Aoba Office

Chapter 903 No Spirit (2)

Chen Yihan said that at that time, Chen Yihan's brother, Chen Xiaoqiu's father, had not yet reached the position he is today, and the information he knew was very limited. At least he knew nothing about the supernatural and did not believe it. In Chen Xiaoqiu's father's view, the behavior of Chen Xiaoqiu's mother and the elderly in the family praying to God and worshiping Buddha is to find a kind of spiritual comfort.

Until the Chen family found a fortune teller.

The fortune teller must be a real expert. After some calculations, he only vaguely calculated that Chen Xiaoqiu's mother would have a chance of survival if she stayed in Minqing.

This is not a big or small decision for the Chen family.

Because in the next two or three years, Chen Xiaoqiu's father rose to prominence and was transferred to other provinces and cities, and began to advance in his official career. This also meant that Chen Xiaoqiu's father no longer stayed in his hometown.

Chen Xiaoqiu's mother stayed in Minqing City most of the time because she was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. After getting pregnant again, she went directly back to Minqing City to raise her baby. The elders of both families are in Minqing, so her decision is not out of the ordinary.

"...I was studying in a dormitory at that time and went home on weekends. I was also very lucky. When I went home that day, I found my sister-in-law lying alone on the floor of the living room. There was a lot of blood in the living room." Chen Yihan closed her eyes, "She It was a miscarriage, premature birth, and the baby fell into a pool of blood, without breathing or heartbeat.”

I was stunned.

Chen a stillbirth?

"I called an ambulance and put her on the sofa. The child's umbilical cord was still connected, and her body was dragged for a while in the blood. I couldn't see through it and picked her up."

There was lightning flashing outside the window.

The sky was illuminated, and there was an extra beam of light in the room.

I saw Chen Yihan's expression soften.

"She was in the palm of my hand and suddenly moved. I thought that my initial judgment was wrong. She was not dead, but might be in shock, so I gave her first aid. She vomited up some amniotic fluid or something like that, and then moved again. Later, the ambulance arrived and sent the mother and daughter to the hospital, and both of them were saved." Chen Yihan breathed out, "I recalled that Xiaoqiu's body was indeed dead at that time. She was always green, cold, and stiff, and the blood on the ground was a little congealed. It was impossible for her to still be alive."

"You...this matter..." I couldn't help but say something.

Chen Yihan shook his head, "No one knows. I tried to investigate afterwards, checked some information in the library, and asked monks in the temple, professors of folklore and medicine. They had different opinions, but generally, they all thought this was the case. This resurrection from the dead is not a special case. I observed for a long time that Xiaoqiu was no different from ordinary children. My sister-in-law thought that she had not been unconscious for a long time, so I came back and rescued the mother and daughter. I did not doubt Xiaoqiu. My parents didn’t know the truth even more. On that day, my parents and my sister-in-law’s parents left home, leaving my sister-in-law alone, which was a bit too coincidental.”

Chen Yihan paused, "My father had to go to work that day, and my mother was a full-time housewife. My sister-in-law's parents temporarily gave up their jobs for her and moved to our house to take care of us together. In the morning, there was a person in the community The property management meeting was about the construction of new facilities. Opinions in the community were not unanimous at the time. My mother attended the meeting on behalf of our family and wanted to veto or delay the construction to avoid accidents during the construction process that would affect me. Sister-in-law. If that doesn't work, our family has already considered moving temporarily. My sister-in-law's parents... her father received a call that someone at home was arrested by the police, and he had to go over to help; her mother was later arrested. The neighbor called me out because there was a physical conflict during the property meeting, and my mother was affected.”

I somewhat understand what Chen Yihan means by "too much coincidence".

People left one by one. The pregnant woman who was in poor health happened to have a miscarriage at this time, and the mother and daughter lay desolately in a pool of blood.

If Chen Yihan hadn't returned home by chance and miraculously saved them, this would have turned into a tragedy.

I looked across from the sofa.

With so many coincidences put together, it can hardly be called a coincidence.

"How did you feel at that time?" Nangong Yao asked, "How did you feel when Chen Xiaoqiu came to life in your hands?"

Chen Yihan said: "I was more shocked. I didn't think much about it at the time."

"Don't you feel anything strange?" Nangong Yao asked.

Chen Yihan shook his head, "It's just shock and joy. I was just a child at the time. I didn't start the investigation until a few years later. I had suspicions in the first few years in Xiaoqiu, but I didn't see anything wrong. . In addition, Xiaoqiu was frail and sick when she was a child. I don’t know if it’s my misunderstanding or our family’s misunderstanding. Then, her health would be better. When she grew up and I joined the army, we were separated for a long time. When I came back from the army, she looked no different from a normal girl."

"Did you check other things later?" Gu Mo suddenly said.

Chen Yihan's head moved slightly, probably because he moved his eyes to Gu Mo's face.

"Yes. Later, I came into contact with these supernatural events, so I did some more investigations. This time it was different from the past. What I found were professionals. According to their analysis, this is the fate between Xiaoqiu and me. The relationship between our family and Minqing is actually that our family and my sister-in-law’s natal family have migrated here since the birth of Minqing, which dates back to more than 1,300 years ago. Since then, our family has never left this land. This is not our family’s family history. There is no long-standing genealogy in our family and my sister-in-law’s family. This is one of the fortune tellers. The Taoist figured it out. That’s what he said. I’m not sure what the truth is, but after asking several people, they all gave the same answer. That’s probably the closest thing to the truth.”

Chen Yihan spoke unhurriedly.

"Another consensus among them is that if the person involved does not know, it is best not to tell her. Just like you cannot directly wake up a sleepwalker. Telling her the truth suddenly will stimulate her and may lead to her death again."

I just felt like I was listening to a story. Although they have experienced many supernatural events, what happened to Chen Xiaoqiu and Chen Yihan is still incredible.

"Then Chen Xiaoqiu's current state...has anything to do with this?" I don't quite understand.

Did Chen Yihan resurrect Chen Xiaoqiu, or did something change happen to Chen Xiaoqiu?

Neither Gu Mo nor Nangong Yao answered immediately.

After a while, Nangong Yao pondered and said: "Maybe, that's it. She came back from the dead and her soul is unstable, so... this may be fate, or it may be..."

Another bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

Nangong Yao's eyes were frighteningly bright in the light.

"It is also possible that your righteousness saved Chen Xiaoqiu at that time and kept her alive for more than 20 years. Now, your situation has changed."

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