited experts in animal and plant sciences. , and experts in air, water environment, etc..."

"Okay, okay!" The big guy interrupted Ning Guowei, "What's the point of saying this? I have my own way of doing things. Find someone to lead the way. I'll circle around here and I'm sure to kill the one who caused trouble here. Catch the demon!"

Ning Guowei smiled good-naturedly, "Since the master said so, I will find someone to guide you. If you are like Master Qianhuan Nailed Ghost and you only need a guide, our resort can provide it for you. If necessary If our resort offers other support, please feel free to ask.”

The big guy stood up and walked out.

Those who got up one after another were all those guys with strange names.

Before leaving, the big guy looked provocatively at the people in the room, made an insulting gesture, and left laughing.

This kind of person is the villain who dies immediately in movies and TV series, right?

But judging from the looks of the others, it was unclear whether they were disdainful of the clown or whether the big guy was really capable, so they ignored the provocation.

Among the people who stayed behind, a monk clasped his hands and complained in a way that did not suit his status as a monk: "The ignorant are fearless."

"Ye Luzi is just like that." The man wearing the old-era robe chuckled, "It's no different from the nouveau riche."

The other monk chuckled in agreement.

The man in Republican costume asked: "Mr. Ning, can you continue?"

"Of course." Ning Guowei continued the introduction calmly.

I'm a little distracted.

What do these people mean by "ignorance" and "wild ways"? Is it... similar to ordinary people like me who suddenly have abilities? Were all those people in this situation like me before?

I was a little distracted. Because the two old men looked to be in their seventies or eighties. I thought people like us would die young, but it turned out that some of us lived for that long.

The content that Ning Guowei introduced later was also somewhat unnutritious.

Because they couldn't find out what was going on. Food, environment, no problem. What’s even weirder is that the only ones who have problems are tourists, or rather outsiders.

Several health bureau staff and members of the team of experts and professors who came to do the inspection were all infected. The resort staff were fine.

You know, they all live and eat together, so this situation is absolutely impossible.

Excluding accidents, the rest may be man-made.

Police later became involved in the investigation and checked all surveillance cameras in the resort.

However, in this era, surveillance cameras are not densely populated and can be found everywhere. There were too many blind spots in surveillance, and the police ultimately used the same old-fashioned investigation and exploration steps, questioning every resort staff member, checking every corner of the resort area, and most importantly, the personal belongings of these staff members.

After searching everything like this, I still have no clue.

The resort remained closed throughout this process. There is no need to bring in tourists to test it. Just looking at the fallen officials, scholars and police officers, you can tell that the problem still exists.

Ning Guowei also changed his mind several times before suddenly having an idea and wondering if it was a supernatural event. He is also considered a knowledgeable person. When the resort was established, he also hired a Feng Shui master. From the fact that he knows that the country has such a strange pool of experts, it can be guessed that he is an "insider".

After Ning Guowei finished speaking, he waited for those still present to decide on the plan.

They were obviously more particular than Ye Luzi who left first.

It was the monk who spoke first: "Guys, I think we can all see that this place is full of gloom and is haunted. In that case, let's each talk about ways to drive away ghosts."

"There are two kinds: salvation and elimination. Monk, you always choose the former, right?" the Taoist priest said.

The two monks nodded one after another.

Another monk said: "The yin energy here is very strong. If you want to transcend it, I'm afraid it will be a big ritual, and you need to prepare a lot of things. In order to solve Mr. Ning's trouble as soon as possible, why don't we work on both sides?"

The Taoist priest smiled and said, "In this case, I'm afraid your work will be in vain."

The two monks looked at each other with confident smiles.

I just think there is a fierce confrontation between these people, but this confrontation looks a bit funny to me, an outsider.

I looked at Ye Qing and Wu Ling. Ye Qing couldn't see his expression. Wu Ling had no expression.

The old man from the Wu family pushed Wu Ling twice.

Wu Lingcai said: "Or, we can find the ghost here first?"

The monk and the Taoist priest did not speak.

The man in the robe was very interested, "I heard before that there is a girl who claims to be from the Wu family in Qingzhou and is very good at summoning spirits. Is she you?"

Wu Ling nodded.

"Then how much do you know about exorcism?" The man in the robe asked again.

"I've tried it several times, but it's not as big of a trick as this one, but it worked." Wu Ling answered honestly.

"Then you should take the lead first. If you can't solve it by then, I will take action to eliminate the trouble." The man in the robe said.

The old man from the Wu family frowned, but after looking at Wu Ling and the others, he nodded.

Wu Ling also nodded.

Update 28.

Good night everyone~

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