Aoba Office

Chapter 913 Wu Ling (5)

The black seemed to be flickering, and from time to time other colors would light up and then be swallowed up by the black.

Wu Ling used a brush to lightly draw circles in the pottery bowl where half the bowl of ink had accumulated.

The ink in the bowl formed a vortex that kept turning.

Wu Ling exhaled, moved his lips, and muttered something silently. The vortex stopped and turned into circles of ripples, without any sign of stopping.

"Please hold Mr. Wei down." Wu Ling said, and then walked towards Mr. Wei on the bed.

The young man called two more people over, tied Mr. Wei's hands and feet with restraints, and held them down respectively.

Judging from their posture, it seems that this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

Wu Ling walked to the bedside without even blinking. He pointed the pen tip at the center of the ripples in the bowl, lifted it up, moved it to Mr. Wei's forehead, and lowered it gently.

As the ink left a black dot on Mr. Wei's forehead, I felt as if the whole villa was shaking.

I couldn't help but look at the floor and ceiling, and then at the others.

They didn't feel anything strange.

Wu Ling is continuing to draw the talisman, using Mr. Wei's body as a canvas, starting from his face, stroke by stroke, to draw a complex talisman.

I know nothing about this.

After coming into contact with supernatural events, I wanted to learn, but I couldn't start.

Based on some "supernatural stories" I saw in my daily life, and materials from movies and TV shows, I have looked for popular science or academic books like "Exploring the History of Fulu", but the role of that kind of book, especially in operable Sexually, almost zero. I don’t know if my method is wrong or if I lack the prerequisite practice.

In the previous dream, Wu Ling's learning experience did not seem to be the lengthy meditation process in the movie, but the content of her study was definitely not a published book such as "Exploring the History of Talismans" that can be borrowed from the Minqing Library.

The talisman drawn by Wu Ling has extended from Mr. Wei's face to his chest.

The shaking of the house became noticeable.

I heard some small sounds and raised my head in the direction of the sounds.

There seemed to be something heavy moving on the ceiling, causing the floor above and the ceiling on the second floor to vibrate.

The villa has three floors, and with its pointed roof, there may be a loft on the fourth floor.

I stared at the ceiling and seemed to be able to see paint powder falling from it.



A roar suddenly erupted.

I turned my head quickly and saw Mr. Wei on the bed with his upper body bouncing up and roaring with his mouth open. The wide-open eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and the pupils were a strange yellow color.

Her face was ferocious, and her teeth turned into canines, protruding from her mouth, drooling.

This was obviously not a hallucination I was seeing alone.

Others shouted in panic and suppressed the struggling Mr. Wei.

Wu Ling just took a step back to avoid Mr. Wei who seemed to be trying to bite a piece of meat from her body.

When Mr. Wei was pressed on the bed again, she stepped forward to draw the talisman again.

I was so frightened by such a sudden attack that my heart beat faster.

The rustling sound continued, not covered up by Mr. Wei's struggling roar.

I looked up and saw that it seemed like snow was falling on the ceiling, and white paint powder was falling down one after another.

Others noticed this, too.

Wu Ling was focused on nothing, but she was the only one who was focused on him.

"Miss Wu, the house..." the young man spoke nervously.

Before he could finish his words, there was a loud bang, and amid the shouts of others, the entire roof collapsed.

There was a big hole in the roof, and it seemed like something had penetrated it from the attic to the ceiling of the second floor.

I saw something gray-green stick in, and then pull out quickly.

Outside is the night sky.

The fragments of the wall fell into the room, not hitting the bed, but enough to make people scared.

"Get out of here quickly!" the young man shouted.

"No! Can't interrupt!" Wu Ling said sternly.

The middle-aged man from the Wu family yelled and was ready to run away.

The middle-aged woman from the Wu family suddenly lost her footing and collapsed on the ground, raising her neck and pointing with trembling fingers at the large hole in the ceiling.

I followed her hand and looked over.

There was no longer a dark blue sky outside the hole, but an ugly monster head. That face looked like a face that had been splashed with sulfuric acid. It was pitted and the whole thing was melting downwards. The skin is gray-green, as if there is some kind of bacteria growing there. The monster's eyes were squeezed into slits by rotten flesh. Its long-nailed hands pulled at the broken edge of the wall, as if it wanted to break the entire house in half.

The screams of terror became louder.

The momentary chaos caused Mr. Wei on the bed to struggle again.

Wu Ling yelled a few more words.

The old man from the Wu family gritted his teeth and rushed over to hold down Mr. Wei's legs. The young man from the Wu family also bit his lip and helped hold down Mr. Wei's hand.

Veins popped out on the young man's forehead. He took off his suit and threw it on the ground. Wearing only a white shirt, he climbed onto the bed and pressed his body against the struggling Mr. Wei.

Mr. Wei's struggle made the whole big bed start to shake.

Wu Ling found every opportunity with difficulty and continued to draw talismans on Mr. Wei's body.

Sweat breaks out on my head too, but I shouldn't be able to do anything right now.

This is Wu Ling's past. At this time, Wu Ling has not yet met Ye Qing or joined Qingye.

The time is wrong.

At this time, I should be a bystander. When I should take action, it is when Wu Ling dies.

I cleared my mind, but I couldn't say calm, just calm down. Even though I know very well that this time, Wu Ling should have a near miss.

I could even hear clearly the different screams inside and outside the house.

People inside the house shouted monsters, and people outside the house shouted that the house collapsed.

This is an illusion.

That monster is an illusion.

The monster's huge hand suddenly reached into the house, and its nails fell on the wall, scratching from one end of the wall to the other.

Huge cracks appeared on the wall. The gray-green-skinned monster moved past the people on the bed with the back of its hand.

I saw the young people of the Wu family closing their eyes in fear, while the old man was repeating some scriptures. The young man's body was as stiff as a stone, and he couldn't even tremble.

The monster retracted its hand and brought up pieces of gravel. It suddenly roared into the room.

The Wu family woman who was paralyzed on the ground screamed and fell with the floor beneath her.

There was the sound of heavy objects falling into the water downstairs, and the woman's scream was swallowed up by the sound, as if her whole body was swallowed by something.

The people who escaped also screamed outside the door, as if they had encountered something more terrifying, and the screams were fragmented.

"Okay." Wu Ling suddenly said.

The pottery bowl she was holding was empty, with no ink left at all.

As Wu Ling started writing, Mr. Wei lay straight on the bed and stopped moving.

The talisman on Mr. Wei's body is flowing with light, red, orange, red, green, blue, purple, and various colors of light are beating.

The monster outside the house roared and turned into a ball of fireworks, exploding in the sky. Sparks fell inside the house and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The ensuing change was that Mr. Wei on the bed turned into a shriveled old man. The frightened cries outside turned into screams and wails of pain.

In the messy sound, it seemed that someone rushed in to rescue.

Wu Ling put things away slowly.

I saw her face turned pale and she was very weak.

However, no one left in the room seemed to be in good spirits.

The rescuers quickly arrived at the room and anxiously asked about the situation of everyone in the room.

Dreams become chaotic and fly by quickly.

What happened at Mr. Wei's home should be regarded as a problem with the house.

The Wu family members were either injured or out of strength, and they all went to the hospital by the way.

Wu Ling got a separate high-end ward. She was not injured, but her face remained pale for the next few days. The doctor diagnosed her body function as damaged due to overexertion and needed rest and recovery.

I looked at Wu Ling's sick look and breathed out slightly.

Sure enough, there was no danger, this was just a small episode in Wu Ling's life.

I didn't think carefully and made a rough judgment.

However, this incident is not an episode, but just a starting point.

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